How to Create Nutritious and Delicious Juice Recipes with Your BUNN Jack LaLanne JLPJB Power Juicer

How to Create Nutritious and Delicious Juice Recipes with Your BUNN Jack LaLanne JLPJB Power Juicer
Photographed By: Vlada Karpovich
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How to Create Nutritious and Delicious Juice Recipes with Your BUNN Jack LaLanne JLPJB Power Juicer

Welcome to the world of nutritious and delicious juice recipes! If you've just acquired the BUNN Jack LaLanne JLPJB Power Juicer Juicing Machine, get ready to embark on a journey of wellness and flavor like never before. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of creating amazing juice recipes using your new power juicer. From selecting the freshest ingredients to extracting every last drop of goodness, we've got you covered. So, gather your favorite fruits and vegetables, and let's start juicing!

BUNN Jack LaLanne JLPJB Power Juicer Juicing Machine|Image 1
BUNN Jack LaLanne Power Juicer - Ultimate Juicing Machine
BUNN Jack LaLanne JLPJB Power Juicer Juicing Machine
$444.15 $329.00
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About This Product

The BUNN Jack LaLanne JLPJB Power Juicer Juicing Machine is a must-have appliance for anyone looking to kickstart their healthy lifestyle. With its sleek design and powerful performance, this juicer allows you to easily extract every last drop of juice from your favorite fruits and vegetables, ensuring that you get the maximum nutritional value out of your ingredients. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast, a busy professional, or a health-conscious individual, this juicing machine is the perfect addition to your kitchen.

Equipped with a high-speed motor and stainless steel blades, this BUNN juicer effortlessly pulverizes fruits, vegetables, and leafy greens, turning them into delicious and nutritious juices. The large feeding tube allows you to juice whole fruits and vegetables without the need for pre-cutting, saving you valuable time and effort. Plus, the juicer's easy-to-use and easy-to-clean design make it a convenient choice for everyday use. Say goodbye to store-bought juices filled with additives and preservatives, and start enjoying fresh, homemade juices with the BUNN Jack LaLanne JLPJB Power Juicer Juicing Machine.

Choosing the Right Fruits

When it comes to creating nutritious and delicious juice recipes with your BUNN Jack LaLanne JLPJB Power Juicer, selecting the right fruits is essential. The juicer is designed to extract juice from a variety of fruits, and by choosing the right ones, you can ensure that your juice is full of flavor and packed with essential vitamins and minerals. Here is a detailed guide on selecting the best fruits for juicing with your BUNN Jack LaLanne JLPJB Power Juicer:


  • Always choose ripe fruits for juicing. Ripe fruits are sweeter and more flavorful, which will enhance the taste of your juice.
  • Avoid using overly ripe or overripe fruits, as they may be mushy and not provide the best juice consistency.
  • Look for fruits that are firm but yield slightly to gentle pressure. This indicates that they are perfectly ripe and ready to be juiced.

Flavor Combinations:

  • Experiment with different flavor combinations to create unique and delicious juice recipes.
  • Consider combining sweet fruits like apples or pears with tangy fruits like lemons or citrus to create a well-balanced flavor profile.
  • Add a touch of freshness by including herbs like mint or basil in your juice recipes.
  • Try incorporating vegetables like carrots or spinach to add depth and nutritional benefits to your juice.

Nutritional Benefits:

  • Include a variety of fruits in your juice recipes to ensure you are getting a wide range of essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Opt for fruits that are rich in vitamin C, such as oranges or strawberries, to support your immune system.
  • Choose fruits like pineapple or watermelon that are high in electrolytes to stay hydrated.
  • Incorporate antioxidant-rich fruits like blueberries or pomegranates to promote overall wellbeing.

Preparing the Fruits

Before you can enjoy the nutritious and delicious juice from your BUNN Jack LaLanne JLPJB Power Juicer, it is important to properly prepare the fruits. Washing, peeling, and removing seeds or pits are essential steps to ensure the best results. Follow these techniques for different types of fruits:


  • Wash the apples thoroughly under running water to remove any dirt or wax.
  • Remove the core and seeds using an apple corer or a sharp knife.
  • Peeling the apples is optional, depending on your preference. Leaving the skin on can add extra nutrients to your juice.
  • Cut the apples into smaller pieces that can easily fit through the juicer chute.


  • Wash the oranges well to remove any dirt or residue from the peel.
  • Use a citrus peeler or a sharp knife to remove the outer peel, making sure to only remove the colored part and not the white pith, which can be bitter.
  • Cut the oranges into halves or quarters, depending on the size of your juicer chute.
  • Remove any visible seeds from the orange segments.


  • Gently rinse the strawberries under cold water to remove any dirt or debris.
  • Remove the green stem and leaves from the top of each strawberry.
  • If the strawberries are large, cut them into halves or quarters.
  • There is no need to remove the seeds from strawberries as they are small and will easily pass through the juicer.


  • Trim off the top and bottom of the pineapple.
  • Stand the pineapple upright and carefully slice off the thick skin, following the curve of the fruit.
  • Once the skin is removed, check for any remaining "eyes" on the pineapple flesh and cut them out with a diagonal cut.
  • Cut the pineapple into smaller chunks that can fit through the juicer mouth.
  • It is not necessary to remove the core of the pineapple as the juicer can handle it.

By following these techniques and properly preparing your fruits, you can maximize the effectiveness of your BUNN Jack LaLanne JLPJB Power Juicer. Enjoy the refreshing and healthy juice that your juicer can produce!

Prepping Vegetables for Juicing

Juicing is a fantastic way to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet, and with the BUNN Jack LaLanne JLPJB Power Juicer Juicing Machine, you can easily create nutritious and delicious juice recipes right at home. To get the most out of your juicing experience, it's important to properly prep your vegetables before juicing them. Here's a guide on how to prepare various vegetables to maximize their juicing potential:

Leafy Greens:

Leafy greens like spinach, kale, and Swiss chard are packed with vitamins and minerals. To prep them for juicing:

  • Remove any tough stems or ribs from the leaves.
  • Rinse the greens thoroughly to remove any dirt or debris.
  • Tear the leaves into smaller pieces for easier juicing.


Carrots are a popular vegetable to juice due to their natural sweetness and high vitamin content. Here's how to prep them:

  • Scrub the carrots to remove any dirt or residue.
  • Trim off the top greens, as they can have a bitter taste.
  • Cut the carrots into smaller pieces that will fit into the juicer chute.


Celery is a refreshing and hydrating vegetable that can be a wonderful addition to your juice recipes. Here's how to prep celery:

  • Rinse the celery stalks to remove any dirt.
  • Trim off the leafy tops.
  • Cut the celery into smaller pieces to fit into the juicer.
  • Remember to always wash your vegetables thoroughly before juicing.
  • Experiment with different vegetable combinations to discover your favorite juice recipes.
  • Don't be afraid to add herbs or spices to enhance the flavor of your juices.
  • Make sure to rotate your vegetables to get a variety of nutrients in your juices.

Creating Juice Combinations

When it comes to creating nutritious and delicious juice recipes with your BUNN Jack LaLanne JLPJB Power Juicer Juicing Machine, the possibilities are endless. By combining a variety of fruits and vegetables, you can create unique flavors while maximizing the nutritional benefits of each ingredient. Here are some ideas and tips to help you get started:

  • Start with a base: Choose a fruit or vegetable that will serve as the base of your juice. This will provide the main flavor and texture. Popular options include apples, oranges, carrots, and cucumbers.
  • Add some sweetness: To enhance the natural sweetness of your juice, consider adding fruits like pineapple, grapes, or berries.
  • Include leafy greens: Leafy greens are packed with nutrients and add a refreshing taste to your juice. Spinach, kale, and Swiss chard are great options to try.
  • Get creative with herbs: Add a hint of freshness and added health benefits by incorporating herbs like mint, basil, or parsley into your juice.
  • Balance flavors: Experiment with different combinations to find the perfect balance of flavors. For example, if your juice is too sweet, try adding a splash of lemon or a slice of ginger to bring out more depth.
  • Maximize health benefits: Consider the nutritional benefits of each ingredient and aim to create a well-rounded juice. For instance, adding turmeric or ginger can boost the anti-inflammatory properties of your juice, while adding a handful of almonds or walnuts can increase the protein and healthy fats.

Now that you have some ideas for creating juice combinations, it's time to unleash your creativity! Don't be afraid to try new ingredients and experiment with different flavors. With your BUNN Jack LaLanne JLPJB Power Juicer Juicing Machine, you have the power to create nutritious and delicious juices that will leave you feeling refreshed and energized.

  • Remember to wash all fruits and vegetables thoroughly before juicing.
  • Adjust the quantity of each ingredient according to your taste preferences.
  • Try adding a splash of coconut water or aloe vera juice for extra hydration.
  • Don't forget to clean your juicer thoroughly after each use for optimal performance.

Juicing Techniques and Tips

When it comes to creating nutritious and delicious juice recipes with your BUNN Jack LaLanne JLPJB Power Juicer juicing machine, there are several expert techniques you can follow to ensure optimal results. Whether you want to control the amount of pulp in your juice, maximize juice extraction efficiency, or simply clean the machine properly, we've got you covered with these helpful tips.

Pulp Control:

  • For those who prefer a pulp-free juice, use the filter attachment that comes with the BUNN Jack LaLanne JLPJB Power Juicer. This attachment effectively separates the pulp from the juice, giving you a smooth and pulp-free drink.
  • If you enjoy some pulp in your juice, you can adjust the pulp control setting on the juicer. Experiment with different settings to find the perfect balance of pulp for your taste preferences.
  • If you want to add some extra fiber to your juice, reserve some of the extracted pulp and mix it back into the juice before serving.

Juice Extraction Efficiency:

  • To ensure maximum juice extraction, make sure to cut your fruits and vegetables into small pieces that fit easily into the juicer's feeding tube. This allows the machine to extract juice efficiently.
  • For leafy greens, roll them into tight bundles before feeding them into the juicer. This helps to prevent them from getting stuck in the mechanism and ensures proper extraction.
  • Alternate between soft and hard fruits and vegetables when juicing to optimize the juicer's efficiency. This helps prevent clogs and ensures a smooth juicing process.

Cleaning the Machine:

  • After juicing, disassemble the BUNN Jack LaLanne JLPJB Power Juicer and rinse all removable parts under running water. This helps to remove any leftover pulp or residue.
  • Use a small brush or a toothbrush to clean the cutting blade and mesh filter, ensuring there is no buildup of pulp or debris that could affect the juicer's performance.
  • For a thorough cleaning, soak the juicer's parts in warm, soapy water for a few minutes, then rinse and dry them before reassembling the machine.

By following these expert techniques, you'll be able to create nutritious and delicious juice recipes using the BUNN Jack LaLanne JLPJB Power Juicer. Enjoy the benefits of homemade fresh juice with ease and convenience.

Adding Superfoods to Your Juices

One of the great benefits of owning a BUNN Jack LaLanne JLPJB Power Juicer is the ability to create nutritious and delicious juice recipes right in your own kitchen. To take your juicing to the next level, why not incorporate superfoods into your juices? Superfoods are nutrient-rich ingredients that provide exceptional health benefits. In this guide, we will introduce you to some incredible superfoods and how to properly add them to your juice recipes.

Kale: Kale is not only packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, but it also adds a vibrant green color and a refreshing taste to your juices. To include kale in your juice, simply remove the woody stems and blend it with other fruits and vegetables.

Chia Seeds: These tiny seeds are a powerhouse of nutrition, loaded with fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants. They can easily be added to your juices by sprinkling a teaspoon or two into the juicer while you are juicing.

Ginger: Adding a little ginger to your juices not only enhances the flavor but also provides numerous health benefits, including reduced inflammation and improved digestion. Simply peel the ginger, slice it into small pieces, and juice it along with other ingredients.

Spinach: Spinach is low in calories but high in essential nutrients like iron, calcium, and vitamins A and C. To use spinach in your juices, wash it thoroughly, remove any tough stems, and blend it with a variety of fruits and vegetables.

  • Avocado: Avocado is a creamy superfood that adds a smooth texture and healthy fats to your juices. Scoop out the flesh, remove the pit, and blend it with other ingredients for a satisfying and nutritious juice.
  • Turmeric: Turmeric contains a powerful compound called curcumin, known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Add a pinch of turmeric powder or a small piece of fresh turmeric root to your juices to reap its benefits.
  • Berries: Berries such as blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries are packed with antioxidants and are delicious additions to any juice recipe. Simply blend them with other fruits or use them as a topping for your freshly juiced concoctions.

Incorporating superfoods into your juice recipes not only adds a nutritional boost but also enhances the flavor profile of your juices. Experiment with different combinations and ratios to find the perfect balance of taste and health benefits. So, grab your BUNN Jack LaLanne JLPJB Power Juicer and start creating delicious and nutrient-packed juice recipes with the addition of these amazing superfoods!

Storing and Preserving Fresh Juice

Once you have created nutritious and delicious juice recipes with your BUNN Jack LaLanne JLPJB Power Juicer, it's important to know how to properly store and preserve your fresh juice. This will help maintain its flavor, nutrients, and freshness for as long as possible. Read on to learn some effective methods for storing your juice:

  • Refrigeration: When storing fresh juice in the refrigerator, it's important to use the right containers to prevent oxidation and maintain the quality. Here are some tips to follow:
    • Store your juice in airtight glass containers or mason jars to minimize exposure to air. This will help slow down the oxidation process and preserve the freshness of your juice.
    • Fill the container to the brim to minimize the amount of air inside.
    • Label the containers with the date and content to keep track of its freshness.
    • Store the juice in the refrigerator at a temperature of 35-40°F (1-4°C) to maintain its quality.
    • Freshly made juice can typically be stored in the refrigerator for up to 48 hours before it starts to lose its freshness and nutritional value.
  • Freezing: Freezing your fresh juice is another great option for preserving it for longer periods of time. Here's how to freeze your juice properly:
    • Pour your freshly made juice into ice cube trays or freezer-safe containers.
    • Leave some headspace in the containers as the juice will expand when frozen.
    • Label the containers with the date and content.
    • Place the containers in the freezer and freeze for up to 3 months.
    • When you're ready to consume the frozen juice, simply thaw it in the refrigerator overnight or under cold water.
  • Avoiding Oxidation: Oxidation can negatively impact the flavor and nutritional quality of your juice. To minimize oxidation, consider the following tips:
    • Immediately transfer the juice into a suitable container after juicing.
    • Avoid exposing the juice to prolonged periods of air by minimizing the time it spends in the juicer and during the transfer process.
    • Consider using a vacuum sealer to remove excess air from the containers before storing.
    • Use citrus fruits like lemon or lime in your juice recipes, as their natural antioxidants can help slow down the oxidation process.
    • Drink your juice as soon as possible after juicing for the best flavor and maximum nutritional benefits.
  • Remember, while storing and preserving fresh juice can help extend its shelf life and maintain its quality, it's always best to consume your juice as soon as possible after juicing for the maximum nutritional value. Experiment with different storage methods and find the one that works best for you and your lifestyle!

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Cleaning and Maintaining Your Juicer

Proper cleaning and maintenance of your BUNN Jack LaLanne JLPJB Power Juicer is essential to ensure its optimal performance and prolong its lifespan. By following these step-by-step instructions, you can easily clean and maintain your juicer to keep it running smoothly and always ready to create nutritious and delicious juice recipes.

Disassembling the Juicer

  • Before cleaning your juicer, make sure to unplug it from the power source to avoid any accidents.
  • Start by removing the juicer's top cover and pulp guard. Lift them gently and set them aside.
  • Next, take off the stainless steel blade and filter. Be cautious as the blade is sharp. Carefully lift these components and place them in the sink or on a clean surface.
  • Now, remove the pulp collector and the juice collector. Empty both of these containers, rinse them thoroughly with warm water, and set them aside.
  • Lastly, detach the juicer's base from the main body by turning it counterclockwise. Once separated, clean the base with a damp cloth.

Removing Stains

Over time, your juicer might develop stains from the fruits and vegetables you juice. To remove these stubborn stains and keep your juicer looking as good as new, follow these tips:

  • Prepare a solution of warm water and mild dish soap.
  • Dampen a soft cloth or sponge in the soapy solution and gently scrub the stained areas.
  • If the stains are particularly stubborn, mix equal parts of baking soda and water to form a paste. Apply this paste to the stained areas and let it sit for a few minutes before gently scrubbing with a soft cloth.
  • Rinse all the juicer's components thoroughly with warm water to remove any soap or baking soda residue.
  • Dry each part completely before reassembling the juicer.

Extending the Longevity of Your Juicer

To maximize the lifespan of your BUNN Jack LaLanne JLPJB Power Juicer, consider these tips for proper maintenance:

  • After each use, disassemble the juicer and clean all components immediately. Do not let pulp or juice residue dry on the parts.
  • Avoid soaking the juicer's components in water for extended periods, as this can damage the materials.
  • Regularly check for any signs of wear or damage, such as cracked parts or dull blades. If any issues are detected, replace the damaged parts promptly to prevent further damage to the machine.
  • Store your juicer in a clean and dry place, away from direct sunlight and excessive heat.

Troubleshooting Common Juicing Issues

While using your BUNN Jack LaLanne JLPJB Power Juicer Juicing Machine, you may experience a few common issues that can affect the quality and efficiency of your juice. Here are some troubleshooting tips to help you overcome these problems:


  • Ensure that you are cutting your fruits and vegetables into small enough pieces before juicing. Large chunks can easily clog the juicer.
  • If you notice the juicer getting clogged frequently, try alternating between softer and harder produce. This can help prevent clogs by allowing the juicer to better process the produce.
  • Occasionally, the juicer screen may become clogged with pulp. To unclog it, turn off the juicer, remove the blade and screen, and clean them thoroughly. Be sure to remove any pulp buildup that may be causing the clog.


  • Check that the juicer's parts are properly assembled. Make sure the pulp collector, juice collector, and lid are securely in place before operating the machine.
  • If you notice any leaking during juicing, it could be due to overfilling the juice collector. Try reducing the amount of produce you're adding at once or emptying the collector more frequently.
  • An improperly placed juice spout or pulp collector can also cause leaks. Check that these parts are aligned correctly and securely attached.

Excessive Foam:

  • Foam is normal when juicing certain fruits and vegetables, especially citrus fruits. However, if you're experiencing excessive foam, it could be due to juicing high-fiber produce or overloading the juicer.
  • Try reducing the amount of fibrous produce you're juicing and make sure not to overstuff the juicer's chute. This can help minimize foam production.
  • Additionally, using a juicer with an adjustable speed setting can help control foam formation. Start with a lower speed setting for produce that tends to produce more foam.

By following these troubleshooting tips, you can address common juicing issues with your BUNN Jack LaLanne JLPJB Power Juicer Juicing Machine, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable juicing experience every time!

Advanced Juicing Techniques

With the BUNN Jack LaLanne JLPJB Power Juicer, you can take your juicing to the next level by exploring advanced techniques that go beyond simple juice extraction. This powerful machine allows you to unleash your creativity in the kitchen and create nutritious and delicious juice recipes like never before. Here are some advanced juicing techniques and recipes you can try with your BUNN Jack LaLanne JLPJB Power Juicer:

Making Nut Milk

Why limit yourself to just fruit and vegetable juices when you can also enjoy the goodness of nut milk? With the BUNN Jack LaLanne JLPJB Power Juicer, you can easily make your own nut milk at home. Follow these steps:

  • Soak your preferred nuts (such as almonds or cashews) in water overnight.
  • Drain and rinse the nuts.
  • Add the nuts to the juicer's feeding chute.
  • Turn on the juicer and collect the nut milk in a separate container.
  • For a smoother texture, strain the nut milk through a nut milk bag or cheesecloth.

Creating Sorbets

Did you know that you can use your BUNN Jack LaLanne JLPJB Power Juicer to make refreshing sorbets? Follow these simple steps to create your own homemade sorbet:

  • Choose your desired fruits, such as berries or citrus fruits.
  • Cut the fruits into small pieces that can fit through the juicer's feeding chute.
  • Add the fruit pieces to the juicer and collect the juice in a separate container.
  • Transfer the juice to an ice cream maker and follow the manufacturer's instructions to turn it into sorbet.

Other Creative Recipes

The BUNN Jack LaLanne JLPJB Power Juicer opens up a world of possibilities for creating unique and creative juice recipes. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Blend your freshly extracted juice with frozen fruits to make delicious smoothies.
  • Add herbs like mint or basil to your juice for a burst of fresh flavors.
  • Create flavorful juice blends by combining different fruits and vegetables.
  • Experiment with adding spices like ginger or turmeric to your juice for added health benefits.

With these advanced juicing techniques and recipes, you can make the most out of your BUNN Jack LaLanne JLPJB Power Juicer and elevate your juicing experience. Get creative in the kitchen and discover new flavors and combinations that will delight your taste buds and nourish your body.

Why We Chose This Product

After researching and testing various juicers on the market, we confidently chose the BUNN Jack LaLanne JLPJB Power Juicer Juicing Machine as the perfect tool for creating nutritious and delicious juice recipes. Here's why:

First and foremost, the BUNN Jack LaLanne JLPJB Power Juicer is designed with efficiency in mind. Its powerful motor and stainless steel blades allow for quick and effortless juicing, ensuring that you can easily incorporate fresh fruits and vegetables into your daily routine. Whether you're a seasoned juicing enthusiast or just starting out, this juicer is user-friendly and intuitive to operate, making it a great choice for beginners and experts alike.

  • The BUNN Jack LaLanne JLPJB Power Juicer's high-quality construction guarantees durability and longevity, so you can rely on it to be a long-term investment.
  • With its large feeding chute, you can easily accommodate whole fruits and veggies, minimizing preparation time and maximizing convenience.
  • The juicer's unique extraction technology ensures maximum juice yield, extracting every bit of nutrition from your ingredients.
  • Its sleek and compact design makes it easy to store and clean, saving you valuable counter space and time.
  • Lastly, the BUNN Jack LaLanne JLPJB Power Juicer is backed by excellent customer reviews and a reputable brand, providing you with peace of mind and confidence in your purchase.

With the BUNN Jack LaLanne JLPJB Power Juicer, you can effortlessly create nutritious and delicious juice recipes that will nourish your body and tantalize your taste buds. So why wait? Start juicing with this exceptional machine and unlock a world of vibrant flavors and health benefits.

BUNN Jack LaLanne JLPJB Power Juicer Juicing Machine|Image 1
BUNN Jack LaLanne Power Juicer - Ultimate Juicing Machine
BUNN Jack LaLanne JLPJB Power Juicer Juicing Machine
$444.15 $329.00
Buy on Amazon

As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

About This Product

The BUNN Jack LaLanne JLPJB Power Juicer Juicing Machine is a must-have appliance for anyone looking to kickstart their healthy lifestyle. With its sleek design and powerful performance, this juicer allows you to easily extract every last drop of juice from your favorite fruits and vegetables, ensuring that you get the maximum nutritional value out of your ingredients. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast, a busy professional, or a health-conscious individual, this juicing machine is the perfect addition to your kitchen.

Equipped with a high-speed motor and stainless steel blades, this BUNN juicer effortlessly pulverizes fruits, vegetables, and leafy greens, turning them into delicious and nutritious juices. The large feeding tube allows you to juice whole fruits and vegetables without the need for pre-cutting, saving you valuable time and effort. Plus, the juicer's easy-to-use and easy-to-clean design make it a convenient choice for everyday use. Say goodbye to store-bought juices filled with additives and preservatives, and start enjoying fresh, homemade juices with the BUNN Jack LaLanne JLPJB Power Juicer Juicing Machine.

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