How to Experiment with Pour-Over Coffee Brewing

How to Experiment with Pour-Over Coffee Brewing
Photographed By: Chevanon Photography
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How to Experiment with Pour-Over Coffee Brewing

Are you tired of mediocre coffee that fails to capture the rich flavors you crave? Look no further! With our exclusive packaging of the Chemex Pour-Over Glass Coffeemaker, you can elevate your coffee brewing experience to new heights.

Pour-over coffee brewing has taken the world by storm, and for good reason. It allows you to have complete control over the brewing process, resulting in a cup of coffee that is perfectly suited to your taste buds. Whether you're a coffee aficionado or just someone who appreciates a good cup of joe, this guide will walk you through the art of experimenting with pour-over coffee brewing using the Chemex Pour-Over Glass Coffeemaker.

Get ready to embark on a journey of discovery as we explore different techniques, ratios, and brewing methods to help you unlock the full potential of your coffee beans.

So grab your Chemex Pour-Over Glass Coffeemaker, gather your favorite coffee beans, and let's dive right in!

Chemex Pour-Over Glass Coffeemaker - Classic Series - 6-Cup - Exclusive Packaging|Image 1
Chemex Classic Series Pour-Over Glass Coffeemaker - 6-Cup
Chemex Pour-Over Glass Coffeemaker - Classic Series - 6-Cup - Exclusive Packaging
$63.49 $47.03
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About This Product

The Chemex Pour-Over Glass Coffeemaker from the Classic Series is a true game-changer for coffee enthusiasts. With its elegant design and high-quality materials, this coffeemaker creates a smooth and flavorful cup of coffee with every brew. The pour-over method allows for complete control over the brewing process, ensuring that you get the perfect cup of coffee every time. The 6-cup capacity is ideal for small gatherings or for those who love to indulge in multiple cups throughout the day. The exclusive packaging adds a touch of luxury to the overall experience, making it a great gift for coffee lovers.

The Chemex Pour-Over Glass Coffeemaker is highly versatile and can be used with various coffee beans and grinds, allowing you to customize your brew to suit your preferences. The glass construction not only looks beautiful but also allows you to see the entire brewing process, adding an element of theater to your morning routine. The Chemex coffeemaker is easy to clean, as the glass carafe can be safely washed in the dishwasher. Whether you're a seasoned coffee connoisseur or just starting to explore the world of specialty coffee, the Chemex Pour-Over Glass Coffeemaker is a must-have addition to your kitchen.

Choosing the Right Coffee

When it comes to experimenting with pour-over coffee brewing using the Chemex Pour-Over Glass Coffeemaker, choosing the right type of coffee beans is crucial for achieving the perfect cup of coffee. There are several factors to consider, including the roast level, grind size, and flavor profiles. Here's a detailed guide to help you navigate through the options and select the ideal coffee beans for your pour-over brewing experience.

Roast Level

The roast level of coffee beans plays a significant role in determining the overall flavor and aroma of your brewed coffee. Here are the different roast levels and their characteristics:

  • Light Roast: Ideal for pour-over brewing, light roast coffee beans have a bright acidity, delicate flavors, and floral or fruity notes. They are perfect for those who prefer a more subtle and nuanced taste in their coffee.
  • Medium Roast: Medium roast coffee beans offer a balanced flavor profile, combining the acidity of light roasts with a slightly richer body. This roast level is a popular choice for pour-over brewing, as it provides a well-rounded cup of coffee.
  • Dark Roast: Dark roast coffee beans have a bold and robust flavor, with less acidity compared to lighter roasts. These beans are known for their intense and smoky flavors, making them a great choice for those who enjoy a stronger and more bitter cup of coffee.

Grind Size

Grind size plays a crucial role in the pour-over brewing process, as it affects the extraction and flow rate of water through the coffee grounds. Here are the grind sizes typically recommended for pour-over brewing:

  • Coarse Grind: This grind size is similar to sea salt and is suitable for a Chemex pour-over. It allows for a slower extraction, resulting in a bolder flavor profile and a richer cup of coffee.
  • Medium Grind: Slightly finer than coarse grind, medium grind is more similar to coarse sand. It is a versatile grind size that works well with various pour-over methods and provides a balanced extraction.
  • Fine Grind: Fine grind is recommended for those who prefer a brighter and more acidic cup of coffee. It is closer to table salt in texture and allows for a quicker extraction, resulting in a cleaner and crisper taste.

Flavor Profiles

Consider the flavor profiles of different coffee beans to find the one that suits your taste preferences. Here are some common flavor profiles to look for:

  • Fruity: Coffee beans with fruity flavor profiles often have notes of berries, citrus, or tropical fruits. They provide a bright and refreshing taste that pairs well with lighter roast levels.
  • Chocolatey: If you enjoy the rich and indulgent flavors of chocolate, look for coffee beans with chocolatey notes. These beans offer a smoother and more decadent cup of coffee.
  • Nutty: Coffee beans with nutty flavors often have hints of almonds, hazelnuts, or pecans. They provide a comforting and balanced taste that goes well with medium and dark roast levels.
  • Spicy: For those who prefer a kick of spice in their coffee, beans with spicy flavor profiles are a great choice. These beans may have notes of cinnamon, cardamom, or cloves, adding an exciting twist to your cup of coffee.

Remember, the coffee beans you choose will greatly impact the final flavor of your pour-over brew. Experiment with different coffee varieties, roast levels, grind sizes, and flavor profiles to find your perfect cup of coffee using the Chemex Pour-Over Glass Coffeemaker.

  • Try single-origin coffee beans to appreciate the unique flavors and characteristics of a specific region.
  • Consider using a coffee subscription service to explore different coffee beans from around the world conveniently.
  • Don't be afraid to mix different types of coffee beans to create your own blend and discover new flavor combinations.

Grinding Your Coffee Beans

One of the most important steps in the pour-over coffee brewing process is grinding your coffee beans fresh. The size of the grind plays a crucial role in extracting the optimal flavors from the coffee grounds during brewing. Grinding the beans too fine or too coarse can result in an imbalanced and less flavorful cup of coffee. To ensure a delicious and aromatic pour-over coffee, follow these step-by-step instructions on how to grind your beans to the appropriate size.

To begin, you will need a high-quality coffee grinder. We recommend using a burr grinder, as it provides a consistent grind size, essential for a balanced extraction. Blade grinders, on the other hand, can create uneven particle sizes, which may lead to inconsistent brewing.

Step 1: Choose the Right Grind Size

  • For pour-over brewing with the Chemex 6-Cup Glass Coffeemaker, a medium-coarse to medium grind size is ideal. This grind size allows for a moderate extraction, balancing the sweetness, acidity, and bitterness of the coffee.
  • Aim for a texture similar to kosher salt or a little coarser than table salt. The coffee grounds should feel somewhat gritty.

Step 2: Measure the Coffee Beans

Depending on your desired strength, measure the appropriate amount of whole coffee beans for your brew. A general guideline is to use a ratio of 1:16, meaning 1 part coffee to 16 parts water. Adjust this ratio according to your taste preferences.

Step 3: Grind the Coffee Beans

  • Place the desired quantity of whole coffee beans into the grinder's hopper.
  • Set the grinder to the desired grind size (medium-coarse to medium).
  • Start the grinding process and allow the grinder to run until all the coffee beans are ground.
  • Once the grinding is complete, open the grinder's chamber and carefully collect the freshly ground coffee.

Remember to grind only the amount of coffee you need for each brew to preserve the freshness and flavors of the beans.

Step 4: Prepare for Brewing

The freshly ground coffee is now ready to be brewed with your Chemex 6-Cup Glass Coffeemaker. Follow the specific brewing instructions for the Chemex to achieve the optimal extraction and enjoy a flavorful pour-over coffee experience.

Setting Up Your Chemex

The Chemex Pour-Over Glass Coffeemaker is a classic and elegant way to brew your coffee. Follow these steps to properly set up your Chemex for a delicious cup of pour-over coffee:

  1. Begin by assembling the Chemex. Separate the glass carafe from the wooden collar and tie, if applicable. Place the wooden collar securely around the neck of the carafe, making sure it is snug and stable.
  2. Next, unfold the Chemex bonded coffee filters and insert them into the top of the carafe, with the three-layered side facing the spout. The filter should fit snugly against the glass and create a cone shape.
  3. Before brewing, it is essential to pre-wet the filter to eliminate any paper taste and warm up the carafe. Start by pouring hot water over the entire filter, allowing it to soak and heat the glass for approximately 30 seconds. Then, discard the water from the carafe.
  4. Now, you are ready to add your coffee grounds to the pre-wet filter. It's recommended to use a medium-coarse grind for pour-over brewing. The general guideline is to use 1 tablespoon of coffee for every 5 ounces of water, but you can adjust the ratio to your preference.
  5. Once the coffee grounds are in place, start pouring hot water over them, starting from the center and moving outward in a circular motion. Make sure to saturate all the grounds evenly, avoiding pouring water near the filter edges to prevent channeling. Pause between pours to allow the water to filter through the coffee. Continue this process until you reach your desired coffee volume.
  6. Remember to pour slowly and with control, maintaining a steady stream of water throughout the brewing process. The total brew time should range between 3-4 minutes for optimal extraction.

Pour-over brewing with the Chemex Pour-Over Glass Coffeemaker allows you to enjoy a clean and flavorful cup of coffee. Experiment with different coffee beans, grinds, and water temperatures to discover your perfect brew!

Measuring Coffee and Water

When it comes to experimenting with pour-over coffee brewing using the Chemex Pour-Over Glass Coffeemaker, accurate measurements are key to achieving the perfect brew. To get started on your coffee brewing journey, it's essential to understand the precise measurements and ratios for coffee to water that will yield the best results.

Accurate measurements play a critical role in determining the flavor and strength of your coffee. Here's why it's important:

  • Consistency: By measuring the coffee and water accurately, you ensure that each cup you brew has a consistent flavor profile. This consistency allows you to fine-tune your brewing process over time and make adjustments to achieve your desired taste.
  • Ratio: The ratio of coffee to water is crucial in controlling the strength of your brew. By measuring precisely, you can maintain the ideal coffee-to-water ratio, allowing you to experience the full-bodied flavor of your beans without overpowering or diluting it.
  • Extraction: Accurate measurements influence the extraction process, which is a key factor in determining the flavor of your coffee. With the right measurements, you can ensure that your coffee is neither under-extracted nor over-extracted, resulting in a balanced and enjoyable cup of joe.

So, how should you measure your coffee and water for the perfect brew using the Chemex Pour-Over Glass Coffeemaker? Here's a guideline to get you started:

For a 6-cup Chemex:

  • Use 42 grams (about 6 tablespoons) of coffee grounds.
  • Pour 700 grams (about 24.7 ounces or 3 cups) of water.

For a smaller or larger Chemex:

  • As a general rule of thumb, use a ratio of 1:16 for coffee to water.
  • For example, with a 3-cup Chemex, use 20 grams (about 3 tablespoons) of coffee grounds and 320 grams (about 11.3 ounces or 1.5 cups) of water.
  • If you prefer a stronger brew, you can adjust the ratio by using more coffee grounds.

Remember, these measurements are starting points, and you can always tweak them to suit your preferences. The beauty of pour-over coffee brewing is the opportunity to experiment and find the perfect balance of flavors that suit your taste buds.

  • Experiment with different coffee beans, grind sizes, and water temperatures to discover new flavors and nuances.
  • Take notes of each brewing session, making adjustments along the way to refine your brewing technique.
  • Enjoy the journey of discovering your perfect cup of pour-over coffee, one precise measurement at a time.

Blooming the Coffee

If you want to take your pour-over coffee brewing to the next level, it's important to understand the technique of blooming the coffee grounds. Blooming refers to the process of pouring a small amount of hot water over the coffee grounds and allowing them to release carbon dioxide (CO2) gas. This step is crucial for achieving a flavorful and well-extracted cup of coffee. Let's dive into the details of how to properly bloom your coffee using the Chemex Pour-Over Glass Coffeemaker.

When brewing coffee using the Chemex Pour-Over Glass Coffeemaker, blooming is an essential first step that enhances the overall extraction process. Here's why blooming is important and the impact it has on your coffee:

The Purpose of Blooming

During the roasting process, coffee beans release carbon dioxide gas. This gas gets trapped in the coffee grounds, preventing optimal extraction when brewing. By blooming the coffee, you allow the trapped CO2 to escape, which leads to a more even extraction and better overall flavor in your cup of coffee.

Steps to Bloom Coffee

Follow these steps to effectively bloom your coffee using the Chemex Pour-Over Glass Coffeemaker:

  • Grind your coffee beans to a medium-fine consistency, similar to the texture of sand.
  • Place a Chemex filter into the top of the coffeemaker, ensuring the triple-folded side is facing the spout.
  • Add the ground coffee to the filter, making sure the bed is level and slightly indented in the middle.
  • Bring filtered water to a boil and let it cool for 30 seconds.
  • Pour a small amount of hot water (twice the weight of your coffee grounds) evenly over the coffee, fully saturating all the grounds in a circular motion.
  • Allow the coffee to bloom for 30 to 45 seconds.

Impact on Extraction

The blooming process gives the coffee grounds an opportunity to degas and prepare for even extraction. This leads to a more balanced flavor profile and allows for the extraction of desirable coffee compounds while minimizing the extraction of any unwanted bitter compounds. Blooming also helps prevent channeling, which is when water finds an easy path through the coffee grounds, resulting in an uneven extraction.

Additional Tips

  • Use fresh, high-quality coffee beans for the best results.
  • Ensure the water temperature is between 195°F and 205°F for optimal extraction.
  • If you notice a significant bubbling during the blooming process, it indicates your coffee beans are releasing excess gas, which could be a sign of over-roasting or stale beans.
  • Experiment with the blooming time to find your preferred flavor profile. Adjusting the blooming time can result in different flavor nuances, allowing you to personalize your cup of coffee.

Pouring Technique

Pour-over brewing with the Chemex requires a specific pouring technique to achieve the best results. By following these steps, you can ensure a flavorful and balanced cup of coffee every time:

Pouring Speed

  • Start by pouring the hot water into the Chemex at a slow and steady pace. Avoid pouring too quickly, as this can result in over-extraction and a bitter taste.
  • Allow the water to pass through the coffee grounds gradually, extracting the desired flavors without overpowering them. Aim for a pour that lasts between 3 to 4 minutes for optimal results.
  • Keep in mind that the pouring speed can vary depending on the coarseness of the coffee grind. Adjust accordingly to achieve the desired extraction rate.

Circular Motion

  • As you pour, use a circular motion to saturate all the coffee grounds evenly. This helps to ensure that all the flavors are extracted uniformly, resulting in a well-balanced cup.
  • Start pouring in the center of the coffee bed and gradually spiral outward. This technique allows for even water distribution and prevents over-extraction in certain areas.
  • Continue the circular motion until you have poured the desired amount of water. Be mindful of maintaining a consistent pour with a steady hand.

Consistent Water Level

  • Throughout the pour-over process, it is essential to maintain a consistent water level in the Chemex.
  • Avoid letting the water level drop too low, as this can lead to under-extraction and a weak cup of coffee. Similarly, be cautious not to overfill the Chemex, as this can result in overflow and a messy brewing experience.
  • By keeping an eye on the water level and adjusting as necessary, you can ensure a consistent extraction and achieve a delicious brew every time.

Experimenting with different pouring techniques can be a fun and rewarding experience. The Chemex Pour-Over Glass Coffeemaker provides the perfect platform for exploration, allowing you to customize your brewing process to suit your preferences. Mastering the pouring technique is just one step towards unlocking the full potential of your Chemex and creating a truly exceptional cup of pour-over coffee.

Brewing Time and Temperature

When it comes to brewing the perfect pour-over coffee with the Chemex Pour-Over Glass Coffeemaker, the ideal brewing time and water temperature are key factors that significantly impact the flavor and extraction of your coffee. Let's delve into the details of how to achieve the best results.

1. Brewing Time:

  • The recommended brewing time for pour-over coffee with the Chemex is between 3 to 4 minutes. This allows for proper extraction of flavors from the coffee grounds, resulting in a well-balanced cup of coffee.
  • A shorter brewing time may under-extract the coffee, leading to a weak and acidic taste. On the other hand, a longer brewing time may over-extract the coffee, resulting in a bitter and unpleasant flavor.
  • Experimenting with the brewing time is essential to find the perfect balance for your taste preferences. Start with the recommended time and adjust accordingly to achieve the desired flavor profile.

2. Water Temperature:

  • The ideal water temperature for pour-over brewing with the Chemex is between 195°F to 205°F (90°C to 96°C). This temperature range ensures optimal extraction of flavors without scorching or under-extracting the coffee.
  • Water that is too hot can cause the coffee to taste burnt, while water that is too cold may result in under-extracted flavors and a weak cup of coffee.
  • Use a thermometer to measure the water temperature accurately. If you don't have a thermometer, a general guideline is to bring the water to a boil and then let it cool for about 30 seconds before pouring it onto the coffee grounds.

Remember, the brewing time and water temperature are interconnected, and adjusting one will likely require adjustments to the other. Take the time to explore different brewing times and temperatures to find the perfect combination that suits your taste preferences. Happy brewing!

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Managing the Drip Rate

When it comes to pour-over coffee brewing, managing the drip rate is key to achieving the perfect cup of coffee. By controlling the flow of water through the grounds, you can customize the extraction process and highlight the desired flavors in your coffee. Here are some tips on how to adjust the drip rate using the Chemex Pour-Over Glass Coffeemaker:

  • Adjusting the grind size: The size of the coffee grounds plays a significant role in controlling the drip rate. If you find that the coffee is dripping too quickly, it may be due to a coarse grind. In this case, try using a finer grind to slow down the flow. On the other hand, if the drip rate is too slow, a coarser grind might be the solution.
  • Pouring technique: The way you pour water onto the coffee grounds also affects the drip rate. To slow down the flow, you can pour the water in a slow and steady circular motion, allowing it to evenly saturate the grounds. For a faster drip rate, you can pour the water more quickly, but be careful not to create channels in the coffee bed.
  • Experiment with water temperature: The temperature of the water used for brewing can impact the drip rate. Generally, hotter water will increase the flow rate, while cooler water will slow it down. Try adjusting the temperature to find the sweet spot that matches your desired drip rate and taste profile.
  • Using a pre-infusion technique: Pre-infusion involves wetting the coffee grounds with a small amount of water and letting it bloom before continuing with the pour-over process. This technique can help control the drip rate and allow for better extraction. Adjusting the duration of the pre-infusion can further fine-tune the rate of flow.

By experimenting with these techniques and making slight adjustments to your grind size, pouring technique, water temperature, and pre-infusion, you can effectively manage the drip rate during pour-over brewing with the Chemex Pour-Over Glass Coffeemaker. Remember, finding the perfect drip rate is a personal preference, so don't be afraid to tweak these variables until you discover the ideal balance for your taste buds.

Filter Maintenance and Replacement

Proper filter maintenance and timely replacement are crucial for achieving optimal brewing results with the Chemex Pour-Over Glass Coffeemaker - Classic Series - 6-Cup. By taking the time to clean and maintain your filter regularly, you ensure that your coffee tastes its best every time you brew. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to care for your Chemex filter:

Cleaning your Chemex Filter:

  • After each use, remove the filter from the coffeemaker and dispose of the used coffee grounds.
  • Rinse the filter thoroughly with warm water to remove any remaining residue or oils.
  • If you notice stubborn stains or build-up, you can gently scrub the filter with a soft brush or sponge. Avoid using harsh cleaning agents that may leave a residue or alter the taste of your coffee.
  • Once cleaned, allow the filter to air-dry completely before storing.

Replacing your Chemex Filter:

  • Over time, filters can become clogged or develop tears, affecting the coffee's flavor and flow rate. It is recommended to replace your Chemex filter regularly for optimal brewing results.
  • On average, filters should be replaced every 1-3 months, depending on usage. If you are a heavy coffee drinker or use your Chemex daily, you may need to replace the filter more frequently.
  • To ascertain if it's time for a replacement, inspect the filter for any signs of discoloration, tears, or clogs. If you notice any of these issues, it is time to get a new filter.
  • When replacing the filter, make sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions for inserting the new filter into the Chemex.

Maintaining your Chemex filter and replacing it when necessary will ensure that your pour-over coffee brewing experience with the Chemex Pour-Over Glass Coffeemaker - Classic Series - 6-Cup remains consistently excellent. Remember, a well-maintained and clean filter is the key to extracting the full flavor potential of your favorite coffee beans.

  • Regularly cleaning your Chemex filter prolongs its lifespan and prevents clogging or off-flavors in your coffee.
  • By replacing your filter regularly, you ensure optimal brewing results and a satisfying cup of pour-over coffee every time.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

When experimenting with pour-over coffee brewing using the Chemex Pour-Over Glass Coffeemaker, it is common to encounter a few issues that can affect the taste and quality of your coffee. Below, we have identified some common problems and provided solutions to help you troubleshoot these issues:


If you find that your coffee tastes weak and lacks flavor, it is likely that the coffee is being under-extracted. Under-extraction occurs when the water does not come into contact with the coffee grounds for a sufficient amount of time, resulting in a weak extraction.

  • Grind your coffee beans slightly finer to increase the coffee's surface area and allow for better extraction.
  • Ensure that your water temperature is within the optimal range of 195 to 205 degrees Fahrenheit. Water that is too cold will not extract enough flavor from the coffee.
  • Increase the brewing time by slowing down your pour. This will allow the water to stay in contact with the coffee grounds for a longer period, promoting better extraction.
  • Consider using a higher coffee-to-water ratio. Increasing the amount of coffee in relation to the amount of water can help compensate for under-extraction.


On the other hand, over-extraction occurs when the coffee is in contact with the water for too long or when the water is too hot, resulting in a bitter and unpleasant taste.

  • Adjust your grind size to be slightly coarser. This will reduce the extraction rate, minimizing the chances of over-extraction.
  • Ensure that your water temperature is not too hot. Aim for the optimal range of 195 to 205 degrees Fahrenheit to prevent over-extraction.
  • Shorten the brewing time by pouring the water in a steady and controlled manner. This will reduce the amount of time the water stays in contact with the coffee grounds.
  • Consider using a lower coffee-to-water ratio. Decreasing the amount of coffee in relation to the amount of water can help prevent over-extraction.

Uneven Extraction

If you notice that your coffee is not evenly extracted, it may result in an imbalanced taste with some portions being weaker or stronger than others.

  • Start by ensuring that you are pouring the water in a controlled and consistent manner. Avoid pouring too quickly or too aggressively, as this can lead to uneven saturation of the coffee grounds.
  • Check if the water is evenly distributing over the coffee bed. Make sure that the water is evenly saturating all the coffee grounds by pouring in a circular motion and covering the entire surface area.
  • Experiment with different pouring techniques such as the "bloom" method, where you pour a small amount of water over the coffee grounds and allow it to bloom for about 30 seconds before continuing with the rest of the pour. This can help promote more even extraction.

By troubleshooting these common issues and implementing the suggested solutions, you can enhance the quality and taste of your pour-over coffee brewing using the Chemex Pour-Over Glass Coffeemaker.

Why We Chose This Product

After exploring various pour-over coffee brewers, we have chosen the Chemex Pour-Over Glass Coffeemaker - Classic Series - 6-Cup - Exclusive Packaging as our top recommendation for your pour-over coffee brewing experiments. Here's why:

  • The Chemex Pour-Over Glass Coffeemaker is a classic and iconic choice for coffee enthusiasts. Its elegant design and hourglass shape not only make it visually appealing but also ensure optimal coffee extraction.
  • With a capacity to brew up to 6 cups of coffee, this coffeemaker is perfect for both solo sipping sessions and gatherings with friends or family.
  • The exclusive packaging adds an extra touch of luxury to your brewing experience, making it a great gift option for coffee lovers.
  • Made from heat-resistant glass, the Chemex not only provides durability but also allows you to observe the mesmerizing process of coffee extraction as water slowly cascades over the coffee grounds.
  • Its patented hourglass design, coupled with its specially designed filters, helps in producing a clean cup of coffee with a full-bodied flavor profile that is free from any sediment or bitterness.
  • The Chemex Pour-Over Glass Coffeemaker is easy to use and maintain, making it suitable for beginners and experienced home baristas alike. Its simple brewing process allows you to exercise control over various brewing variables, such as water temperature, grind size, and brew time.

In conclusion, with its iconic design, quality construction, and exceptional brewing capabilities, the Chemex Pour-Over Glass Coffeemaker - Classic Series - 6-Cup - Exclusive Packaging is the perfect companion for your pour-over coffee experiments. Elevate your coffee brewing ritual with this timeless and reliable brewing device.

Chemex Pour-Over Glass Coffeemaker - Classic Series - 6-Cup - Exclusive Packaging|Image 1
Chemex Classic Series Pour-Over Glass Coffeemaker - 6-Cup
Chemex Pour-Over Glass Coffeemaker - Classic Series - 6-Cup - Exclusive Packaging
$63.49 $47.03
Buy on Amazon

As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

About This Product

The Chemex Pour-Over Glass Coffeemaker from the Classic Series is a true game-changer for coffee enthusiasts. With its elegant design and high-quality materials, this coffeemaker creates a smooth and flavorful cup of coffee with every brew. The pour-over method allows for complete control over the brewing process, ensuring that you get the perfect cup of coffee every time. The 6-cup capacity is ideal for small gatherings or for those who love to indulge in multiple cups throughout the day. The exclusive packaging adds a touch of luxury to the overall experience, making it a great gift for coffee lovers.

The Chemex Pour-Over Glass Coffeemaker is highly versatile and can be used with various coffee beans and grinds, allowing you to customize your brew to suit your preferences. The glass construction not only looks beautiful but also allows you to see the entire brewing process, adding an element of theater to your morning routine. The Chemex coffeemaker is easy to clean, as the glass carafe can be safely washed in the dishwasher. Whether you're a seasoned coffee connoisseur or just starting to explore the world of specialty coffee, the Chemex Pour-Over Glass Coffeemaker is a must-have addition to your kitchen.

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