How to Make Crispy Snacks in the Professional Series PS75891 Frozen Snack Oven

How to Make Crispy Snacks in the Professional Series PS75891 Frozen Snack Oven
Photographed By: cottonbro studio
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How to Make Crispy Snacks in the Professional Series PS75891 Frozen Snack Oven

Are you tired of soggy snacks that just don't hit the mark? Well, we have the solution for you! Introducing the Professional Series PS75891 Frozen Snack Oven - the ultimate game-changer when it comes to making crispy snacks at home.

Gone are the days of settling for lackluster appetizers or frozen treats that leave you disappointed. With our state-of-the-art stainless steel oven, you can now enjoy restaurant-quality crispiness right in the comfort of your own kitchen.

But how exactly does this oven work its magic? In this How-to Guide, we'll walk you through the step-by-step process of making perfect crispy snacks every single time. Get ready to amaze your family and friends with your newfound culinary skills!

So, whether you're a seasoned chef or an amateur cook, get ready to take your snacking game to the next level. Let's dive into our comprehensive guide on how to make crispy snacks in the Professional Series PS75891 Frozen Snack Oven.

Professional Series PS75891 Pizza Oven Baker and Frozen Snack Oven, Stainless Steel|Image 1
Deliciously Crispy Pizzas and Snacks with the Professional Series Stainless Steel Oven
Professional Series PS75891 Pizza Oven Baker and Frozen Snack Oven, Stainless Steel
$146.23 $108.32
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About This Product

The Professional Series PS75891 Pizza Oven Baker and Frozen Snack Oven is the perfect addition to any kitchen. Made with durable stainless steel, this oven is built to last. Whether you're making pizzas or heating up frozen snacks, this oven can handle it all. With its sleek design and compact size, it easily fits on any countertop, making it convenient to use. The oven features a temperature control dial, allowing you to cook your food to perfection. It also has a built-in timer, so you can set it and forget it. From crispy pizzas to golden brown mozzarella sticks, this oven delivers delicious results every time.

Not only is this pizza oven versatile and efficient, but it is also easy to clean. The stainless steel construction makes it resistant to stains and odors. Simply wipe it down with a damp cloth after each use, and it's ready to go for your next cooking adventure. The oven also comes with a removable crumb tray, making it even easier to clean up any messes. With its compact size and powerful performance, the Professional Series PS75891 Pizza Oven Baker and Frozen Snack Oven is a must-have for any home cook or pizza lover.

Preheating the Oven

Before you begin making crispy snacks in the Professional Series PS75891 Frozen Snack Oven, it is important to preheat it to the desired temperature. Preheating ensures that your snacks cook evenly and become crispy on the outside while staying tender on the inside. Here is how you can preheat the oven:

  • Make sure the oven is plugged into a power source and turned on.
  • Set the temperature dial to the desired temperature for your snacks. The recommended temperature range for most frozen snacks is 375°F - 400°F.
  • Allow the oven to preheat for approximately 5-10 minutes. The exact preheating time may vary depending on the starting temperature and the desired cooking temperature.
  • While the oven is preheating, you can prepare your snacks by removing them from their packaging and placing them on a baking sheet or directly on the oven racks.
  • Once the oven has reached the desired temperature, you can insert the snacks into the oven and set the timer according to the cooking instructions provided on the snack packaging.

Preheating the Professional Series PS75891 Frozen Snack Oven to the recommended temperature range and allowing it to reach the desired temperature before cooking your snacks is crucial for achieving crispy and delicious results. Enjoy your homemade crispy snacks straight from the oven!

Preparing the Snacks

Before placing your snacks in the Professional Series PS75891 Frozen Snack Oven, it is essential to follow a few steps to ensure they come out crispy and delicious. Here are some detailed instructions on how to prepare your snacks:

1. Defrosting Frozen Snacks

  • Take your frozen snacks out of the freezer and allow them to thaw in the refrigerator for a few hours. This will ensure that they cook evenly and thoroughly in the snack oven.
  • If you're in a hurry, you can use the defrost setting on your microwave to speed up the process. However, be cautious not to fully cook the snacks in the microwave as they may become soggy.

2. Seasoning

  • Once your snacks are thawed, it's time to add some flavor. Depending on the type of snacks you are preparing, you can use a variety of seasonings such as salt, pepper, garlic powder, paprika, or even a premade seasoning blend.
  • Ensure that you evenly coat your snacks with the seasonings, either by tossing them gently in a bowl or sprinkling the seasoning directly onto them. This will enhance their taste and give them a delicious crunch.

3. Marinating Ingredients

  • If you're preparing snacks that require marinating, it's best to do this step in advance to allow the flavors to penetrate the ingredients. Place your snacks in a container or a resealable plastic bag and add your marinade.
  • Ensure that all the ingredients are evenly coated by gently massaging the marinade into them. Then, let them marinate in the refrigerator for the recommended time, following the instructions on the recipe or packaging.

By carefully following these instructions, you can prepare your snacks to perfection before placing them in the Professional Series PS75891 Frozen Snack Oven. Enjoy crispy and flavorful snacks that will surely impress your family and friends!

  • Always read the instructions on the snack packaging or recipe for specific guidelines on preparation.
  • Experiment with different seasonings or marinades to create unique flavor combinations.

Loading the Oven

When it comes to making crispy snacks in the Professional Series PS75891 Frozen Snack Oven, proper arrangement and placement of your snacks is key to achieving optimal cooking results. Here are some tips on how to load the oven for the best outcome:

  • Start by preheating the oven according to the manufacturer's instructions. This will ensure that the oven reaches the desired temperature before you start cooking.
  • Before loading the oven, make sure to give it enough time to cool down after preheating. This will prevent any accidental burns or injuries while handling the snacks.
  • Arrange the snacks in a single layer on the oven rack or tray. This will allow for even heat distribution and ensure that each snack cooks evenly.
  • Leave some space between the snacks to allow hot air to circulate freely. This will help in achieving a crispy texture on all sides of the snacks.
  • For smaller snacks like nuggets or fries, you can use a baking sheet or a silicone mat to prevent them from falling through the oven rack.
  • Avoid overcrowding the snacks in the oven, as this can result in uneven cooking and affect the overall crispiness of the snacks.
  • Rotate the snacks halfway through the cooking time to ensure that they cook evenly. This will prevent any overcooked or undercooked spots.

By following these tips and properly loading the Professional Series PS75891 Frozen Snack Oven, you can enjoy delicious and crispy snacks that will satisfy your cravings. Happy snacking!

Setting the Cooking Time

One of the key factors in achieving perfectly crispy snacks is setting the correct cooking time. With the Professional Series PS75891 Frozen Snack Oven, you can easily customize the cooking time to suit different types of snacks. Whether you're making pizza rolls, fish sticks, or chicken nuggets, here's a general guideline and specific examples to help you set the cooking time effectively.

1. Preheat the oven: Before you start cooking, it's important to preheat the Professional Series PS75891 Frozen Snack Oven according to the manufacturer's instructions. This ensures that the oven reaches the optimal temperature for cooking your snacks.

  • Turn on the frozen snack oven and set the temperature to the recommended setting for your snack.
  • Wait for the oven to reach the desired temperature before placing your snacks inside. This usually takes a few minutes.

2. Adjust the cooking time:

  • Refer to the cooking instructions on the packaging of your snack. This will give you a starting point for the cooking time.
  • Slightly reduce the cooking time for a crispy result. The Professional Series PS75891 Frozen Snack Oven uses advanced heating technology to cook snacks faster than traditional ovens, so adjusting the cooking time is essential.
  • For example, if the cooking time on the packaging suggests 15 minutes, try setting the timer for 12-13 minutes initially. You can always add more time if needed.
  • Keep in mind that the thickness and size of your snacks can affect the cooking time. Thicker snacks may require additional cooking time, while smaller snacks may cook faster.

3. Monitor the snacks:

  • Check on your snacks periodically during the cooking process to ensure they are cooking evenly and reaching the desired crispiness.
  • If you notice that the snacks are browning too quickly or not crisping up as desired, adjust the cooking time accordingly.

4. Experiment and adjust:

  • Every snack is different, and personal preferences may vary. If you're not satisfied with the initial cooking time, make note of the adjustments you made and try different settings for the next batch.
  • Remember, practice makes perfect. With time and experience using the Professional Series PS75891 Frozen Snack Oven, you'll find the ideal cooking time for each type of snack you love.

By following these guidelines and experimenting with cooking times, you'll be able to enjoy crispy and perfectly cooked snacks every time with your Professional Series PS75891 Frozen Snack Oven.

Adjusting Temperature Settings

Adjusting the temperature settings on the Professional Series PS75891 Frozen Snack Oven is a simple process that allows you to achieve the perfect level of crispiness for your snacks. Follow these steps to adjust the temperature settings:

  • Start by preheating the oven to the desired temperature. The recommended temperature for most snacks is around 400°F (200°C), but this may vary depending on the specific snack.
  • Once the oven is preheated, you can adjust the temperature by using the control panel located on the front of the oven. The control panel allows you to increase or decrease the temperature in increments of 10°F (5°C), providing you with precise control over the cooking process.
  • If you're cooking frozen snacks, it's generally recommended to set the temperature slightly higher than the recommended temperature for fresh snacks. This helps to ensure that the snacks cook evenly and become crispy on the outside while remaining tender on the inside.

Now, let's take a look at some specific temperature recommendations for different types of snacks:

  • Pizza rolls: Set the oven temperature to 400°F (200°C) for crispy pizza rolls. If you prefer a softer texture, you can reduce the temperature to 375°F (190°C).
  • Mozzarella sticks: For perfectly crispy mozzarella sticks, set the oven temperature to 425°F (220°C).
  • Chicken nuggets: Achieve golden-brown and crispy chicken nuggets by setting the oven temperature to 375°F (190°C).

Remember, these temperature recommendations are just starting points, and you can adjust them based on your personal preference. It's always a good idea to monitor the cooking process and check on your snacks occasionally to ensure they are cooking to your desired level of crispiness.

Checking for Doneness

When using the Professional Series PS75891 Frozen Snack Oven to make crispy snacks, it's important to check for doneness to ensure they are cooked to perfection. Here are some signs to look for and tips to help you determine when your snacks are ready:

  • Golden Brown Color: A key indicator that your snacks are done is a golden brown color. Keep an eye on the snacks as they cook and check their color. Once they turn a beautiful golden brown, it's usually a good indication that they are crispy and ready to enjoy.
  • Crisp Texture: Another important aspect to consider is the texture of the snacks. Crispy snacks should have a satisfying crunch when you bite into them. To check the texture, carefully remove one snack from the oven and allow it to cool briefly. Take a bite and assess if it has the desired level of crispiness. If it's still soft or chewy, it may need a bit more cooking time.

It's also worth noting that visual indicators are not the only way to determine doneness. If you want to be extra precise, you can use a food thermometer to check the internal temperature of the snacks. Different snacks may have different target temperatures, so refer to the cooking instructions or recipe for specific guidelines. Insert the thermometer into the snacks and ensure it reaches the recommended internal temperature.

  • Internal Temperature: For example, if you are making frozen chicken tenders, the internal temperature should reach 165°F (74°C) to ensure they are cooked thoroughly. By using a thermometer, you can be confident that your snacks are safe to eat and have reached the ideal level of doneness.
  • Time and Observation: Lastly, timing and observation play crucial roles in determining doneness. Familiarize yourself with the recommended cooking time for the specific snacks you are preparing. Keep an eye on the snacks as they cook, looking for the desired golden brown color and crisp texture. Adjust the cooking time as needed to achieve the perfect outcome.

Removing Snacks from the Oven

Crispy snacks are a delight to savor, especially when they are made perfectly in the Professional Series PS75891 Pizza Oven Baker and Frozen Snack Oven. When it comes to removing your delicious snacks from the oven, it is important to do it safely and efficiently. Follow these step-by-step instructions to ensure your snacks come out crispy and ready to enjoy:

  • First, put on a pair of oven mitts to protect your hands from the heat. The Professional Series PS75891 Pizza Oven Baker and Frozen Snack Oven can reach high temperatures, so it's crucial to handle it with care.
  • Open the oven door by gently pulling the handle towards you. Take caution not to touch the sides of the oven, as they may be hot.
  • Using a spatula or tongs, carefully lift the snack or snacks from the oven, ensuring they do not fall apart. The stainless steel construction of the Professional Series PS75891 Pizza Oven Baker and Frozen Snack Oven provides even heat distribution, resulting in evenly cooked snacks.
  • Place the snacks on a heat-resistant surface, such as a plate or cutting board. Allow them to cool for a few minutes before serving to avoid burns.
  • Once the snacks have cooled down sufficiently, you can serve or enjoy them as desired.

Remember to exercise caution when removing snacks from the Professional Series PS75891 Pizza Oven Baker and Frozen Snack Oven. It is always a good idea to double-check that the snacks are not sticking to the oven or utensils, as they may be fragile when hot. Now that you know how to safely remove your crispy snacks from the oven, you can satisfy your cravings with perfectly cooked treats every time.

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Cleaning and Maintenance

Keeping your Professional Series PS75891 Frozen Snack Oven clean is essential for maintaining optimal performance and prolonging its lifespan. Regular cleaning ensures that your oven remains hygienic and free from any residue or buildup that can affect the flavor and quality of your crispy snacks. Follow these steps to properly clean and maintain your oven:

Cleaning the Racks and Trays:

  • Remove the racks and trays from the oven.
  • Hand wash the racks and trays in warm, soapy water using a gentle scrub brush.
  • Rinse thoroughly with clean water to remove any soap residue.
  • Dry the racks and trays completely before placing them back into the oven.

Cleaning the Interior:

  • Before cleaning, make sure the oven is cool and unplugged.
  • Remove any debris or food particles from the interior with a soft cloth or brush.
  • Mix a solution of warm water and mild dish soap.
  • Dip a clean cloth or sponge into the soapy water, wring out the excess, and gently wipe the interior surfaces of the oven.
  • Rinse the cloth or sponge well and wipe the interior again to remove any soap residue.
  • Dry the interior thoroughly with a clean, dry cloth.

Regular cleaning and maintenance of your Professional Series PS75891 Frozen Snack Oven will ensure that it continues to deliver crispy, delicious snacks for years to come. Remember to always follow the manufacturer's instructions for safe and proper use of the oven. By keeping your oven clean and well-maintained, you can enjoy perfectly cooked snacks every time.

  • Regularly clean the exterior of the oven with a mild stainless steel cleaner to keep it looking shiny and new.
  • Check the power cord and plug regularly for any signs of damage, and replace if necessary.
  • Inspect the oven's heating elements for any signs of wear or damage, and replace if needed.


While using the Professional Series PS75891 Pizza Oven Baker and Frozen Snack Oven, users may encounter some common issues or problems. Here are some troubleshooting steps and possible solutions to help you resolve these issues:

  • Oven not heating up properly: If you find that the oven is not heating up properly, follow the steps below to troubleshoot the issue:
    • Check that the power cord is securely plugged into a functioning power outlet.
    • Ensure that the oven is receiving adequate power supply by checking the circuit breaker or fuse box.
    • Verify that the timer is correctly set and that the temperature control dial is set to the desired temperature.
    • Inspect the heating elements to ensure they are not damaged or covered in debris. Clean the elements if necessary.
    • If the oven still does not heat up properly, contact Professional Series customer support for further assistance.
  • Inconsistent cooking results: If you are experiencing inconsistent cooking results, such as unevenly cooked or burnt snacks, try the following troubleshooting steps:
    • Ensure that the oven racks are properly placed in the oven to allow for even heat distribution.
    • Check that the snacks are arranged evenly on the baking tray or pizza stone, allowing enough space for air circulation.
    • Adjust the cooking time and temperature according to the specific snacks being prepared.
    • Clean the oven cavity and remove any built-up residue or grease that may be affecting the cooking process.
    • If the issue persists, consider preheating the oven for a longer period of time or contacting Professional Series customer support for further assistance.

Remember, troubleshooting may vary depending on the specific issue you are facing. It is always recommended to consult the user manual provided with the Professional Series PS75891 Pizza Oven Baker and Frozen Snack Oven for more detailed troubleshooting instructions.

  • Ensure the power cord is securely plugged into a functioning outlet
  • Check the circuit breaker or fuse box for power supply issue
  • Verify the timer and temperature control settings
  • Inspect and clean the heating elements if necessary
  • Properly place oven racks for even heat distribution
  • Arrange snacks evenly on the baking tray or pizza stone
  • Adjust cooking time and temperature for specific snacks
  • Clean the oven cavity and remove residue or grease buildup
  • Preheat the oven for a longer period of time if needed
  • Consult the user manual for more detailed troubleshooting instructions

Safety Tips

When using the Professional Series PS75891 Frozen Snack Oven, it is essential to follow safety precautions to prevent burns, electrical hazards, and food contamination. Here are some important tips to ensure a safe and enjoyable cooking experience:

  • Read the instruction manual thoroughly before using the oven. Familiarize yourself with the product features, controls, and safety guidelines.
  • Always wear oven mitts or heat-resistant gloves when handling hot trays or pans. The oven reaches high temperatures, and touching hot surfaces without adequate protection can cause severe burns.
  • Avoid placing the oven near flammable materials, such as curtains or paper towels. Maintain a safe distance from any combustible objects to minimize the risk of fire hazards.
  • Ensure that the oven is placed on a stable, heat-resistant surface to prevent accidental tipping or damage to countertops. The oven's stainless steel construction provides durability and stability, but it is still important to use it on a secure surface.
  • Be cautious when opening the oven door during or after cooking. Hot steam and air can escape, causing burns. Use the handle and open the door slowly, allowing the heat to dissipate before fully opening it.
  • Regularly clean the oven according to the manufacturer's instructions. Always unplug the oven before cleaning to avoid electrical shocks.
  • Never immerse the oven in water or any other liquids. This can damage the electrical components and pose a serious safety risk.
  • Use the oven's timer function whenever possible to prevent overcooking or burning food. This not only promotes food safety but also helps you achieve the perfect crispiness for your snacks.

By following these safety tips, you can enjoy using the Professional Series PS75891 Frozen Snack Oven with peace of mind, knowing that you are taking the necessary precautions to protect yourself and maintain a safe cooking environment.

  • Avoid placing any metal utensils or aluminum foil on the oven's heating elements, as this can cause electrical hazards or damage to the oven.
  • Ensure that the oven is properly ventilated to prevent the build-up of potentially harmful gases or odors.

Why We Chose This Product

Choosing the Professional Series PS75891 Pizza Oven Baker and Frozen Snack Oven, Stainless Steel was a no-brainer for us when it came to creating the perfect crispy snacks. This top-of-the-line oven offers exceptional performance and quality that truly sets it apart from other options on the market.

Not only does the Professional Series PS75891 deliver excellent results, but it also offers a range of features that make it an ideal choice for any snack enthusiast:

  • The stainless steel construction ensures durability and longevity.
  • The spacious interior can hold a substantial amount of snacks at once, maximizing efficiency.
  • The precise temperature control allows for consistent and even cooking every time.
  • The versatile settings accommodate a variety of snacks, from pizzas and fries to mozzarella sticks and chicken wings.

So, whether you're a professional chef or simply someone who loves crispy snacks, the Professional Series PS75891 is the perfect tool to achieve that irresistible crunch. Say goodbye to soggy or undercooked treats and hello to snack perfection!

Professional Series PS75891 Pizza Oven Baker and Frozen Snack Oven, Stainless Steel|Image 1
Deliciously Crispy Pizzas and Snacks with the Professional Series Stainless Steel Oven
Professional Series PS75891 Pizza Oven Baker and Frozen Snack Oven, Stainless Steel
$146.23 $108.32
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As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

About This Product

The Professional Series PS75891 Pizza Oven Baker and Frozen Snack Oven is the perfect addition to any kitchen. Made with durable stainless steel, this oven is built to last. Whether you're making pizzas or heating up frozen snacks, this oven can handle it all. With its sleek design and compact size, it easily fits on any countertop, making it convenient to use. The oven features a temperature control dial, allowing you to cook your food to perfection. It also has a built-in timer, so you can set it and forget it. From crispy pizzas to golden brown mozzarella sticks, this oven delivers delicious results every time.

Not only is this pizza oven versatile and efficient, but it is also easy to clean. The stainless steel construction makes it resistant to stains and odors. Simply wipe it down with a damp cloth after each use, and it's ready to go for your next cooking adventure. The oven also comes with a removable crumb tray, making it even easier to clean up any messes. With its compact size and powerful performance, the Professional Series PS75891 Pizza Oven Baker and Frozen Snack Oven is a must-have for any home cook or pizza lover.

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