How to Make Creamy Gelato at Home

How to Make Creamy Gelato at Home
Photographed By: Piotr Arnoldes
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How to Make Creamy Gelato at Home

Indulge in the velvety goodness of homemade creamy gelato with the Hamilton Beach Electric Automatic Ice Cream Maker & Frozen Yogurt Machine. No need to head out for your favorite frozen treat when you can easily create it in the comfort of your own kitchen. This versatile machine allows you to not only make gelato, but also custard, sorbet, and sherbet, all in a convenient 4-quart capacity.

Hamilton Beach Electric Automatic Ice Cream Maker & Frozen Yogurt Machine, Makes Custard, Sorbet, Gelato and Sherbet, 4 Quart, White|Image 1
Hamilton Beach Electric Ice Cream Maker - Make Homemade Frozen Treats with Ease!
Hamilton Beach Electric Automatic Ice Cream Maker & Frozen Yogurt Machine, Makes Custard, Sorbet, Gelato and Sherbet, 4 Quart, White
$91.88 $68.06
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About This Product

The Hamilton Beach Electric Automatic Ice Cream Maker & Frozen Yogurt Machine is a versatile kitchen appliance that allows you to make delicious frozen treats in the comfort of your own home. With a capacity of 4 quarts, this machine can make custard, sorbet, gelato, and sherbet to satisfy all your dessert cravings. The white color of the machine adds a touch of elegance to your kitchen decor.

With multiple EAN and UPC codes, this ice cream maker is widely available and can be easily purchased online or at your local store. The automatic function of the machine ensures that your frozen treats are churned to perfection, saving you the hassle of manual mixing. Whether you're hosting a party or simply treating yourself, the Hamilton Beach Electric Automatic Ice Cream Maker is a must-have appliance for any dessert lover.

Ingredients Needed for Gelato

If you've ever wanted to make your own creamy and delicious gelato at home, then look no further! With the Hamilton Beach Electric Automatic Ice Cream Maker & Frozen Yogurt Machine, you can easily create your favorite frozen treats right in your own kitchen. To make the perfect gelato, you'll need a few key ingredients:

  • Milk: Start with a good quality whole milk to achieve that rich and creamy texture. The fat content in whole milk helps create a smooth and velvety base for your gelato.
  • Sugar: Granulated sugar is the most commonly used sweetener for gelato. It not only adds sweetness but also helps prevent ice crystals from forming, resulting in a smoother texture.
  • Eggs: Traditional gelato recipes call for egg yolks, which lend a luxurious richness and silkiness to the final product. They also act as emulsifiers, binding the ingredients together and creating a smooth texture.
  • Flavorings: The possibilities for flavorings are endless. You can choose from pure extracts like vanilla or almond, or get creative with fruits, chocolates, nuts, and more. Just make sure to use high-quality ingredients to enhance the overall taste of your gelato.

Now that you have the basic ingredients needed, it's time to get creative and experiment with different flavor combinations. Whether you want to make classic vanilla gelato, decadent chocolate gelato, or a refreshing fruit-flavored gelato, the Hamilton Beach Electric Automatic Ice Cream Maker & Frozen Yogurt Machine will help you achieve the perfect consistency every time. Get ready to indulge in a homemade gelato that rivals your favorite gelato shop!

  • Tips:
  • Chill your gelato base in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours before churning to ensure a creamy texture.
  • Experiment with different mix-ins such as cookie crumbs, caramel swirls, or chopped nuts to add extra texture and flavor to your gelato.
  • Don't be afraid to adjust the sweetness according to your preference. Add more or less sugar depending on the flavors you choose.

Preparing the Gelato Base

If you've ever indulged in a delicious scoop of creamy gelato and wondered if you could recreate that velvety texture at home, well, wonder no more! With the Hamilton Beach Electric Automatic Ice Cream Maker & Frozen Yogurt Machine, you can easily make your own homemade gelato base that rivals your favorite gelato shop. Follow these simple steps to create a smooth and creamy gelato base that will serve as the foundation for your delectable frozen treats.

To begin, gather all the ingredients necessary for preparing the gelato base. You will need:

  • 2 cups of whole milk
  • 1 cup of heavy cream
  • 3/4 cup of granulated sugar
  • 4 large egg yolks
  • 1 teaspoon of pure vanilla extract

Once you have all the ingredients ready, follow these step-by-step instructions to mix and heat the gelato base:

Step 1: Mixing the Ingredients

  • In a medium saucepan, combine the whole milk and heavy cream over medium heat. Stir occasionally to prevent scorching.
  • Meanwhile, in a separate bowl, whisk together the granulated sugar and egg yolks until well combined and slightly thickened.
  • Gradually pour the egg mixture into the saucepan with the milk and cream, whisking constantly to incorporate the ingredients evenly.
  • Add the vanilla extract to the mixture and continue whisking until everything is thoroughly combined.

Step 2: Heating the Gelato Base

  • Place the saucepan back on the stovetop over medium heat.
  • Using a wooden spoon or silicone spatula, stir the mixture continuously as it heats up.
  • Continue stirring until the gelato base thickens slightly and reaches a temperature of around 170°F (77°C). This should take about 5-7 minutes.
  • Be careful not to let the mixture boil, as it may curdle or form lumps.

Once the gelato base has reached the desired temperature and consistency, remove the saucepan from the heat and let it cool before transferring it to the refrigerator to chill completely. Once chilled, you can then use the gelato base in your Hamilton Beach Electric Automatic Ice Cream Maker & Frozen Yogurt Machine to create a luscious batch of creamy gelato or experiment with different flavors for your frozen desserts. Enjoy the rich and indulgent taste of homemade gelato right in the comfort of your own home!

Chilling the Gelato Base

Before transferring your gelato base into the ice cream maker, it is essential to properly cool and chill it. This step is crucial to ensure that your gelato turns out creamy and smooth. Here's how you can effectively chill your gelato base:

  • Start by placing your gelato base in a shallow, wide container. This will help the base to cool evenly and quickly.
  • Cover the container with a lid or plastic wrap to prevent any unwanted flavors or odors from seeping into the base while it chills.
  • Place the container in the refrigerator for at least 4 to 6 hours, or overnight if possible. The longer the base chills, the better the flavors will meld together.
  • Make sure your refrigerator is set to the coldest setting to accelerate the chilling process. Gelato bases contain a higher amount of fat than ice cream bases, and a colder temperature will help prevent ice crystals from forming.
  • For best results, avoid placing the gelato base in the freezer to chill as it can lead to an uneven texture and affect the final outcome of your gelato.
  • When removing the chilled gelato base from the refrigerator, give it a gentle stir to ensure the ingredients are well incorporated.
  • If you notice any lumps in the base, strain it through a fine-mesh sieve to ensure a silky smooth texture.

By properly chilling your gelato base, you are setting the stage for a velvety and delicious frozen treat. The cooling process allows the flavors to meld together and the fats to stabilize, resulting in a creamy mouthfeel. Take your time during this step to ensure the gelato base is thoroughly chilled before transferring it to the ice cream maker. Remember, patience will be rewarded with a delectable homemade gelato experience.

  • Be mindful of the temperature setting of your refrigerator, as it can vary. Adjust accordingly to achieve the desired chilling temperature for your gelato base.
  • If you're short on time, you can use an ice bath to speed up the chilling process. Place the container with the gelato base in a larger container filled with ice and water. Stir the mixture occasionally to promote even cooling.

Using the Hamilton Beach Ice Cream Maker

Making creamy gelato at home has never been easier thanks to the Hamilton Beach Electric Automatic Ice Cream Maker. With its simple assembly and user-friendly operation, this ice cream maker allows you to enjoy a rich and smooth gelato experience right in the comfort of your own kitchen.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to assemble, operate, and set up the Hamilton Beach Ice Cream Maker for gelato making:


  • Before assembling the ice cream maker, make sure that you have thoroughly cleaned all the removable parts, including the freezer bowl, paddle, and lid.
  • Place the freezer bowl in the freezer for a minimum of 24 hours to ensure it is properly frozen before use.
  • Once the freezer bowl is completely frozen, insert the paddle into the bowl and secure the lid on top.
  • Ensure that the power cord is disconnected from the outlet before proceeding.
  • Position the assembled ice cream maker on a flat and stable surface.


  • Prior to pouring your gelato mixture into the frozen bowl, turn on the ice cream maker to begin the freezing process.
  • Pour your prepared gelato mixture into the rotating frozen bowl.
  • Place the lid securely on top of the bowl to prevent any mixture from splashing out during the churning process.
  • Turn on the ice cream maker and let it churn for about 20-40 minutes or until the desired consistency is achieved.
  • Feel free to add any additional mix-ins, such as chocolate chips or fruit, during the last few minutes of churning.

Set Up

  • Once your gelato is ready, remove the freezer bowl from the ice cream maker and use the included handle to easily extract the creamy goodness.
  • Transfer the gelato into a suitable container and place it in the freezer to further firm up if desired.
  • Ensure that the ice cream maker is unplugged and cleaned thoroughly after each use.

With the Hamilton Beach Electric Automatic Ice Cream Maker, making creamy gelato at home is a breeze. Its efficient assembly and simple operation allow you to create delicious frozen treats with ease. So why wait? Start enjoying homemade gelato today!

Adding the Gelato Base to the Machine

So, you've got your Hamilton Beach Electric Automatic Ice Cream Maker & Frozen Yogurt Machine ready to go, and now it's time to start making some creamy gelato. The first step is to pour the chilled gelato base into the ice cream maker, but you want to make sure you do it right to achieve the perfect consistency. Here's how:

  • Before you begin, ensure that the gelato base has been properly chilled in the refrigerator for at least a few hours. This will make it easier for the mixture to freeze evenly and result in a smoother texture.
  • Remove the freezer bowl from the machine and make sure it's still frozen. If it's not, you'll need to place it back in the freezer until it is completely frozen.
  • Next, take the gelato base and give it a good stir to make sure it is well blended. This will help prevent any lumps or inconsistencies in the final product.
  • Carefully pour the gelato base into the freezer bowl. It's important not to overfill the machine, as the mixture will expand as it freezes. Leave some space at the top to allow for expansion.
  • If you're unsure of how much gelato base to add, consult the instructions that came with your machine. They should provide guidelines on the maximum capacity.
  • Once the base is added, place the freezer bowl back into the machine and secure it in place.
  • Now, it's time to start the machine. Follow the instructions for your specific Hamilton Beach model on how to turn it on and select the desired setting.
  • Allow the machine to churn the gelato base for the recommended time, typically around 20-30 minutes. The exact time may vary depending on the machine and the specific recipe you're using.
  • While the gelato is churning, resist the urge to open the lid and check on the progress too often. Opening the lid can let in warm air, which can negatively affect the freezing process.
  • Once the gelato has reached the desired consistency, use a rubber spatula to scrape it into a container for storage or immediate consumption.

Now that you know how to add the gelato base to the Hamilton Beach Electric Automatic Ice Cream Maker & Frozen Yogurt Machine, you're one step closer to enjoying your own delicious and creamy gelato at home. Experiment with different flavors and mix-ins to create your own unique creations. The possibilities are endless!

  • Always remember to clean your ice cream maker thoroughly after each use to maintain its performance and longevity.
  • Make sure to store your gelato in an airtight container in the freezer to maintain its freshness and prevent ice crystals from forming.

Selecting the Gelato Setting

When using the Hamilton Beach Electric Automatic Ice Cream Maker & Frozen Yogurt Machine to make creamy and delicious gelato at home, it is important to choose the appropriate setting to achieve the perfect consistency. This machine offers various settings that cater to different freezing requirements, allowing you to customize your gelato-making experience.

The Hamilton Beach Ice Cream Maker features three main settings for making gelato: Soft, Medium, and Hard. Each setting corresponds to a specific freezing time and speed, which affects the texture and consistency of the gelato. Here is a breakdown of these settings and how to choose the right one:

  • Soft Setting: This setting is ideal for making gelato with a softer and creamier texture. It has a shorter freezing time and a slower mixing speed, which allows for a smoother churn. Use this setting if you prefer a gelato that is easy to scoop and has a lighter mouthfeel.
  • Medium Setting: If you prefer a gelato with a slightly firmer consistency, the medium setting is a great option. It offers a longer freezing time and a faster mixing speed compared to the soft setting. This results in a gelato that is still creamy but has a more substantial texture.
  • Hard Setting: For a gelato that is firm and scoopable like store-bought varieties, the hard setting is perfect. It has the longest freezing time and the fastest mixing speed among the three settings. This setting ensures that your gelato reaches the desired firmness and solidifies properly, making it easy to serve and enjoy.

In order to choose the appropriate setting, consider the following factors:

  • The desired texture of your gelato – whether you prefer it soft and creamy or firm and scoopable.
  • The ingredients used in the gelato recipe – certain ingredients may require a longer or shorter freezing time to achieve the desired consistency.
  • Your personal preference – experiment with different settings to find the perfect balance of creaminess and firmness that suits your taste.

By selecting the right gelato setting on the Hamilton Beach Electric Ice Cream Maker, you can easily create a homemade treat that rivals the ones found in gelato shops. So go ahead and explore the different settings to discover your favorite gelato consistency!

Churning Gelato in the Machine

Now that you have prepared the gelato mixture, it's time to churn it in the Hamilton Beach Electric Automatic Ice Cream Maker & Frozen Yogurt Machine to achieve that creamy consistency you crave. Follow these step-by-step instructions to operate the machine:

  • Remove the gelato canister from the freezer, where it has been chilling for at least 24 hours. This step ensures that the canister is properly frozen, which is crucial for the churning process.
  • Place the frozen canister into the base of the machine.
  • Attach the paddle or dasher to the motor and lower it into the canister. Make sure it fits securely.
  • Pour the prepared gelato mixture into the canister. Leave about an inch of space at the top to allow for expansion as the gelato churns.
  • Secure the lid onto the machine by lining up the tabs and twisting it clockwise until it locks into place.
  • Plug in the machine and set it to the desired churning time. Gelato typically requires about 20-25 minutes of churning, but refer to your recipe for specific guidelines.
  • Press the start button to begin churning.
  • As the machine churns, the gelato mixture will gradually thicken and freeze. You may notice the mixture expanding and increasing in volume, which is normal.
  • While the gelato is churning, avoid removing the lid or interrupting the process, as this can affect the texture and consistency of the final product.
  • Once the churning time is complete, carefully remove the paddle or dasher from the canister. Be sure to scrape off any excess gelato clinging to it.
  • Gently transfer the churned gelato into an airtight container for further freezing. Allow it to freeze for a few hours or overnight to firm up before serving.

Churning gelato in the Hamilton Beach Electric Automatic Ice Cream Maker & Frozen Yogurt Machine is a breeze with these simple steps. Enjoy the process and anticipate the delightful creaminess of your homemade gelato!

  • Always follow the specific churning instructions provided in your gelato recipe to achieve the best results.
  • For additional flavor variations, consider adding mix-ins such as chocolate chips, crushed cookies, or fresh fruits to the gelato during the last few minutes of churning.
  • Experiment with different gelato recipes and ratios of ingredients to find your perfect creamy texture.

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Adding Mix-ins to Gelato

Creating creamy gelato at home is a delightful experience, and adding mix-ins can take your homemade gelato to the next level of flavor and texture. Whether you prefer chocolate chips, nuts, or fruit, incorporating these delicious additions into your gelato recipe can enhance the overall taste and provide a delightful surprise with every bite. To achieve the perfect incorporation of mix-ins, it's important to follow a few simple steps while your gelato churns in the ice cream maker.

Here are some tips to guide you on when and how to add mix-ins to your gelato:

  • Timing: Wait until your gelato reaches a soft-serve consistency before adding mix-ins. This will prevent them from sinking to the bottom and ensure an even distribution throughout the gelato. Keep an eye on the gelato as it churns, and when it thickens but is still soft, you can proceed to the next step.
  • Preparation: Prepare your mix-ins by chopping or crushing them to the desired size. For instance, if you're using chocolate chips, chop them roughly into smaller pieces to avoid large chunks that might freeze too hard. Similarly, if you're using nuts or fruit, chop or dice them into bite-sized pieces.
  • Layering: Once your gelato has reached the soft-serve consistency, pause the ice cream maker and start incorporating your mix-ins. For even distribution, layer the mix-ins by sprinkling a portion over the gelato and gently folding it in with a spatula or spoon. Repeat this process until all the mix-ins are added.
  • Completing the Process: After adding the mix-ins, resume churning the gelato in the ice cream maker until it reaches the desired consistency. This will help freeze the gelato and bind the mix-ins uniformly throughout the entire batch, resulting in a delicious and creamy gelato.

By following these steps, you can enjoy homemade gelato filled with a delectable assortment of mix-ins. Whether you prefer the crunch of chocolate chips, the richness of nuts, or the burst of fruit, your gelato will be elevated to new heights of flavor and texture. So get creative, experiment with different mix-ins, and indulge in the delightful world of homemade creamy gelato!

Transferring Gelato to Freezer

After the gelato has been churned to a creamy consistency in your Hamilton Beach Electric Automatic Ice Cream Maker, it is time to transfer it to a freezer-safe container for further firming and storage. Following these simple steps will ensure that your homemade gelato retains its texture and flavor:

1. Gather the necessary materials:

  • A freezer-safe container with a tight-fitting lid
  • A rubber spatula or spoon for scooping and smoothing the gelato
  • Plastic wrap

2. Prior to transferring the gelato, make sure the freezer-safe container has been thoroughly washed and dried to prevent any unwanted flavors or contaminants from affecting your gelato.

3. Working quickly, use a rubber spatula or spoon to scoop the freshly churned gelato from the ice cream maker into the container. Be sure to scrape down the sides of the ice cream maker to get every last bit of delicious gelato.

4. Once all the gelato is in the container, use the back of the spatula or spoon to smoothen the surface, ensuring an even and compact layer. This will help prevent ice crystals from forming during the freezing process.

5. Place a piece of plastic wrap directly on the surface of the gelato to create a tight seal and prevent any air from reaching it. This will also help maintain its creamy texture as it freezes.

6. Secure the lid tightly on the container, making sure it is airtight. This will prevent any unwanted odors from entering the gelato and keep it fresh and flavorful.

Serving and Enjoying Gelato

After preparing your homemade creamy gelato using the Hamilton Beach Electric Automatic Ice Cream Maker & Frozen Yogurt Machine, it's time to serve and enjoy this delightful frozen treat. Here are some tips and techniques to enhance your gelato experience:

  • Serve the gelato in chilled bowls or cones to maintain its creamy consistency.
  • Garnish the gelato with a variety of toppings to add texture and flavor. Some popular options include:
    • Fresh fruits: Add a burst of freshness with sliced strawberries, raspberries, or blueberries.
    • Crushed nuts: Sprinkle some crushed almonds, pistachios, or hazelnuts for a delightful crunch.
    • Chocolate shavings: Shave some chocolate over the gelato to satisfy your cocoa cravings.
    • Whipped cream: Top it off with a dollop of light and fluffy whipped cream.
    • Sprinkles: Enhance the visual appeal of your gelato with colorful sprinkles.
  • For a luxurious touch, drizzle your gelato with your favorite syrup. Options include chocolate syrup, caramel syrup, or fruit syrups.
  • Consider serving gelato with complementary accompaniments to create a well-rounded dessert:
    • Biscotti: The crisp texture of biscotti makes it an excellent pairing with gelato.
    • Waffle cones: Fill a waffle cone with gelato for a handheld treat.
    • Shortbread cookies: The buttery flavor of shortbread cookies complements the creaminess of gelato.
    • Fresh mint leaves: Add a refreshing element by garnishing your gelato with a sprig of fresh mint.

By following these serving tips and garnishing options, you can elevate your gelato experience and create a visually appealing and indulgent dessert. Explore different combinations and flavors to find your personal favorite way of enjoying this creamy delight.

Why We Chose This Product

After exploring various options, we have chosen the Hamilton Beach Electric Automatic Ice Cream Maker & Frozen Yogurt Machine as our top pick for making creamy gelato at home. This machine is a reliable and efficient choice that will help you achieve the perfect consistency and texture for your gelato every time.

This particular ice cream maker stands out for several reasons:

  • Versatility: With the ability to make not only gelato but also custard, sorbet, and sherbet, this machine offers a wide range of options to satisfy your cravings.
  • Large Capacity: The 4-quart capacity is perfect for making generous batches of gelato, making it ideal for family gatherings or parties.
  • Automatic Operation: Say goodbye to constant stirring and monitoring. This ice cream maker does all the work for you, allowing you to sit back and relax as it churns your ingredients into creamy perfection.
  • Easy Cleanup: The easily removable parts of this machine make cleanup a breeze, so you can spend more time enjoying your homemade gelato and less time washing up.
  • Proven Performance: Hamilton Beach is known for producing high-quality kitchen appliances, and their ice cream maker is no exception. It has received rave reviews from satisfied customers all over.

With the Hamilton Beach Electric Automatic Ice Cream Maker & Frozen Yogurt Machine, you can indulge in delicious homemade gelato without the hassle. So, grab your favorite ingredients, follow our guide, and get ready to enjoy a scoop of creamy gelato in the comfort of your own home!

Hamilton Beach Electric Automatic Ice Cream Maker & Frozen Yogurt Machine, Makes Custard, Sorbet, Gelato and Sherbet, 4 Quart, White|Image 1
Hamilton Beach Electric Ice Cream Maker - Make Homemade Frozen Treats with Ease!
Hamilton Beach Electric Automatic Ice Cream Maker & Frozen Yogurt Machine, Makes Custard, Sorbet, Gelato and Sherbet, 4 Quart, White
$91.88 $68.06
Buy on Amazon

As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

About This Product

The Hamilton Beach Electric Automatic Ice Cream Maker & Frozen Yogurt Machine is a versatile kitchen appliance that allows you to make delicious frozen treats in the comfort of your own home. With a capacity of 4 quarts, this machine can make custard, sorbet, gelato, and sherbet to satisfy all your dessert cravings. The white color of the machine adds a touch of elegance to your kitchen decor.

With multiple EAN and UPC codes, this ice cream maker is widely available and can be easily purchased online or at your local store. The automatic function of the machine ensures that your frozen treats are churned to perfection, saving you the hassle of manual mixing. Whether you're hosting a party or simply treating yourself, the Hamilton Beach Electric Automatic Ice Cream Maker is a must-have appliance for any dessert lover.

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