How to Make Cold Brew Coffee with the Bodum Chambord French Press

How to Make Cold Brew Coffee with the Bodum Chambord French Press
Photographed By: Rachel Claire
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How to Make Cold Brew Coffee with the Bodum Chambord French Press

Welcome to our How to Guide for making cold brew coffee with the Bodum Chambord French Press! If you're a coffee lover looking to explore the realms of smooth, refreshing cold brew, then you've come to the right place. In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps to create a delicious batch of cold brew using the Bodum 1928-16US4 Chambord French Press Coffee Maker. Get ready to unlock a world of rich flavors and enjoy your caffeine fix in a whole new way. Let's dive in!

Bodum 1928-16US4 Chambord French Press Coffee Maker, 1 Liter, 34 Ounce, Chrome|Image 1
Bodum Chambord French Press Coffee Maker - A Classic Way to Brew Delicious Coffee
Bodum 1928-16US4 Chambord French Press Coffee Maker, 1 Liter, 34 Ounce, Chrome
$39.81 $29.49
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About This Product

The Bodum 1928-16US4 Chambord French Press Coffee Maker is the perfect tool for coffee lovers who appreciate a rich and flavorful cup of coffee. With a 1-liter capacity, this coffee maker can brew up to 34 ounces of coffee at a time, making it ideal for both small gatherings and personal use. The chrome finish adds a touch of elegance to any kitchen countertop, while the traditional French press design ensures that every cup of coffee is brewed to perfection. Whether you prefer a strong and bold brew or a more delicate flavor, the Bodum Chambord French Press Coffee Maker allows you to customize the strength and taste of your coffee to suit your preferences.

Grinding the Coffee Beans

When it comes to making the perfect cup of cold brew coffee with the Bodum Chambord French Press, the first step is to grind your coffee beans to the right consistency. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to grind your coffee beans for cold brew using the Bodum Chambord French Press:

1. Choose the right coffee beans: For a flavorful and smooth cup of cold brew, it's important to select high-quality coffee beans. Look for beans that are specifically labeled for cold brew or choose a medium to coarse grind.

2. Measure the amount of beans: Depending on the strength of your preferred cold brew, start by measuring out the desired amount of coffee beans. A general guideline is to use a ratio of 1:4, which means 1 part coffee to 4 parts water. Feel free to adjust this ratio to suit your taste preferences.

3. Set your grinder: To achieve the ideal grind size for cold brew, set your coffee grinder to a coarse setting. This will result in larger coffee particles, which are essential for a proper extraction of flavors during the long brewing process.

4. Grind the coffee beans: Place the measured coffee beans into the grinder and start grinding. Ensure that the grinding process is consistent, and all the beans are evenly ground to achieve a uniform extraction and flavor profile.

5. Check the grind: Once you've finished grinding, check the consistency of the coffee grounds. A coarse grind for cold brew should resemble breadcrumbs or sea salt texture, with larger coffee particles that are chunky and not too fine.

  • Make sure the coffee grounds are not too fine, as this can lead to over-extraction and a bitter taste.
  • Avoid grinding the coffee beans too quickly, as this can create heat and affect the flavor of your cold brew.

6. Store the coffee grounds: Transfer the freshly ground coffee into an airtight container to preserve its freshness and prevent any moisture or odors from affecting the flavor. Keep in mind that freshly ground coffee is best used within two weeks to ensure optimal taste.

Remember, the quality of your coffee beans and the consistency of the grind plays a significant role in the flavor and outcome of your cold brew. By following these steps and using the Bodum Chambord French Press, you'll be well on your way to enjoying a rich and satisfying cup of homemade cold brew coffee.

Measuring Coffee and Water

When it comes to making delicious cold brew coffee with the Bodum Chambord French Press, the ratio of coffee to water is key to achieving the perfect brew. By following the proper measurements, you can ensure a rich and flavorful result every time. Here's how to measure the right amount of coffee and water:

  • Start by determining the amount of cold brew coffee you want to make. The Bodum Chambord French Press has a capacity of 1 liter or 34 ounces, so keep this in mind when measuring.
  • For a strong and robust flavor, a general guideline is to use a 1:4 coffee to water ratio. This means for every 1 part of coffee, you will need 4 parts of water. Adjust the ratio according to your preference.
  • Measure the desired amount of coffee beans. It is recommended to use a coarse grind for cold brew. A good starting point is using 1 cup of coffee grounds for every liter of water.
  • Grind the coffee beans and transfer them to the French Press.
  • Pour the measured amount of cold water over the coffee grounds in the French Press. Make sure to gently stir the mixture to ensure all the coffee grounds are saturated.
  • Place the lid on the French Press, but do not press down the plunger just yet. Allow the mixture to steep for at least 12 to 24 hours in the refrigerator.
  • After the steeping time, slowly press down the plunger to separate the coffee grounds from the brewed coffee.
  • Pour the cold brew coffee into a separate container and it's ready to be enjoyed!

With these simple steps, you can easily measure the right amount of coffee and water for making cold brew in the Bodum Chambord French Press. Experiment with different ratios and brewing times to customize your cold brew coffee to your personal taste.

Preparing the French Press

Before you begin making your cold brew coffee with the Bodum Chambord French Press, it is important to properly assemble and prepare the French Press. Follow these steps to ensure a great brewing experience:


  • Start by thoroughly cleaning the French Press, including all its parts, with warm soapy water.
  • Rinse it well and make sure there are no soap residues left.
  • This step is crucial to remove any dust or impurities from the manufacturing process.

Removing the Plunger:

  • Begin by unscrewing the plunger rod from the lid of the French Press.
  • Gently pull up on the plunger assembly, separating it from the pot.
  • Place the lid and the plunger assembly aside for now.

Adding the Ground Coffee:

  • Measure out your desired amount of coffee beans and grind them to a coarse consistency.
  • The recommended coffee-to-water ratio for cold brew is 1:4, so if you're using 1 cup of coffee beans, you'll need 4 cups of water.
  • Add the ground coffee into the bottom of the French Press.
  • Make sure the filter screen is in place at the bottom before adding the coffee to prevent any grounds from escaping.
  • Once the coffee is added, gently shake the French Press to level the grounds.

Now that you have assembled and prepared the Bodum Chambord French Press, you are ready to move on to the next steps in making your delicious cold brew coffee.

Adding Water and Stirring

Now that you have your coarsely ground coffee in the French Press, it's time to add water and give it a good stir. This step is crucial for proper extraction and ensuring a delicious cold brew coffee experience with the Bodum Chambord French Press.

Here's how to add water and stir your coffee to perfection:

  • Start by pouring cold water over the coffee grounds in the French Press. For the Bodum Chambord French Press Coffee Maker, you'll want to use a ratio of 1 part coffee to 4 parts water. So, for example, if you used 100 grams of coffee, you'll want to add 400 grams of water.
  • After adding the water, give it a gentle stir with a long spoon or paddle. Make sure all the grounds are fully saturated and mixed with the water. This helps to ensure an even extraction and avoid any dry spots.
  • Let the coffee steep for approximately 12-24 hours, depending on your preference. The longer you steep, the stronger and bolder the flavor will be.
  • Once the steeping time is up, slowly press the plunger down to separate the coffee grounds from the liquid. Be gentle and steady to avoid any grounds slipping through.
  • Your delicious cold brew coffee is now ready to be enjoyed! Pour it into a glass over ice and add any desired milk or sweeteners.

Remember, the key to a great cold brew coffee with the Bodum Chambord French Press is the right ratio of coffee to water and a thorough stirring. Enjoy the smooth, rich flavors of your homemade cold brew!

  • Ensure the water is cold to achieve the best results.
  • Experiment with steeping times to find your preferred strength and flavor.
  • Consider using filtered water for the best taste.
  • Invest in a quality grinder for consistent and evenly ground coffee.

Steeping the Cold Brew

The Bodum Chambord French Press is not only great for brewing hot coffee, but it also serves as an excellent tool for making cold brew coffee. Cold brew is known for its smooth and rich taste, and the unique brewing process involves steeping coffee grounds in cold water over a long period of time. To achieve the perfect cold brew with the Bodum Chambord French Press, it's important to understand the optimal steeping time and how to adjust it according to personal taste preferences.

When it comes to steeping cold brew in the Bodum Chambord French Press, it's recommended to let it steep for at least 12 hours. This allows enough time for the flavors to fully infuse into the water, resulting in a delicious and robust coffee concentrate. However, the steeping time can be adjusted based on personal taste preferences. If you prefer a milder and less concentrated cold brew, you can reduce the steeping time to around 8-10 hours. On the other hand, if you prefer a stronger and more intense flavor, you can extend the steeping time to 14-16 hours.

Pressing and Filtering

Once your cold brew coffee has steeped for the desired amount of time, it's time to press and filter it using the Bodum Chambord French Press. Mastering this technique will ensure you achieve a smooth and sediment-free final product. Follow these steps to press and filter your cold brew coffee:

Step 1: Press Slowly and Evenly

  • Position the French press on a stable surface and hold the handle firmly.
  • Using slow and even pressure, slowly push down on the plunger.
  • Make sure to apply consistent pressure throughout the process to prevent any grounds or sediment from escaping into your coffee.

Step 2: Control the Speed

  • Avoid pressing the plunger too quickly as it may cause the filter to clog or allow grounds to seep through.
  • Take your time and press down the plunger at a steady and controlled pace.

Step 3: Use the Mesh Filter

  • Ensure the mesh filter of the French press is clean and properly attached to the plunger.
  • The mesh filter plays a crucial role in separating the coffee grounds from the liquid, producing a clean brew.

Step 4: Pour and Enjoy!

  • Once you have fully pressed down the plunger, carefully pour the filtered cold brew coffee into your preferred serving vessel.
  • Enjoy the rich and flavorful result of your cold brew coffee-making process!

Pouring and Serving

Once your cold brew coffee has steeped in the Bodum Chambord French Press and is ready to be enjoyed, it's time to pour and serve your delicious brew. Here are some tips on how to pour and serve cold brew coffee using the Bodum Chambord French Press:

  • Start by slowly pressing down the plunger of the French Press to separate the brewed coffee grounds from the liquid. This will ensure a smooth and sediment-free cup of cold brew coffee.
  • When pouring the cold brew coffee, aim to fill each cup about three-quarters full. The remaining space will allow room for additions such as milk, cream, or ice cubes.
  • Consider serving cold brew coffee over ice for a refreshing summertime treat. Fill a glass with ice cubes and pour the cold brew coffee over the ice. This will dilute the coffee slightly and provide a chilled beverage.
  • For a stronger cup of cold brew coffee, serve it straight without any additional additives. This allows the natural flavors and aromas of the coffee to be experienced fully.
  • Experiment with different serving temperatures to find your preferred taste. Some coffee enthusiasts enjoy cold brew coffee served at room temperature, while others prefer it chilled with ice.
  • Additional toppings such as whipped cream, caramel syrup, or cinnamon sprinkles can enhance the presentation and flavor of your cold brew coffee.

Remember, the Bodum Chambord French Press allows you to not only brew but also serve your cold brew coffee in a stylish and elegant manner. Its chrome finish and timeless design will surely impress your guests as they enjoy their cup of smooth and flavorful cold brew coffee.

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Storing the Cold Brew

After you have successfully brewed your delicious cold brew coffee using the Bodum Chambord French Press, it's important to store it properly to ensure it stays fresh and maintains its robust flavor. Here are some tips on how to store your cold brew coffee:

  • Transfer the brewed cold brew coffee from the French Press into an airtight container. Airtight containers, such as glass jars with rubber seals or vacuum-sealed canisters, are ideal for preserving the freshness and flavor of your cold brew.
  • Avoid storing your cold brew in containers that are not airtight, as exposure to air can cause the coffee to oxidize and lose its desired taste.
  • Store the airtight container with your cold brew coffee in the refrigerator. Keeping it refrigerated helps maintain its freshness and prevents bacterial growth.
  • It's recommended to consume your cold brew coffee within two weeks of brewing to enjoy its full flavor. While it can still be safe to consume beyond this timeframe, the taste may start to deteriorate over time.
  • Consider labeling your airtight container with the date of brewing to keep track of its freshness.

Storing your cold brew coffee properly is essential to keep it tasting its best for as long as possible. By using an airtight container and refrigerating it, you can extend the lifespan of your cold brew coffee while ensuring it maintains its rich flavors. So, enjoy your homemade cold brew coffee for weeks to come without worrying about any loss in quality!

  • Use an airtight container to preserve the freshness of your cold brew
  • Avoid storing in non-airtight containers to prevent oxidation
  • Refrigerate the cold brew to maintain freshness and inhibit bacterial growth
  • Consume within two weeks for optimal flavor
  • Label the container with the brewing date to keep track of its freshness

Customizing Cold Brew

Cold brew coffee made with the Bodum Chambord French Press is a refreshing and versatile beverage that can be easily customized to suit your personal preferences. Here are some suggestions and ideas to help you create your perfect cup of cold brew:

  • Add Milk: If you prefer a creamy and smooth cold brew, consider adding milk to your coffee. Whether it's regular milk, almond milk, or soy milk, this addition will give your cold brew a richer texture and a touch of sweetness.
  • Sweeten It Up: Cold brew is naturally less acidic and less bitter compared to hot brewed coffee. However, if you have a sweet tooth, you can add some sweeteners to enhance the flavor. Honey, maple syrup, or simple syrup are great options to consider. Start with a small amount and adjust according to your taste preference.
  • Infuse with Flavors: Cold brew is an excellent canvas for infusing different flavors. Experiment with adding a dash of vanilla extract, a sprinkle of cinnamon, or a few drops of flavored syrups such as caramel, hazelnut, or peppermint. These additions can complement the coffee's natural flavors or add a whole new dimension to your cold brew.
  • Experiment with Brewing Time: The beauty of using the Bodum Chambord French Press for cold brew is that you have control over the brewing time. The longer the coffee steeps, the stronger and bolder the flavor will be. If you prefer a milder brew, shorten the steeping time, whereas if you want a stronger kick, let it steep for a longer period.
  • Vary the Coffee-to-Water Ratio: Adjusting the coffee-to-water ratio will affect the strength and intensity of your cold brew. If you prefer a strong and concentrated brew, increase the amount of coffee grounds used. On the other hand, if you prefer a milder taste, reduce the amount of coffee grounds. Experiment with different ratios until you find your preferred balance.

Customizing your cold brew with the Bodum Chambord French Press allows you to tailor your drink to your own unique taste preferences. Whether you enjoy it with milk and sweeteners or infused with exciting flavors, the possibilities are endless. So, get creative, have fun with your cold brew, and enjoy a delicious cup of coffee made just the way you like it.

Cleaning and Maintenance

After enjoying a delicious batch of cold brew coffee with your Bodum 1928-16US4 Chambord French Press, it's important to properly clean and maintain the coffee maker to ensure it stays in optimal condition for future use. Here are some necessary steps and tips for cleaning and maintaining your Bodum Chambord French Press:

  • Separate and rinse the parts: Start by separating the plunger, filter, and glass carafe from the Bodum Chambord French Press. Rinse these parts thoroughly under warm water to remove any remaining coffee grounds or residue.
  • Clean the plunger and filter: Use mild soap and a soft sponge or brush to clean the plunger and filter. Gently scrub the stainless steel components to remove any coffee oils or stains. Rinse them thoroughly to ensure all soap residue is removed.
  • Wash the glass carafe: Wash the glass carafe with mild dish soap and a non-abrasive sponge or cloth. Be gentle while cleaning to avoid any cracks or damage to the glass. Rinse the carafe thoroughly to remove any soap residue.
  • Addressing stubborn coffee stains: If you notice stubborn coffee stains on the glass carafe, you can try soaking it in a mixture of equal parts water and white vinegar for about 30 minutes. Scrub the stains gently with a sponge or brush, then rinse thoroughly.
  • Dry and reassemble the French Press: After cleaning, make sure to dry all the components completely before reassembling the Bodum Chambord French Press. Ensure that the glass carafe is completely dry to prevent any mold or mildew growth. Once dry, reattach the plunger, filter, and carafe carefully.

Additional Tips:

  • To maintain the beautiful chrome finish of the Bodum Chambord French Press, avoid using abrasive cleaners or scrubbing brushes as they can scratch the surface. Stick to mild soap and soft sponges or brushes for cleaning.
  • Regularly clean the French Press after each use to prevent buildup of coffee oils and residue, which can affect the taste of your brews over time.
  • Store your Bodum Chambord French Press in a dry and clean area to avoid any exposure to moisture or dirt.
  • If you prefer a deeper and more thorough clean, you can disassemble the plunger and filter for a detailed cleaning. Just make sure to handle the delicate parts with care.

Why We Chose This Product

We chose the Bodum 1928-16US4 Chambord French Press Coffee Maker for our guide on making cold brew coffee because it offers the perfect combination of functionality and style. With its sleek chrome design and 1-liter capacity, this French press is not only a practical tool for making cold brew coffee but also an elegant addition to any kitchen or coffee station.

  • The Bodum Chambord French Press allows for easy and precise control over the brewing process, ensuring a consistently delicious cup of cold brew coffee every time.
  • Its durable construction and stainless-steel mesh filter guarantee long-lasting performance, making it a reliable choice for coffee enthusiasts.
  • The large capacity of 34 ounces allows you to make multiple servings of cold brew coffee at once, perfect for hosting guests or enjoying throughout the day.
  • Its simple and straightforward design makes it user-friendly, even for those new to making cold brew coffee.

Overall, the Bodum 1928-16US4 Chambord French Press Coffee Maker is a top-notch product that combines functionality, durability, and style. Whether you're a seasoned cold brew coffee lover or just discovering the art of brewing it at home, this French press will undoubtedly enhance your coffee experience.

Bodum 1928-16US4 Chambord French Press Coffee Maker, 1 Liter, 34 Ounce, Chrome|Image 1
Bodum Chambord French Press Coffee Maker - A Classic Way to Brew Delicious Coffee
Bodum 1928-16US4 Chambord French Press Coffee Maker, 1 Liter, 34 Ounce, Chrome
$39.81 $29.49
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About This Product

The Bodum 1928-16US4 Chambord French Press Coffee Maker is the perfect tool for coffee lovers who appreciate a rich and flavorful cup of coffee. With a 1-liter capacity, this coffee maker can brew up to 34 ounces of coffee at a time, making it ideal for both small gatherings and personal use. The chrome finish adds a touch of elegance to any kitchen countertop, while the traditional French press design ensures that every cup of coffee is brewed to perfection. Whether you prefer a strong and bold brew or a more delicate flavor, the Bodum Chambord French Press Coffee Maker allows you to customize the strength and taste of your coffee to suit your preferences.

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