How to Steam Vegetables in the Presto 06003 Multi-Cooker/Steamer

How to Steam Vegetables in the Presto 06003 Multi-Cooker/Steamer
Photographed By: Mikhail Nilov
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How to Steam Vegetables in the Presto 06003 Multi-Cooker/Steamer

Welcome to our step-by-step guide on how to steam vegetables in the Presto 06003 Multi-Cooker/Steamer! This versatile kitchen appliance is a game-changer when it comes to effortlessly preparing healthy and delicious meals. Say goodbye to soggy veggies and hello to perfectly steamed goodness!

In this guide, we will walk you through the simple steps to steam your favorite vegetables using the Presto 06003 Multi-Cooker/Steamer. Whether you're a seasoned chef or a beginner in the kitchen, you'll find this guide easy to follow and the end result absolutely satisfying.

Why settle for store-bought steamed veggies when you can enjoy the freshness and flavor of homemade ones? With the Presto 06003 Multi-Cooker/Steamer, you'll be able to achieve the perfect texture and retain all the essential nutrients of your vegetables.

So, let's dive right in and discover how to make the most of your Presto 06003 Multi-Cooker/Steamer by mastering the art of steaming vegetables. Get ready to impress your family and friends with deliciously healthy dishes that are quick and easy to make!

Presto 06003 Options Electric Multi-Cooker/Steamer|Image 1
Presto Options Electric Multi-Cooker/Steamer - Versatile and Convenient Kitchen Appliance
Presto 06003 Options Electric Multi-Cooker/Steamer
$66.61 $49.34
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About This Product

The Presto 06003 Options Electric Multi-Cooker/Steamer is a versatile kitchen appliance that can make cooking a breeze. With its multiple cooking functions, you can prepare a wide variety of dishes with ease. Whether you want to steam vegetables, cook rice, or even make soup, this multi-cooker/steamer has got you covered. Its compact design makes it easy to store, while its non-stick interior ensures hassle-free cleaning. The Presto 06003 Options Electric Multi-Cooker/Steamer also features a removable cooking pot and a clear, tempered glass lid, allowing you to monitor your cooking progress. It's the perfect addition to any kitchen, providing convenience and versatility in one sleek package.

Choosing the Right Vegetables

When it comes to steaming vegetables in the Presto 06003 Multi-Cooker/Steamer, it's important to choose the right vegetables that will not only cook well but also retain their flavors and textures. Here are some tips on selecting fresh vegetables and proper preparation techniques for a delicious and healthy steamed vegetable dish:

  • Broccoli: Look for firm stems and tightly closed florets. Trim the stems and cut the broccoli into florets of equal size for even cooking.
  • Cauliflower: Choose a head with compact florets and crisp green leaves. Remove the outer leaves and cut the cauliflower into evenly sized florets.
  • Carrots: Opt for smooth and firm carrots with a vibrant orange color. Cut off the tops and peel the skin before slicing them into small rounds or sticks.
  • Green beans: Select fresh green beans that are bright green, firm, and without any blemishes. Trim the ends and remove any strings before cooking.
  • Asparagus: Look for firm and straight asparagus spears with closed tips. Trim the tough ends and discard them, leaving only the tender part of the spears.
  • Zucchini: Choose zucchini that are small to medium in size with shiny and unblemished skin. Trim off the ends and cut them into thin slices or rounds.
  • Brussels sprouts: Opt for Brussels sprouts that have tight, compact heads and firm texture. Remove any damaged outer leaves and trim the tough stem ends.
  • Corn on the cob: Pick fresh corn with bright green husks and plump kernels. Remove the husks and silk and cut the corn cobs into halves or thirds.

It's important to note that these are just a few examples of vegetables that steam well in the Presto 06003 Multi-Cooker/Steamer. Feel free to experiment with other vegetables and see what works best for your taste. Remember that the key to a successful steamed vegetable dish lies in selecting the freshest produce and preparing them properly to retain their natural flavors and nutrients.

  • Ensure that the vegetables are washed thoroughly before steaming to remove any dirt or chemicals.
  • For best results, cut the vegetables into uniform sizes to ensure even cooking.
  • Do not overcrowd the steamer basket and allow enough space between the vegetables for steam circulation.
  • Steaming times may vary depending on the size and thickness of the vegetables. It's recommended to start with shorter steaming times and check for doneness by piercing the vegetables with a fork.
  • Once the vegetables are steamed to your desired level of tenderness, remove them from the steamer basket immediately to prevent overcooking.

Preparing the Multi-Cooker/Steamer

Steaming vegetables in the Presto 06003 Multi-Cooker/Steamer is a simple and efficient way to maintain the natural flavors and nutrients of your vegetables. Before you begin steaming, it is important to properly set up and prepare the Multi-Cooker/Steamer to ensure optimal results. Follow the step-by-step instructions below:

  • Step 1: Begin by filling the Multi-Cooker/Steamer with water. The amount of water you add will depend on the specific vegetables you are steaming and the amount of time they will require. It is generally recommended to add enough water to reach just below the bottom of the steamer basket.
  • Step 2: Once you have added the desired amount of water, ensure that the Multi-Cooker/Steamer is securely plugged into an electrical outlet.
  • Step 3: Next, attach the steamer basket to the Multi-Cooker/Steamer. The steamer basket is designed to hold the vegetables while allowing steam to circulate around them for even cooking. Place the steamer basket on top of the Multi-Cooker/Steamer, ensuring that it fits securely.
  • Step 4: After attaching the steamer basket, you can now select the appropriate steam setting. The Presto 06003 Multi-Cooker/Steamer offers different steam settings to accommodate various vegetables and desired textures. Refer to the instruction manual for guidance on which setting to choose for your specific vegetables.
  • Step 5: Once you have selected the steam setting, allow the Multi-Cooker/Steamer to preheat for a few minutes. This will ensure that the water reaches the necessary temperature to begin steaming.

With the Multi-Cooker/Steamer properly set up and prepared, you are now ready to start steaming your vegetables. Remember that steaming times may vary depending on the type and size of the vegetables, so it is important to monitor them closely and adjust the cooking time accordingly. Enjoy your perfectly steamed vegetables with all their natural goodness preserved!

Prepping the Vegetables

When it comes to steaming vegetables in the Presto 06003 Options Electric Multi-Cooker/Steamer, proper prepping is essential to ensure delicious, evenly cooked results. Here are some instructions on how to wash, peel, and cut the vegetables for steaming, along with tips on sizing and techniques for different vegetables:


  • Begin by washing the vegetables thoroughly under cool running water to remove any dirt, debris, or pesticides.
  • For leafy greens like spinach or kale, ensure they are completely dry by using a salad spinner or patting them gently with a clean kitchen towel.


  • For vegetables with thick skins, such as carrots or potatoes, it is important to peel them to enhance the finished dish's texture and appearance.
  • Use a vegetable peeler or a paring knife to remove the outer layer of the vegetables.


  • Slice or dice the vegetables according to your preference and the recipe requirements.
  • For even cooking, aim for uniform sizes to ensure that all the pieces cook at the same rate.
  • Here are some common cutting techniques for different vegetables:
  • - Carrots and zucchinis: Cut them into rounds or sticks.
  • - Broccoli and cauliflower: Separate them into florets.
  • - Potatoes: Cut them into cubes or wedges.
  • - Green beans and asparagus: Trim the ends and leave them whole or cut into smaller pieces.


  • When peeling or cutting vegetables, always exercise caution and use the proper tools to prevent any accidents.
  • If steaming a variety of vegetables together, try to group them based on their cooking times to avoid overcooking or undercooking some.
  • Consider experimenting with different seasonings and spices to enhance the flavors of your steamed vegetables.

Properly prepping your vegetables before steaming in the Presto 06003 Options Electric Multi-Cooker/Steamer will help you achieve excellent results and ensure that the flavors and textures of the vegetables are at their best.

Loading the Vegetables into the Steamer Basket

When it comes to steaming vegetables, the Presto 06003 Multi-Cooker/Steamer is a versatile and convenient option. To ensure your vegetables are cooked evenly and to perfection, it's essential to properly arrange them in the steamer basket. Follow these steps to load your vegetables correctly:

  • Start by preparing your vegetables. Wash them thoroughly and trim any excess stems or leaves.
  • Cut the vegetables into uniform sizes to ensure even cooking. This will help prevent some pieces from being overcooked while others remain undercooked.
  • Consider the cooking time for each vegetable. If you're steaming vegetables with varying cooking times, it's recommended to load those with longer cooking times at the bottom of the steamer basket.
  • Place the steamer basket inside the Presto 06003 Multi-Cooker/Steamer, ensuring that it rests securely on top of the cooking liquid.
  • Space out the vegetables in the steamer basket, allowing steam to circulate freely. Avoid overcrowding, as this can lead to uneven cooking.
  • For optimal results, layer the vegetables in the steamer basket, starting with the longer cooking time vegetables at the bottom and lighter vegetables at the top.
  • Keep in mind that thicker and denser vegetables may require more time to steam fully. Place them closer to the bottom of the steamer basket.
  • Make sure the vegetables are not packed tightly or piled too high. Leave some space between each piece to allow the steam to penetrate and cook the vegetables thoroughly.
  • Cover the Presto 06003 Multi-Cooker/Steamer with its lid and set the desired cooking time and temperature according to your preferences or recipe instructions.
  • Throughout the cooking process, resist the temptation to open the lid frequently. Opening the steamer will cause steam to escape, resulting in longer cooking times and potentially unevenly cooked vegetables.
  • Once the vegetables have finished steaming, carefully remove the steamer basket from the cooker. Be cautious, as it will be hot.
  • Pour the cooked vegetables into a serving dish or use them in your desired recipe immediately.

By following these simple steps, you can ensure your vegetables are evenly cooked and retain their nutritional value. The Presto 06003 Multi-Cooker/Steamer provides a convenient and efficient way to steam vegetables, making it a valuable addition to any kitchen.

Setting the Cooking Time and Temperature

When using the Presto 06003 Options Electric Multi-Cooker/Steamer to steam vegetables, it is important to adjust the settings based on the desired level of doneness. Here is a guide on how to determine the appropriate cooking time and temperature for different vegetables:

  • Start with the recommended cooking times for steaming vegetables, which can be found in various sources such as cookbooks or online cooking guides. These times are usually a good starting point for achieving the desired tenderness of the vegetables.
  • Consider the size and thickness of the vegetables you are steaming. Thicker and larger vegetables may require a longer cooking time to ensure they are fully cooked, while smaller and thinner vegetables may need less time.
  • Take into account personal preference. Some people prefer their vegetables to be crisp and retain a vibrant color, while others enjoy them softer and more tender. Adjust the cooking time accordingly to achieve the desired texture.
  • Experiment with different cooking temperatures. The Presto 06003 Options Electric Multi-Cooker/Steamer offers adjustable temperature settings, allowing you to control the intensity of the steam. Higher temperatures will cook the vegetables more quickly, while lower temperatures will result in a slower cooking process. Adjust the temperature based on your preferences and the specific vegetable you are steaming.
  • Keep an eye on the vegetables while they are steaming. It is always beneficial to visually check the vegetables periodically to gauge their level of doneness. Use a fork or a knife to test their tenderness. If the vegetables are not cooked to your liking, continue steaming them for a few more minutes.

Steaming vegetables in the Presto 06003 Options Electric Multi-Cooker/Steamer is a versatile and convenient way to prepare healthy and delicious meals. By adjusting the cooking time and temperature based on the specific vegetables and desired doneness, you can achieve perfect steamed vegetables every time.

Steaming the Vegetables

To steam vegetables in the Presto 06003 Options Electric Multi-Cooker/Steamer, follow these step-by-step instructions:

Step 1: Preparation

  • Wash the vegetables thoroughly under running water, removing any dirt or debris.
  • Peel and chop the vegetables into bite-sized pieces or leave them whole, depending on your preference.
  • Ensure that the Multi-Cooker/Steamer is clean and ready for use.

Step 2: Add Water

  • Fill the base of the Multi-Cooker/Steamer with water. The amount of water will depend on the size and quantity of vegetables you are steaming, but generally, you should fill the base with about 2-3 inches of water.
  • Make sure not to exceed the maximum water level indicated on the appliance.

Step 3: Insert Steaming Basket

  • Place the steaming basket into the Multi-Cooker/Steamer, making sure it sits securely on top of the water-filled base.
  • Ensure that the basket is level and stable to prevent any accidents or spills.

Step 4: Add Vegetables

  • Transfer the prepared vegetables into the steaming basket, spreading them out in a single layer to allow for even cooking.
  • Do not overcrowd the basket as this may result in uneven steaming.

Step 5: Start Cooking Cycle

  • Place the lid securely on top of the Multi-Cooker/Steamer, ensuring it is properly sealed.
  • Set the desired cooking time and temperature based on the type of vegetables you are steaming. Refer to the user manual for specific recommendations.
  • Turn on the power and start the cooking cycle as per the instructions provided by the appliance.

Step 6: Monitor Progress

  • During the cooking process, periodically check the vegetables to monitor their progress.
  • You can do this by carefully lifting the lid and using a fork or tongs to test the tenderness of the vegetables. They should be cooked until they are crisp-tender, meaning they still have a slight firmness but are not overly crunchy.
  • If the vegetables are not yet cooked to your desired level of tenderness, you can continue the cooking cycle by adjusting the time and temperature settings.

With the Presto 06003 Options Electric Multi-Cooker/Steamer, steaming vegetables becomes a quick and convenient process, allowing you to perfectly cook your favorite veggies with ease.

Checking for Doneness

Once you have steamed your vegetables in the Presto 06003 Options Electric Multi-Cooker/Steamer, you'll want to make sure they are cooked to perfection. Here are some tips on how to check if your steamed vegetables are tender and crisp, ensuring a delicious and healthy meal:

  • Visual Cues: The color of the vegetables can give you a good indication of their doneness. Look for vibrant, bright colors which typically signify that the vegetables are cooked. Dull or faded colors may indicate that the vegetables are undercooked.
  • Touch Test: Gently press your finger or a fork against the vegetables to feel their texture. If they are firm and have a slight resistance, they are likely crisp and tender. If they feel mushy or too soft, they may be overcooked. It's important to find the right balance of tenderness without losing their natural crunch.
  • Knife Test: Insert a knife into the thickest part of the vegetables, such as a potato or carrot. If the knife easily slides in and out without any resistance, the vegetables are cooked through. If there is resistance or the knife comes out with chunks of vegetable stuck to it, they may need more cooking time.

Remember, cooking times can vary depending on the type and size of the vegetables you are steaming. Keep a close eye on them and adjust the cooking time accordingly. With practice, you will be able to determine the doneness of your steamed vegetables by relying on your senses and these helpful tests. Enjoy the flavorful and nutritious results!

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Removing the Steamed Vegetables

Once your vegetables are perfectly steamed in the Presto 06003 Options Electric Multi-Cooker/Steamer, it's important to know how to safely remove them from the cooker without burning yourself or damaging the vegetables. Follow these tips for a hassle-free and safe experience:

  • Before removing the vegetables, make sure to switch off the Multi-Cooker/Steamer and unplug it from the power source. Safety should always be your top priority.
  • Wait for a few minutes to allow the steam to dissipate. This will reduce the risk of burns or scalds from the hot steam that is released when you open the cooker.
  • Use oven mitts or heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands from the hot surfaces of the Multi-Cooker/Steamer. This will ensure that you don't accidentally burn yourself while handling the cooker.
  • Carefully open the lid of the cooker, being mindful of the remaining steam inside. Tilting the lid away from you will help prevent any steam from directly hitting your face or hands.
  • Using a set of heat-resistant tongs or a slotted spoon, gently lift the steamed vegetables out of the cooker. The tongs or spoon will allow you to handle the vegetables without damaging them or getting burned by any residual heat.
  • Place the steamed vegetables in a serving dish or a plate, ready to be enjoyed as a healthy and delicious side dish or the star of your meal.

By following these steps, you can easily and safely remove the perfectly steamed vegetables from your Presto 06003 Options Electric Multi-Cooker/Steamer. Enjoy the wonderful flavors and nutrients of your freshly steamed vegetables without any worries or mishaps!

Seasoning and Serving the Steamed Vegetables

Steaming vegetables in the Presto 06003 Options Electric Multi-Cooker/Steamer is not only a healthy and convenient way to prepare them, but it also allows you to enhance their flavors with various seasonings and serving options. Here are some suggestions and recipes to make your steamed vegetables truly delicious:

  • Butter and Herbs:
  • - After steaming your vegetables, melt some butter and drizzle it over the top.
    - Sprinkle a generous amount of your favorite herbs, such as rosemary, thyme, or parsley, to add a burst of freshness and aroma.

  • Spices:
  • - While steaming, you can choose to add spices directly to the water in the cooker. This will infuse the vegetables with a subtle spiciness.
    - Some great options include cumin, paprika, turmeric, or chili powder, depending on your taste preferences.

  • Sauces and Dressings:
  • - Prepare a flavorful sauce or dressing to toss your steamed vegetables in.
    - For example, you can mix soy sauce, garlic, and ginger for an Asian-inspired dish, or whisk together olive oil, lemon juice, and Dijon mustard for a zesty dressing.

  • Customized Mixtures:
  • - Experiment with a variety of seasonings to create your own customized vegetable mixtures.
    - Combine different herbs, spices, and sauces to develop unique flavors that suit your taste buds.

Remember, the Presto 06003 Options Electric Multi-Cooker/Steamer makes steaming vegetables a breeze, and you can easily adjust the cooking time based on your desired level of crispness. With these seasoning and serving suggestions, you can elevate the flavors of your steamed vegetables and enjoy a healthy and delicious meal.

Cleaning and Maintenance

After steaming vegetables in the Presto 06003 Multi-Cooker/Steamer, it is important to properly clean and maintain the appliance for longevity and optimal performance. Here are some tips:

  • Unplug the Multi-Cooker/Steamer and wait for it to cool down before cleaning.
  • Remove the steam basket, cover, and any other removable parts from the appliance.
  • Wash the removable parts, such as the steam basket and cover, in warm soapy water. Use a non-abrasive sponge or cloth to gently scrub away any food residue.
  • Rinse the parts thoroughly with clean water and dry them completely before reassembling.
  • The inner pot of the Multi-Cooker/Steamer is non-stick, so it can be easily cleaned with a soft sponge or cloth and some warm soapy water.
  • Avoid using harsh abrasives or metal utensils that could damage the non-stick surface.
  • Rinse the inner pot with clean water and dry it thoroughly before reassembling.
  • Wipe the exterior of the appliance with a damp cloth, making sure to remove any stains or spills.
  • Do not immerse the base of the Multi-Cooker/Steamer in water or any other liquid. It is an electrical component and should not be submersed.
  • Regularly check the power cord for any signs of damage. If the cord is frayed or worn, it should be replaced to ensure safety.

Proper storage of the Presto 06003 Multi-Cooker/Steamer is also important for maintaining its longevity:

  • Make sure the appliance is completely dry before storing it.
  • Store the Multi-Cooker/Steamer in a clean, dry place away from any heat sources.
  • Avoid placing heavy objects on top of the appliance, as this could cause damage to the unit.

By following these cleaning and maintenance tips, you can keep your Presto 06003 Multi-Cooker/Steamer in optimal condition, ensuring many years of cooking and steaming satisfaction.

Why We Chose This Product

We chose the Presto 06003 Options Electric Multi-Cooker/Steamer as our recommended product for steaming vegetables for a few key reasons. Firstly, this versatile appliance offers convenience and ease of use. With its multiple cooking functions, including steaming, it allows you to quickly and effortlessly prepare your favorite steamed vegetables without the need for multiple pots and pans.

The Presto 06003 also stands out for its efficiency. It features a powerful heating element and a durable aluminum base that ensures fast and even heat distribution, resulting in perfectly steamed vegetables every time. Additionally, the steaming basket included with the cooker has a generous capacity, allowing you to steam large batches of vegetables at once.

  • Convenient and easy to use
  • Multiple cooking functions
  • Fast and even heat distribution
  • Large capacity steaming basket
Presto 06003 Options Electric Multi-Cooker/Steamer|Image 1
Presto Options Electric Multi-Cooker/Steamer - Versatile and Convenient Kitchen Appliance
Presto 06003 Options Electric Multi-Cooker/Steamer
$66.61 $49.34
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About This Product

The Presto 06003 Options Electric Multi-Cooker/Steamer is a versatile kitchen appliance that can make cooking a breeze. With its multiple cooking functions, you can prepare a wide variety of dishes with ease. Whether you want to steam vegetables, cook rice, or even make soup, this multi-cooker/steamer has got you covered. Its compact design makes it easy to store, while its non-stick interior ensures hassle-free cleaning. The Presto 06003 Options Electric Multi-Cooker/Steamer also features a removable cooking pot and a clear, tempered glass lid, allowing you to monitor your cooking progress. It's the perfect addition to any kitchen, providing convenience and versatility in one sleek package.

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