How to Upgrade Your Coffee Brewing with the Bodum Chambord French Press

How to Upgrade Your Coffee Brewing with the Bodum Chambord French Press
Photographed By: Klaus Nielsen
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How to Upgrade Your Coffee Brewing with the Bodum Chambord French Press

Welcome to our "How to Guide" on upgrading your coffee brewing experience with the Bodum Chambord French Press!

Are you tired of your bland, mediocre coffee every morning? Do you crave a rich and flavorful cup of joe that awakens your senses? Look no further! In this guide, we will show you step-by-step how to use the Bodum Chambord French Press to elevate your coffee game to a whole new level.

Whether you're an avid coffee enthusiast or just starting your journey into the world of manual brewing, the Bodum Chambord French Press is the perfect companion. Its elegant design, high-quality construction, and user-friendly features make it a must-have for every coffee lover.

Join us as we explore the art of French press brewing, discover the key factors behind a perfect brew, and learn some insider tips and tricks to unleash the full potential of your favorite coffee beans.

So grab your Bodum Chambord French Press, a bag of freshly roasted beans, and let's dive into the world of exceptional coffee brewing!

Bodum 1928-16US4 Chambord French Press Coffee Maker, 1 Liter, 34 Ounce, Chrome|Image 1
Bodum Chambord French Press Coffee Maker - A Classic Way to Brew Delicious Coffee
Bodum 1928-16US4 Chambord French Press Coffee Maker, 1 Liter, 34 Ounce, Chrome
$39.81 $29.49
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About This Product

The Bodum 1928-16US4 Chambord French Press Coffee Maker is the perfect addition to any coffee lover's kitchen. This sleek and stylish coffee maker features a 1 liter capacity, allowing you to brew up to 34 ounces of delicious coffee. Made with durable chrome, it is not only functional but also adds a touch of elegance to your kitchen countertop. The French press design allows for a full immersion brewing process, resulting in a rich and flavorful cup of coffee every time. Whether you prefer a strong and bold brew, or a smooth and mellow cup, the Bodum Chambord French Press Coffee Maker delivers a coffee experience that is second to none.

With its multiple EAN and UPC codes, you can be confident that you are purchasing an authentic and high-quality product. The EAN codes, including 0190283821222, 0721864797829, 0727015100043, and more, ensure that you are getting the right product from various retailers. In addition, the UPC codes such as 190283821222, 699965195359, and 7270151000430 provide an additional layer of assurance when making your purchase. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the perfect cup of coffee with the Bodum 1928-16US4 Chambord French Press Coffee Maker - a must-have for any coffee enthusiast.

Choosing the Right Coffee

If you want to upgrade your coffee brewing experience with the Bodum Chambord French Press, selecting the right coffee beans is essential. Here are some tips to help you choose the best type of coffee beans for French press brewing:

  • Roast Levels: Opt for coffee beans that are medium to dark roasted. Lighter roasts may result in a weak and watery brew, while darker roasts may be too overpowering for the French press method. Medium roasts tend to strike a perfect balance, providing a rich and full-bodied flavor.
  • Origins: Consider the origin of the coffee beans. Different regions produce coffee with distinct flavors and characteristics. Some popular coffee origins known for their exceptional flavor profiles are:

• Ethiopian coffee beans: Known for their fruity and floral notes, Ethiopian coffee beans can add a unique and bright flavor to your French press brew.

• Colombian coffee beans: With their smooth and well-balanced taste, Colombian coffee beans are a great choice for a classic and comforting cup of coffee from your Bodum Chambord French Press.

• Brazilian coffee beans: These beans often have a nutty and chocolatey flavor, making them an excellent option for those who enjoy a slightly sweeter brew.

• Costa Rican coffee beans: With their bright acidity and clean finish, Costa Rican coffee beans can provide a refreshing and vibrant cup of coffee.

  • Flavor Profiles: Consider the flavor profile you prefer. Coffee can range from fruity and floral to chocolatey and nutty. Experiment with different flavor profiles to find the one that suits your taste buds best. Some popular flavor profiles to explore include:

• Fruity and citrusy: If you enjoy a vibrant and zesty cup of coffee, look for beans with fruity and citrusy flavor notes such as berries, citrus fruits, or tropical fruits.

• Chocolatey and nutty: For a comforting and indulgent coffee experience, opt for beans with flavor notes of chocolate, nuts, or caramel.

• Spicy and earthy: If you prefer a bolder and more complex coffee, seek out beans with spicy and earthy flavor profiles like cinnamon, clove, or tobacco.

By considering roast levels, origins, and flavor profiles, you can choose the perfect coffee beans to complement your Bodum Chambord French Press. Upgrade your coffee brewing with the right coffee, and enjoy a delicious and satisfying cup every time.

Grinding the Coffee Beans

When it comes to upgrading your coffee brewing experience with the Bodum Chambord French Press, one crucial aspect to consider is grinding the coffee beans to the correct consistency. The way you grind your beans can significantly impact the taste and flavor profile of your final cup of coffee. With a French press, a coarser grind size is necessary to ensure optimal extraction and prevent over-extraction.

The ideal grind size for a French press is coarse, resembling the texture of breadcrumbs. This ensures that the water can penetrate the coffee grounds properly without passing through the metal mesh filter, resulting in a rich and full-bodied cup of coffee. Here are a few methods you can use to achieve the perfect grind:

  • Burr Grinder: Investing in a burr grinder is an excellent option for achieving consistent and precise grind sizes. Burr grinders grind the coffee beans between two abrasive surfaces, resulting in uniform particle size. Adjust the grinder to the coarse setting to achieve the ideal grind size for your French press.
  • Manual Grinder: If you prefer a more hands-on approach, a manual grinder can be a great choice. These grinders allow you to have control over the grind size and are portable for those who enjoy brewing coffee on the go. Simply adjust the grinder to the coarse setting and use the handle to grind your coffee beans.
  • Store-Bought Coarse Grind: If you don't have a grinder at home, you can still enjoy a French press coffee by purchasing pre-ground coffee specifically labeled as "coarse grind" or "French press grind." While this option may not provide the same freshness as grinding your own beans, it still allows you to enjoy the unique flavors of a French press brew.

By grinding your coffee beans to the correct consistency, you can enhance the overall taste and aroma of your coffee when using the Bodum Chambord French Press. Experiment with different grind sizes and brewing techniques to find the perfect balance that suits your preferences. Remember, the key is to achieve a coarse grind to ensure optimal extraction and prevent any unwanted flavors in your cup of coffee.

Preparing the French Press

To upgrade your coffee brewing experience with the Bodum Chambord French Press, it is crucial to properly assemble and prepare the equipment before you start brewing. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you make the most out of your French Press:

1. Assemble the Bodum Chambord French Press:

  • Remove the plunger and the lid from the carafe.
  • Take out the mesh filter from the plunger and attach it to the bottom of the plunger rod.
  • Place the carafe on a stable surface and insert the plunger into the carafe, ensuring that it fits snugly.
  • Slowly push the plunger down to the bottom of the carafe.
  • Attach the lid to the top of the carafe, making sure it is securely in place.

2. Preheat the carafe:

  • Boil water in a separate kettle while you prepare the French Press.
  • Once boiled, pour a small amount of hot water into the carafe to preheat it. Swirl the water around to warm up the glass.
  • Discard the preheating water by pouring it out of the carafe.

3. Add coffee grounds:

  • Measure your desired amount of coffee grounds. A general guideline is 1 tablespoon of coffee per 4 ounces (120 ml) of water.
  • Add the coffee grounds into the bottom of the preheated carafe.

4. Add hot water:

  • Pour hot water over the coffee grounds, ensuring they are fully saturated.
  • Start with a small amount of water to create a "bloom." Allow the coffee to bloom for about 30 seconds by letting it sit undisturbed.
  • Slowly pour the remaining hot water into the carafe, using a circular motion to fully immerse the coffee grounds.
  • Leave a small space at the top of the carafe to avoid any spillage when you insert the plunger.

5. Brew and press:

  • Attach the plunger lid, but do not press it down yet.
  • Let the coffee steep for 4-5 minutes, allowing the flavors to fully develop.
  • After the steeping time, slowly push the plunger down, separating the coffee grounds from the liquid.
  • Pour the freshly brewed coffee into your favorite mug and enjoy!

Measuring Coffee and Water

One of the key factors in upgrading your coffee brewing experience with the Bodum Chambord French Press is to ensure you have the right measurements of coffee and water. By following precise measurements for the coffee-to-water ratio, you can guarantee optimal flavor extraction and a delicious cup of coffee every time.

The Bodum 1928-16US4 Chambord French Press Coffee Maker has a capacity of 1 liter or 34 ounces. To achieve the perfect brew, follow these steps:

  • For a full 34-ounce capacity, use about 7 tablespoons or 40 grams of coffee grounds.
  • If you prefer a stronger cup, increase the amount to 8 or 9 tablespoons, but keep in mind that intensity may affect the flavor balance.
  • Grind your coffee beans to a coarse consistency, similar to breadcrumbs or sea salt, to prevent any fine grounds from passing through the mesh filter.
  • When it comes to water, boil approximately 34 ounces or 1 liter.
  • Allow the water to cool for about 30 seconds after boiling, as using water at the right temperature is crucial for extraction.
  • Gently pour the water over the coffee grounds in the French press, ensuring all the grounds are saturated.
  • Stir the mixture gently to ensure even saturation.
  • Place the plunger on top of the French press, but do not press it down just yet. Let the coffee steep for about 4 minutes.
  • After 4 minutes, slowly press the plunger down, separating the grounds from the brewed coffee.
  • Pour the freshly brewed coffee into your cup and enjoy!

By following these precise measurements and steps, you can unlock the full potential of the Bodum Chambord French Press and savor a rich and flavorful coffee experience every morning.

Brewing Time and Temperature

When it comes to upgrading your coffee brewing with the Bodum Chambord French Press, the brewing time and water temperature play a vital role in achieving the perfect cup of coffee. Let's take a closer look at the recommended brewing time and water temperature for this iconic French press, and understand how they impact the final taste.

The Bodum Chambord French Press is designed to extract the full range of flavors from your coffee grounds, delivering a rich and flavorful brew. To ensure the best results, we recommend the following brewing time and water temperature:

  • Brewing Time: The ideal brewing time for the Bodum Chambord French Press is around 4 minutes. This allows sufficient time for the coffee grounds to steep and release their flavors into the water. Adjusting the brewing time can significantly influence the taste of your coffee. Brew it for too short, and you may end up with under-extracted, weak coffee. Brew it for too long, and you may get an over-extracted, bitter brew.
  • Water Temperature: The recommended water temperature for brewing coffee in the Bodum Chambord French Press is between 195°F and 205°F (90°C to 96°C). This temperature range is important for proper extraction, as it allows the coffee to fully release its flavors without scorching the grounds. Using water that is too hot or too cold can result in a less-than-ideal taste, affecting the overall quality of your brew.

By following the recommended brewing time and water temperature, you can maximize the flavor potential of your coffee when using the Bodum Chambord French Press. Achieving the right balance will result in a rich, aromatic, and well-rounded cup of coffee that truly satisfies your taste buds. So, take your time, use a quality grinder to get the perfect grind size, and experiment with different coffee-to-water ratios until you find your preferred brew!

The Brewing Process

Coffee lovers know that brewing a perfect cup of coffee is an art. If you are looking to upgrade your coffee brewing experience, the Bodum Chambord French Press is an excellent choice. With its classic design and high-quality construction, this coffee maker allows you to extract the full flavor of your coffee beans, resulting in a rich and flavorful brew. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to brew coffee using the Bodum Chambord French Press:

Step 1: Preparing the French Press

Start by removing the plunger from the French Press and taking off the lid. Make sure the beaker is clean and free from any residue. The next step is to preheat the French Press by filling it with hot water. Let the hot water sit in the beaker for a few minutes, then pour it out.

Step 2: Measuring and Grinding the Coffee Beans

  • Measure your desired amount of coffee beans based on your taste preference. A good rule of thumb is to use a ratio of 1:15, meaning 1 gram of coffee for every 15 grams of water.
  • Grind the coffee beans to a coarse consistency. Avoid grinding the beans too fine, as it can result in a bitter and over-extracted brew.

Step 3: Adding the Coffee and Water

  • Add the ground coffee into the preheated French Press beaker.
  • Slowly pour hot water over the coffee grounds, ensuring that all the grounds are saturated. Use a circular motion to create an even distribution of water.

Step 4: Stirring and Steeping

After adding the water, use a long spoon or paddle to give the coffee a gentle stir. This helps to ensure that all the coffee grounds are fully saturated and allows for an even extraction of flavor. Place the plunger and lid back on the French Press, but do not press it down yet. Let the coffee steep for about four minutes.

Step 5: Plunging and Pouring

  • Slowly and steadily push the plunger down to separate the brewed coffee from the grounds. The metal mesh filter on the plunger will ensure that no coffee grounds end up in your cup.
  • Pour the brewed coffee into your favorite cup or mug. Remember to pour gently to avoid any splashing.

Now, sit back, relax, and enjoy your freshly brewed coffee! With the Bodum Chambord French Press, you can experience the true flavors of your favorite coffee beans.

  • Ensure the French Press is clean and preheated before brewing.
  • Use a coarse grind for optimal extraction.
  • Stir the coffee grounds to ensure even saturation.
  • Let the coffee steep for four minutes before plunging.
  • Pour gently to avoid any grounds ending up in your cup.

Avoiding Common Mistakes

The Bodum Chambord French Press is a fantastic tool for upgrading your coffee brewing experience, but it's important to avoid a few common mistakes that beginners often make. By addressing issues such as over-extraction, under-extraction, and improper plunger handling, you can ensure that you're getting the most out of your French Press.

Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  • Over-extraction: Over-extraction occurs when coffee grounds are in contact with hot water for too long, leading to a bitter and unpleasant taste. To avoid this, always remember to:
    • Grind your coffee beans coarsely to prevent finer particles from over-extracting.
    • Keep an eye on the brewing time and avoid leaving the coffee sitting in the French Press for an extended period.
    • Experiment with different brewing times until you find the perfect balance for your taste preferences.
  • Under-extraction: Under-extraction happens when coffee grounds are not in contact with hot water for long enough, resulting in a weak and underwhelming flavor. To prevent under-extraction, consider the following tips:
    • Use the correct coffee-to-water ratio to ensure proper extraction. A general guideline is 1:15 coffee-to-water ratio, but feel free to adjust it according to your taste.
    • Ensure that your water is hot enough (around 200°F or 93°C) to effectively extract the flavors from the coffee grounds.
    • Give the French Press a gentle stir after adding the hot water to evenly distribute the grounds and promote even extraction.
  • Proper plunger handling: The plunger is a crucial component of the French Press, and handling it properly is essential for a successful brew. Take note of the following:
    • After the brewing time is complete, slowly and steadily push the plunger down to separate the coffee grounds from the liquid. Avoid applying too much force, as this can result in undesirable sediment in your cup.
    • If you encounter resistance while plunging, pause for a moment and then continue with a steady and controlled motion. This will help prevent accidental spills or splashing.

By paying attention to these common mistakes, you can ensure that your coffee brewing with the Bodum Chambord French Press is consistently enjoyable and delicious. Experiment, practice, and most importantly, savor every sip of your carefully crafted coffee!

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Cleaning and Maintenance

Proper cleaning and maintenance of your Bodum 1928-16US4 Chambord French Press Coffee Maker is essential to ensure its long-lasting performance and to continue enjoying the full flavor of your coffee. Follow these simple instructions to keep your French press in top shape:

1. Regular Cleaning:

  • After each use, disassemble the French press by removing the plunger and filter assembly.
  • Rinse the beaker and the plunger thoroughly with warm water to remove any coffee grounds and oils.
  • Use a dishwashing brush or sponge to gently scrub the beaker and plunger. Avoid using abrasive cleaners that could damage the glass or the metal parts.
  • Rinse again to ensure that no soap residue remains.
  • Dry all components thoroughly before reassembling the French press.

2. Removing Coffee Residue:

  • To remove stubborn coffee residue, mix equal parts of water and white vinegar.
  • Add the mixture to the beaker and allow it to sit for a few minutes.
  • Use a brush or sponge to scrub away the residue.
  • Rinse thoroughly with warm water.

3. Descaling:

  • The Bodum Chambord French Press can develop mineral deposits over time, affecting the performance of the plunger.
  • To descale, fill the beaker with equal parts of water and white vinegar.
  • Let the mixture soak in the beaker for about 15 minutes.
  • Press the plunger up and down several times to loosen any mineral deposits.
  • Pour out the mixture, rinse the beaker thoroughly, and dry it before reassembling the French press.

Additional Tips:

  • Avoid using harsh chemicals or bleach on the French press, as they can leave a lingering taste in your coffee.
  • Do not put the French press in the dishwasher, as it may cause damage to the glass beaker and other parts.
  • Regularly clean the filter assembly to ensure it works effectively.
  • When not in use, store your French press in a dry and clean place to prevent any odors or contamination.


If you are experiencing any issues with your Bodum Chambord French Press, don't worry! We have compiled a troubleshooting guide to help you resolve common problems that you may encounter while using this coffee maker.


  • Ensure that the plunger is properly aligned with the spout and that there are no obstructions causing a poor seal.
  • Check if the rubber gasket around the plunger is in good condition and not worn out or cracked. If it is, you may need to replace it.
  • Make sure you are not overfilling the French Press beyond its maximum capacity, as this can contribute to leaks.
  • When plunging, do it slowly and steadily to avoid any sudden pressure that could lead to leaks.


  • Grind your coffee beans coarsely to prevent them from getting stuck in the fine mesh filter. Finer grounds are more likely to cause clogging.
  • After pouring hot water over the coffee grounds, stir gently to ensure that all grounds are fully immersed and no clumps form.

Sediment in the Coffee:

  • Consider using a coarser grind size or adjusting the coffee-to-water ratio to reduce the amount of sediment in your brew.
  • Allow the coffee to steep for the recommended time, but avoid pressing the plunger too forcefully when it's time to separate the grounds from the liquid, as this can agitate the sediment.

By following these troubleshooting tips, you will be able to enhance your coffee brewing experience with the Bodum Chambord French Press. Enjoy delicious, sediment-free coffee without any leaks or clogs!

Experimenting with Flavors

Upgrade your coffee brewing experience with the Bodum Chambord French Press by exploring various flavor possibilities. With this versatile coffee maker, you have the opportunity to create a wide range of delicious and unique flavors. By adding spices, syrups, or frothed milk, you can enhance the taste of your coffee and take it to a whole new level.

Here are some techniques you can try to infuse your French press coffee with exciting flavors:

  • Add Spices: Experiment with different spices to give your coffee an aromatic twist. Consider adding a pinch of cinnamon, nutmeg, or cardamom to your coffee grounds. This will not only infuse the flavors into your brew but will also create an inviting aroma that will awaken your senses.
  • Explore Syrups: Syrups are a popular way to add sweetness and unique flavors to your coffee. Whether you prefer classic vanilla, caramel, or flavors like hazelnut or peppermint, a splash of syrup can transform an ordinary cup of coffee into a delightful treat.
  • Try Frothed Milk: Frothed milk is a simple yet effective way to add a creamy texture and richness to your coffee. With the Bodum Chambord French Press, you can easily froth your milk by heating it and then using the plunger to rapidly move it up and down. Pour the frothed milk into your coffee for a barista-style experience right at home.

Don't be afraid to get creative and experiment with different flavor combinations. The Bodum Chambord French Press provides the perfect canvas for your coffee brewing adventures. So go ahead, explore the world of flavors and tailor your coffee to suit your preferences.

  • Discover new spice combinations like ginger and cloves for a warming and aromatic cup of coffee.
  • Experiment with flavored syrups like maple, coconut, or even lavender for a unique and indulgent coffee experience.
  • Create beautiful latte art with your frothed milk to impress your guests or simply enjoy yourself.

Why We Chose This Product

Upgrading your coffee brewing experience is all about finding the right tools to bring out the best flavors and aromas in every cup. That's why we chose the Bodum 1928-16US4 Chambord French Press Coffee Maker as the perfect product to take your morning ritual to the next level. With its sleek chrome design and 1 liter, 34 ounce capacity, this French press not only looks stylish on your countertop but also allows you to brew enough coffee for multiple servings.

Here's why we believe the Bodum Chambord French Press is the ultimate upgrade to your brewing routine:

  • High-quality materials: Made with durable stainless steel and a heat-resistant borosilicate glass carafe, you can trust that this French press will stand the test of time.
  • Superior extraction: The Chambord's 3-part stainless steel plunger ensures that every precious coffee ground is fully immersed and steeped for a rich and flavorful brew.
  • User-friendly design: The convenient and ergonomic handle makes pouring and serving a breeze, while the patented safety lid prevents any spills or accidents.
Bodum 1928-16US4 Chambord French Press Coffee Maker, 1 Liter, 34 Ounce, Chrome|Image 1
Bodum Chambord French Press Coffee Maker - A Classic Way to Brew Delicious Coffee
Bodum 1928-16US4 Chambord French Press Coffee Maker, 1 Liter, 34 Ounce, Chrome
$39.81 $29.49
Buy on Amazon

As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

About This Product

The Bodum 1928-16US4 Chambord French Press Coffee Maker is the perfect addition to any coffee lover's kitchen. This sleek and stylish coffee maker features a 1 liter capacity, allowing you to brew up to 34 ounces of delicious coffee. Made with durable chrome, it is not only functional but also adds a touch of elegance to your kitchen countertop. The French press design allows for a full immersion brewing process, resulting in a rich and flavorful cup of coffee every time. Whether you prefer a strong and bold brew, or a smooth and mellow cup, the Bodum Chambord French Press Coffee Maker delivers a coffee experience that is second to none.

With its multiple EAN and UPC codes, you can be confident that you are purchasing an authentic and high-quality product. The EAN codes, including 0190283821222, 0721864797829, 0727015100043, and more, ensure that you are getting the right product from various retailers. In addition, the UPC codes such as 190283821222, 699965195359, and 7270151000430 provide an additional layer of assurance when making your purchase. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the perfect cup of coffee with the Bodum 1928-16US4 Chambord French Press Coffee Maker - a must-have for any coffee enthusiast.

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