Creating Custom Cold Brew Recipes with the Toddy® Cold Brew System

Creating Custom Cold Brew Recipes with the Toddy® Cold Brew System
Photographed By: Luke Barky
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Creating Custom Cold Brew Recipes with the Toddy® Cold Brew System

Greetings, coffee lovers!

Are you tired of the same old coffee routine? Looking to turn your morning cup of joe into a personalized, tantalizing treat? Well, look no further than the Toddy® Cold Brew System! Whether you're a casual coffee drinker or a full-blown caffeine connoisseur, this innovative brewing system is here to revolutionize your coffee game.

In this step-by-step guide, we'll take you on a journey of discovering the art of creating custom cold brew recipes using the Toddy® Cold Brew System. With its unique design and simple process, you'll be able to extract the smoothest, most flavor-packed cold brew concentrates right in the comfort of your own home.

So, grab your favorite coffee beans, clear some space in your fridge, and get ready to embark on a delicious adventure with the Toddy® Cold Brew System. With our comprehensive guide, you'll become a master of crafting your own cold brew creations in no time!

Let's dive in and unlock the secrets to crafting the perfect cup of cold brewed goodness with the Toddy® Cold Brew System.

Toddy® Cold Brew System|Image 1
Toddy Cold Brew System - Make Delicious Cold Brew Coffee at Home
Toddy® Cold Brew System
$66.15 $49.00
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About This Product

The Toddy® Cold Brew System is a game changer for coffee lovers everywhere. With its innovative design and easy-to-use functionality, this system allows you to enjoy smooth and flavorful cold brew coffee from the comfort of your own home. Gone are the days of waiting in long lines at coffee shops or settling for subpar iced coffee. With the Toddy® Cold Brew System, you can create barista-quality cold brew right in your own kitchen. Simply add your favorite coffee grounds and water to the brewing container, let it steep for 12-24 hours, and then drain the concentrate into the glass carafe. The result is a rich, low-acid coffee that is perfect for enjoying over ice or mixing into your favorite beverages.

Choosing Coffee Beans

When it comes to creating custom cold brew recipes with the Toddy® Cold Brew System, choosing the right type of coffee beans is essential. The flavor and characteristics of the beans will greatly impact the taste of your cold brew. Here are some detailed instructions on how to choose the perfect coffee beans:

  • Consider the roast level: Different roast levels can result in varied flavor profiles. While medium and dark roasts often bring out bolder and richer flavors, lighter roasts can offer brighter and more delicate notes. Experiment with different roast levels to find your preferred taste.
  • Explore the origin: Coffee beans are grown in various regions around the world, and each origin brings unique flavors to the brew. For example, African coffees are known for their fruity and floral notes, while Central and South American coffees often offer well-balanced flavors.
  • Read coffee descriptions: When shopping for coffee beans, pay attention to the flavor descriptions provided by the roasters. These descriptions can give you valuable insights into the taste profile of the beans. Look for keywords like chocolatey, nutty, fruity, or spicy to match with your flavor preferences.
  • Experiment with single origin vs. blends: Single origin coffee beans are sourced from a specific region, allowing you to experience the distinct flavors of that area. On the other hand, blends combine different beans to achieve a desired taste profile. Try both options to discover which one suits your cold brew recipe.
  • Consider the grind size: The Toddy® Cold Brew System requires coarsely ground coffee. Make sure to select beans that can be ground to the appropriate coarse size without any difficulty.

By considering the roast level, origin, flavor descriptions, and grind size, you can create custom cold brew recipes with the Toddy® Cold Brew System that perfectly match your taste preferences. Have fun experimenting with different types of coffee beans to discover your favorite flavors!

Grinding Coffee Beans

When it comes to creating custom cold brew recipes with the Toddy® Cold Brew System, the grind of your coffee beans plays a crucial role in achieving the best results. Grinding the coffee beans to the ideal coarseness and consistency is key to extracting the rich flavors from the beans and achieving a smooth, delicious cold brew.

To grind coffee beans for the Toddy® Cold Brew System, follow these steps:

  • Start with whole coffee beans of your choice, ensuring they are fresh and high-quality for the best flavor.
  • Measure the desired amount of coffee beans based on your preferred strength and the Toddy® Cold Brew System's instructions. It is recommended to use a ratio of 1 pound of coffee beans to 9 cups of water for a standard cold brew concentrate.
  • Set your coffee grinder to a coarse setting. The ideal grind for the Toddy® Cold Brew System is similar to the consistency of ground peppercorns.
  • Grind the coffee beans in batches to ensure even consistency and prevent over-heating the grinder.
  • Once the coffee beans are ground to the desired coarseness, transfer them to the Toddy® Cold Brew System's brewing container.

By following these steps, you will be able to achieve the perfect grind for your custom cold brew recipes with the Toddy® Cold Brew System. Remember, the coarseness of the grind is important as it affects the extraction process and the overall flavor of your cold brew. An overly fine grind can result in a bitter and over-extracted brew, while an excessively coarse grind may not extract enough flavor from the beans.

  • Experiment with different types of coffee beans and adjust the grind coarseness to your preference to discover unique flavors and profiles.
  • Consider investing in a quality burr grinder for more precise and consistent grinding results.
  • Store your coffee beans properly to maintain their freshness and flavor. It is recommended to store them in an airtight container in a cool and dark place.

Preparing the Toddy® Cold Brew System

To ensure the best results with your Toddy® Cold Brew System, it's important to follow the correct steps for assembly and preparation. By taking the time to set up the system properly, you'll be well on your way to creating delicious and customized cold brew recipes. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

Step 1: Gather Your Materials

  • Toddy® Cold Brew System
  • Cold water
  • Coarsely ground coffee
  • Toddy® filters
  • Large container or pitcher
  • Storage container for the brewed coffee

Step 2: Assemble the Toddy® Cold Brew System

  1. Place the rubber stopper in the bottom of the brewing container.
  2. Insert the brewing container into the glass decanter, ensuring that it fits tightly.
  3. Wet the cold brew filter and place it over the rubber stopper.
  4. Attach the filter strainer rod to the top of the rubber stopper.
  5. Attach the rubber stopper and strainer rod assembly to the brewing container.
  6. Insert the stopper and filter assembly into the bottom of the brewing container.

Step 3: Prepare the Cold Brew Solution

Now that your Toddy® Cold Brew System is properly assembled, it's time to prepare the cold brew solution:

  1. Add 1 pound (454g) of coarsely ground coffee to the brewing container. Make sure to level the grounds.
  2. Slowly pour 7 cups (56 ounces) of cold, filtered water over the coffee grounds, completely saturating them.
  3. Gently stir the coffee and water mixture, making sure all grounds are fully saturated.
  4. Let the mixture steep for 12 to 24 hours at room temperature.

Remember, when preparing your Toddy® Cold Brew System, it's important to follow the instructions carefully to achieve the best results. By properly assembling the system and preparing the cold brew solution, you'll be on your way to creating customized and flavorful cold brew recipes.

  • Ensure that the rubber stopper and filter are securely in place to prevent any leakage during the brewing process.
  • Experiment with different coffee bean varieties and grind sizes to find your preferred flavor profile.
  • Once the steeping time is complete, remove the rubber stopper and filter assembly, allowing the brewed coffee to flow into the glass decanter.
  • Store the brewed coffee in a separate container in the refrigerator for up to two weeks, allowing you to enjoy cold brew at your convenience.

Brewing Cold Brew Concentrate

Cold brew coffee has gained popularity for its smooth and less acidic flavor profile. Creating your own custom cold brew recipes with the Toddy® Cold Brew System allows you to explore different flavors and strengths. Here is a detailed step-by-step guide on how to brew cold brew concentrate using the Toddy® Cold Brew System:

  • Start by assembling the Toddy® Cold Brew System following the instructions provided. Make sure the rubber stopper is securely placed at the bottom of the brewing container.
  • Coarsely grind your favorite coffee beans. Use a 1:4 coffee-to-water ratio for a strong concentrate or a 1:8 ratio for a lighter brew.
  • Add the ground coffee into the brewing container, followed by pouring cold water over the coffee grounds. Stir gently to ensure all the grounds are saturated.
  • Place the brewing container on top of the glass decanter, making sure it is securely positioned. Allow the coffee to steep at room temperature for 12-24 hours. The longer steeping time will produce a stronger concentrate.
  • After the steeping time is complete, carefully remove the rubber stopper to allow the concentrate to flow into the glass decanter. This process can take up to 20 minutes, so patience is key.
  • Once the concentrate has finished filtering into the decanter, it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.

To enjoy your custom cold brew creation, dilute the concentrate with water, milk, or your preferred beverage. Start with a 1:1 ratio of concentrate to water or milk, and adjust according to your taste preferences. You can also experiment with adding flavors such as vanilla or caramel syrup.

  • For optimal results, use high-quality coffee beans and filtered water.
  • Try experimenting with different coffee beans from various regions to discover unique flavor profiles.
  • Consider using a burr grinder for consistent and even grinding.
  • Cold brew concentrate can also be used as a base for creating delicious coffee-based cocktails.

Storing Cold Brew Concentrate

Proper storage is crucial to maintain the freshness and flavor of your homemade cold brew concentrate brewed with the Toddy® Cold Brew System. Follow these best methods to ensure your concentrate stays delicious for as long as possible:

Choose the Right Storage Container:

  • Opt for an airtight container to prevent any air exposure, which can cause the concentrate to oxidize and lose flavor.
  • Glass or plastic containers with a tight-sealing lid are ideal for storing cold brew concentrate.
  • Consider using smaller containers rather than one large container, as this minimizes the amount of air trapped inside when opened.

Refrigeration is Key:

  • Always store cold brew concentrate in the refrigerator to maintain its freshness and inhibit any bacterial growth.
  • Keep the concentrate away from any food items with strong odors, as it can absorb these odors easily.

Shelf Life:

  • When stored properly in the refrigerator, cold brew concentrate brewed with the Toddy® Cold Brew System can stay fresh for up to two weeks.
  • However, it is worth noting that the flavor and quality may gradually deteriorate over time. Therefore, it is recommended to consume the concentrate within the first week for optimal flavor.

By following these storage guidelines, you can enjoy the rich and smooth taste of your homemade cold brew concentrate for longer. Experiment with different storage containers and find the best option for your preferences. Remember, the fresher the concentrate, the better your cold brew will taste!

Making Cold Brew Beverages

With the Toddy® Cold Brew System, you can easily create delicious and refreshing cold brew beverages right in the comfort of your own home. Whether you prefer a classic iced coffee or a creamy cold brew latte, this cold brewing method is sure to satisfy your taste buds. Here are a few different types of cold brew beverages you can make using the Toddy® Cold Brew System:

Iced Coffee:

  • Start by adding 1 cup of coarsely ground coffee to the Toddy® Cold Brew System's brewing container.
  • Pour 4 cups of cold, filtered water over the coffee grounds.
  • Let the coffee steep for 12-24 hours at room temperature.
  • After steeping, place the Toddy® Cold Brew System's decanter under the brewing container and open the reusable filter's rubber stopper to allow the cold brew concentrate to drip into the decanter.
  • To make iced coffee, fill a glass with ice cubes and pour the desired amount of cold brew concentrate over the ice.
  • Add water or milk to taste and any sweeteners or flavorings of your choice.
  • Stir well and enjoy your refreshing iced coffee!

Cold Brew Latte:

  • Begin by making a batch of cold brew concentrate using the Toddy® Cold Brew System, following the steps mentioned above.
  • Fill a glass with ice cubes and add 1 part cold brew concentrate.
  • Add 2 parts milk of your choice.
  • Add sweeteners such as sugar or flavored syrups if desired.
  • Stir well to combine all the ingredients.
  • For an extra touch, top your cold brew latte with whipped cream or a sprinkle of cocoa powder.
  • Get ready to savor the creamy and smooth flavors of your homemade cold brew latte!

These recipes are just the beginning! Feel free to experiment with different types of coffee beans, flavors, and ratios to create your own custom cold brew recipes using the Toddy® Cold Brew System. It's all about finding the perfect balance of strength and flavor to suit your preferences. So grab your Toddy® Cold Brew System and get creative with your cold brew beverages today!

Flavoring Cold Brew

Customizing the taste of your cold brew made with the Toddy® Cold Brew System is a fun and creative way to enhance your coffee-drinking experience. By adding different flavoring agents such as syrups, spices, and other ingredients, you can create unique and delicious cold brew recipes that suit your personal preferences. Here are some tips and ideas to get you started:

  • Infused Syrups: Experiment with different flavored syrups to add a burst of sweetness and flavor to your cold brew. Some popular options include vanilla, caramel, hazelnut, and almond syrups. You can either purchase pre-made syrups or make your own by combining sugar, water, and your desired flavoring ingredient.
  • Spices: Spice up your cold brew by adding a pinch of your favorite spices. Cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, and ginger are all excellent choices that can complement the smoothness of cold brew. Simply add the spices to the coffee grounds before brewing or sprinkle them over your finished cold brew for a flavorful kick.
  • Flavored Creamers: For a creamy and indulgent twist, consider using flavored creamers in your cold brew. Options like vanilla, caramel, or even seasonal flavors like pumpkin spice can add a delightful richness to your coffee.
  • Concentrated Fruit Juices: If you prefer a fruity twist to your cold brew, try adding small amounts of concentrated fruit juices. Lemon, orange, or berry juices can provide a refreshing and tangy flavor when combined with the smoothness of cold brew coffee.
  • Extracts: Another way to add unique flavors to your cold brew is by using extracts. Just a few drops of flavors like almond, mint, coconut, or even chocolate can transform your cold brew into a delightful and aromatic beverage.

Don't be afraid to get creative and experiment with different flavor combinations. Remember to start with small amounts of flavoring agents and adjust based on your taste preference. With the Toddy® Cold Brew System, you have the freedom to customize your cold brew and create your own signature recipes that will impress your taste buds and your friends.

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Diluting Cold Brew Concentrate

When it comes to creating your own custom cold brew recipes with the Toddy® Cold Brew System, diluting the cold brew concentrate is an essential step to achieving the perfect balance of flavors. The concentration of the cold brew can greatly influence the strength and taste of the final beverage, so it's important to follow the recommended ratios and instructions for the best results.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to properly dilute your cold brew concentrate:

  • Start by preparing your Toddy® Cold Brew System as instructed, brewing a batch of cold brew concentrate.
  • Once the cold brew concentrate is ready, it's time to dilute it. The recommended ratio for dilution is typically 1 part cold brew concentrate to 3 parts water, but this can be adjusted according to personal preference. Some people prefer a stronger brew and may choose to use a ratio of 1:2, while others prefer a milder flavor and may opt for a ratio of 1:4.
  • Measure out the desired amount of cold brew concentrate and water. For example, if you have 8 ounces of cold brew concentrate, you would mix it with 24 ounces of water for a 1:3 ratio.
  • Pour the cold brew concentrate into a pitcher or carafe, followed by the measured amount of water. Stir gently to ensure the concentrate and water are well mixed.
  • Taste the diluted cold brew and adjust the strength if needed. If you find it too strong, add a little more water. If it's too weak, add a small amount of cold brew concentrate. Continue adjusting until the desired strength is achieved.

By following these instructions, you can create a perfectly balanced cold brew beverage that suits your taste preferences. Remember, the recommended ratios are just guidelines, and you can always experiment with different ratios to create your own unique custom cold brew recipes.

Serving Cold Brew

After preparing your delicious cold brew with the Toddy® Cold Brew System, it's time to serve it and enjoy its smooth and rich flavors. Here are some tips and recommendations on how to serve your cold brew to make it even more enjoyable:

  • Ideal serving temperature: Cold brew is best served chilled, so make sure to keep it refrigerated until you're ready to serve. The ideal serving temperature is around 35 to 45 degrees Fahrenheit. This temperature allows the flavors to develop fully while still maintaining its refreshing chill.
  • Suggested garnishes: Cold brew can be enhanced with various garnishes to add an extra layer of flavor and visual appeal. Consider adding one or more of the following to your cold brew:
    • Fresh citrus slices - such as lemon or orange - to give your cold brew a zesty kick.
    • A sprig of mint to add a refreshing and aromatic touch.
    • A drizzle of honey or a sprinkle of cinnamon for a hint of sweetness.
    • Whipped cream and a dusting of cocoa powder for a decadent treat.
  • Presentation ideas: How you present your cold brew can make a difference in the overall experience. Consider the following presentation ideas to impress your guests or elevate your personal enjoyment:
    • Serve your cold brew in stylish glassware or mason jars to showcase its dark, rich color.
    • Add ice cubes made from flavored liquids, such as fruit juice or coffee, to infuse additional flavors as they melt.
    • Garnish the rim of your glass with sugar, colored sprinkles, or crushed cookies to create a visually appealing and delicious rim.
    • Serve your cold brew with a side of cookies, pastries, or biscotti to complement its flavors.
  • Experiment and personalize: While these tips offer a starting point, don't be afraid to experiment and personalize your cold brew serving experience. Adjust the quantity of garnishes based on your preferences, and feel free to try out different combinations to discover your favorite flavor profiles.

Cleaning and Maintenance

To ensure the longevity and optimal performance of your Toddy® Cold Brew System, it is important to follow a regular cleaning and maintenance routine. By properly cleaning and maintaining the system, you can enjoy delicious cold brew for years to come. Here are some detailed instructions on how to clean and maintain your Toddy® Cold Brew System:

Cleaning the Brewing Container:

  • After each use, remove the Toddy® Cold Brew System's stopper and let the concentrate flow into the glass decanter.
  • Dispose of the used coffee grounds and rinse the brewing container with warm water.
  • For a deeper clean, fill the brewing container with a mixture of warm water and a mild dish soap, then use a soft brush or sponge to scrub the container thoroughly.
  • Rinse the container with warm water to remove any soap residue.

Cleaning the Filter:

  • Once you have finished brewing, remove the used filter by twisting the yellow cap off the filter assembly.
  • Rinse the filter assembly and cap with warm water to remove any residual coffee grounds.
  • For a more thorough clean, soak the filter assembly and cap in a mixture of warm water and a teaspoon of baking soda for at least 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water afterwards.


  • Regularly check the Toddy® Cold Brew System's rubber stopper for wear and tear. If it becomes loose or deteriorated, consider replacing it to prevent any leakage or loss of flavor.
  • When not in use, store the Toddy® Cold Brew System in a clean and dry place to prevent any dust or debris from accumulating.

By following these simple cleaning and maintenance steps, you can ensure the longevity and optimal performance of your Toddy® Cold Brew System. Remember to clean the brewing container and filter after each use, and regularly check and replace any worn-out parts. With proper care, you can continue enjoying the rich and smooth flavor of homemade cold brew coffee.

Why We Chose This Product

After careful consideration and extensive testing, we have chosen the Toddy® Cold Brew System as the perfect companion for creating custom cold brew recipes. This innovative system offers a range of features that make it stand out from the competition and provide an exceptional brewing experience. Here's why we believe the Toddy® Cold Brew System is the ideal choice for your cold brew adventures:

  • Simplicity: The Toddy® Cold Brew System is incredibly easy to use, requiring minimal effort and expertise. Whether you're a seasoned barista or a coffee enthusiast, you'll quickly master the art of cold brewing with this user-friendly system.
  • Superior Extraction: One of the standout features of the Toddy® Cold Brew System is its ability to extract the full flavor potential from your coffee beans. The patented cold brew process utilized by this system ensures a smooth and delicious cup of cold brew every time.
  • Customizability: With the Toddy® Cold Brew System, you have the freedom to experiment and create your own unique cold brew recipes. Adjust the steeping time, water-to-coffee ratio, or even introduce some flavorings to personalize your cold brew to suit your taste preferences.
  • Durability: Crafted with high-quality materials, the Toddy® Cold Brew System is built to last. From the durable brewing container to the reusable filters, this system is designed to withstand frequent use and deliver consistent results over time.

By choosing the Toddy® Cold Brew System, you're investing in a reliable and versatile brewing tool that will elevate your cold brew game. Begin your journey into the world of custom cold brew recipes and unlock the full potential of your favorite coffee beans with this exceptional system.

Toddy® Cold Brew System|Image 1
Toddy Cold Brew System - Make Delicious Cold Brew Coffee at Home
Toddy® Cold Brew System
$66.15 $49.00
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About This Product

The Toddy® Cold Brew System is a game changer for coffee lovers everywhere. With its innovative design and easy-to-use functionality, this system allows you to enjoy smooth and flavorful cold brew coffee from the comfort of your own home. Gone are the days of waiting in long lines at coffee shops or settling for subpar iced coffee. With the Toddy® Cold Brew System, you can create barista-quality cold brew right in your own kitchen. Simply add your favorite coffee grounds and water to the brewing container, let it steep for 12-24 hours, and then drain the concentrate into the glass carafe. The result is a rich, low-acid coffee that is perfect for enjoying over ice or mixing into your favorite beverages.

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