Cleaning and Maintenance of the Toddy® Cold Brew System

Cleaning and Maintenance of the Toddy® Cold Brew System
Photographed By: Di Bella Coffee
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Cleaning and Maintenance of the Toddy® Cold Brew System

Are you an avid coffee lover who cherishes the perfect cup of cold brew? Look no further than the Toddy® Cold Brew System! This innovative appliance allows you to effortlessly brew smooth and flavorful cold coffee right at home.

In order to ensure your Toddy® Cold Brew System continues to deliver delicious results, it's important to properly clean and maintain it. By following our easy-to-follow guide, you'll be able to keep your cold brew system in tip-top shape for years to come, guaranteeing consistently refreshing coffee with every batch.

From cleaning the brewing container to maintaining the reusable filters, our guide covers every essential step to maximize the longevity and performance of the Toddy® Cold Brew System. So grab your favorite mug and get ready to unlock the secret to maintaining a top-notch cold brew experience!

Toddy® Cold Brew System|Image 1
Toddy Cold Brew System - Make Delicious Cold Brew Coffee at Home
Toddy® Cold Brew System
$66.15 $49.00
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About This Product

The Toddy® Cold Brew System is the perfect tool for coffee enthusiasts who want to enjoy a rich and smooth cup of cold brew coffee. This innovative system uses a unique cold brewing process that extracts the delicious flavors of the coffee beans without any of the bitter acidity. The Toddy® Cold Brew System is easy to use - simply add your favorite coffee grounds and water, let it steep for 12-24 hours, and then filter the brewed coffee into the glass decanter. The result is a concentrate that can be mixed with water or milk to create a refreshing and flavorful cup of cold brew coffee anytime, anywhere. With its sleek design and high-quality construction, the Toddy® Cold Brew System is a must-have for any coffee lover.

Getting Started

Setting up your Toddy® Cold Brew System for the first use is an exciting step towards enjoying delicious and smooth cold brew coffee. By following these step-by-step instructions, you'll be brewing your own cold brew in no time:

  1. Start by thoroughly cleaning all the components of the Toddy® Cold Brew System with warm, soapy water. This ensures that any residue or impurities are removed, resulting in a clean and fresh brew.
  2. Once cleaned, place the Toddy® Cold Brew System onto your kitchen countertop or any other convenient brewing location.
  3. Take the Toddy® Cold Brew Container and insert the reusable Toddy® Felt Filter into the bottom, making sure it lays flat against the bottom surface.
  4. Attach the handle to the Toddy® Cold Brew Container for easy pouring and handling.
  5. Next, take the Toddy® Brewing Container and place it on top of the Cold Brew Container, making sure the rubber stopper is in place to securely hold the filter in position.
  6. Take the stopper and insert it into the bottom of the Toddy® Brewing Container, ensuring a tight and secure fit.
  7. Now, it's time to add your favorite coffee grounds. Using the included measuring scoop, add 12 ounces (340 grams) of coarsely ground coffee to the Toddy® Brewing Container.
  8. Slowly pour 7 cups (56 ounces or 1.65 liters) of cold, filtered water over the coffee grounds. Ensure that all the coffee grounds are saturated.
  9. Once you've poured the water, use a stirring utensil to gently agitate the coffee and water mixture, ensuring all the grounds are saturated.
  10. Allow the coffee to steep in the Toddy® Cold Brew System for 12 to 24 hours at room temperature.
  11. After the steeping process, carefully remove the rubber stopper from the Toddy® Brewing Container, allowing the brewed coffee to flow into the Toddy® Cold Brew Container.
  12. Gently lift the Toddy® Cold Brew Container, and you'll have a container filled with delicious, ready-to-serve cold brew coffee concentrate.

Now that you've successfully set up your Toddy® Cold Brew System and brewed your first batch of cold brew coffee, you're ready to enjoy a refreshing and bold cup of cold brew anytime you desire. Experiment with different coffee beans and steep times to find your perfect brew!

  • Remember to clean all the components thoroughly after each use to maintain the quality of your cold brew.
  • Store your cold brew concentrate in a sealed container in the refrigerator, where it can stay fresh for up to two weeks.

Preparing the Coffee

To ensure the best flavor and results when using the Toddy® Cold Brew System, it is important to start with high-quality coffee beans that are ground to the right consistency and measured correctly. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to choose the right coffee beans, grind them, and measure the correct amount for the cold brew system:

Choosing the Right Coffee Beans:

  • Look for fresh whole coffee beans from reputable sources. The quality of the beans will greatly impact the flavor of your cold brew coffee.
  • Consider the roast level that you prefer. Lighter roasts may provide more floral or fruity notes, while darker roasts can offer richer and bolder flavors.
  • Experiment with different origins and blends to find your preferred taste profile. Some popular choices for cold brew are Colombian, Ethiopian, and Brazilian beans.

Grinding the Coffee Beans:

  • Use a burr grinder, if possible, to achieve a consistent grind size. This will help to extract the flavors evenly during the brewing process.
  • For cold brew, a coarse grind is generally recommended. The coffee grounds should be similar in size to coarse sea salt.
  • Avoid using pre-ground coffee as it may be too fine or inconsistent for the Toddy® Cold Brew System.

Measuring the Correct Amount:

  • Refer to the instructions provided with your Toddy® Cold Brew System to determine the recommended coffee-to-water ratio.
  • Typically, a ratio of 1 pound of coffee to 9 cups of water is a good starting point. Adjust the amount based on your personal preference for strength.
  • Measure the coffee by weight using a kitchen scale for the most precise results. If a scale is not available, use a measuring cup to approximate the desired amount.

By selecting the right coffee beans, grinding them to the correct consistency, and measuring the appropriate amount, you can ensure a flavorful and satisfying cold brew coffee using the Toddy® Cold Brew System. Remember to always experiment and adjust the variables based on your personal taste preferences to achieve the perfect cup every time.

Additional Suggestions:

  • Try different single origin coffees to experience the unique flavors they offer in cold brew.
  • Consider using a coffee subscription service to regularly receive fresh beans conveniently.
  • Store your coffee beans in an airtight container in a cool, dark place to maintain their freshness.
  • Clean your burr grinder regularly to prevent any residue buildup that may affect the taste of your coffee.

Brewing Process

The Toddy® Cold Brew System allows you to easily brew delicious cold brew coffee at home. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use the Toddy® system to brew your own cold brew coffee:

  1. Prepare your coffee: Start by coarsely grinding your favorite coffee beans. The Toddy® Cold Brew System comes with a reusable felt filter, so you don't need to use paper filters. Measure out 12 ounces of coffee grounds and add them to the brewing container.

  2. Add water: Slowly pour 7 cups of cold, filtered water over the coffee grounds. Make sure all the grounds are wet and evenly distributed. Stir gently to ensure all the grounds are saturated.

  3. Steep: Place the Toddy® brewing container in a cool, dark place and let it steep for 12-24 hours. The longer you steep, the stronger the coffee will be. It's recommended to steep for at least 12 hours for optimal extraction.

  4. Drain: After the steeping time is complete, place the Toddy® brewing container on top of the Toddy® glass decanter. Open the stopper and allow the coffee concentrate to completely drain into the decanter. This process may take a little while, but it's important to ensure you get all the flavorful concentrate.

  5. Storing and Diluting: Once the concentrate has finished draining, you can store it in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. To serve, dilute the concentrate to your desired strength by mixing 1 part concentrate with 2-3 parts water, milk, or your preferred liquid. Serve over ice for a refreshing cold brew coffee experience!

With the Toddy® Cold Brew System, brewing a perfect cup of cold brew coffee is a breeze. Just follow these steps and enjoy the rich, smooth flavors of homemade cold brew coffee at any time of the day.

  • Easy to use and requires no electricity.
  • Brewing time: 12-24 hours.
  • Recommended steeping time for optimal extraction: at least 12 hours.
  • Reusable felt filter eliminates the need for paper filters.
  • Produces a coffee concentrate that can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.
  • Dilute concentrate with water, milk, or your preferred liquid to serve.
  • Serve over ice for a refreshing and delicious cold brew coffee.

Filtration Process

The Toddy® Cold Brew System utilizes a unique filtration process to extract the full flavor and smoothness from your coffee grounds. By following these steps and properly using Toddy® filters, you can remove any coffee grounds and achieve a deliciously smooth brew:

  • Start by wetting the Toddy® filter thoroughly with cold water. This helps to remove any paper taste and ensures optimal filtration.
  • Place the wet filter into the Toddy® brewing container, making sure it covers the entire bottom.
  • Add your desired amount of coarsely ground coffee to the filter. The recommended ratio is 1 pound of coffee to 9 cups of water, but you can adjust it to your taste preference.
  • Gently pour cold, filtered water over the coffee grounds, saturating them completely. Make sure to evenly soak all the grounds to ensure proper extraction.
  • Allow the coffee to steep in the Toddy® brewing container for 12 to 24 hours, depending on your desired strength.
  • After the steeping process, place the Toddy® brewing container on top of the glass decanter or any container of your choice.
  • Gently open the Toddy® brewing container drain plug to allow the filtered coffee concentrate to flow into the decanter, leaving behind the coffee grounds.
  • Discard the used coffee grounds and rinse the filter thoroughly with cold water to remove any remaining residue.
  • Allow the filter to air dry completely before storing it for future use.

By following these steps and properly maintaining the Toddy® Cold Brew System, you can enjoy a smooth and flavorful cup of cold brew coffee every time.

  • Regularly clean the Toddy® brewing container and decanter with warm, soapy water to remove any buildup and ensure the best-tasting coffee.
  • Replace the Toddy® filter every 3-4 months or when you notice a significant decrease in filtration quality.

Storing Cold Brew

Properly storing your cold brew coffee is essential to maintain its freshness and flavor for a longer period of time. The Toddy® Cold Brew System offers a convenient way to make cold brew at home, but it's equally important to store it correctly to ensure you can enjoy it for days to come. Here are some tips on storing your cold brew:

  • Transfer your cold brew coffee from the Toddy® Brewing Container to a clean and airtight container for storage.
  • Using glass containers is recommended as they do not retain any residual flavors or odors.
  • Make sure the container you choose has a tight-fitting lid to prevent air from entering and causing oxidation.
  • Store your cold brew coffee in the refrigerator to slow down the degradation process. This will help retain its freshness and flavor.
  • Avoid storing your cold brew coffee for more than 7 to 10 days as it may start to lose its flavor and become stale.
  • If you prefer a stronger taste, you can dilute your cold brew concentrate with water when storing it. This way, you can adjust the strength of your cold brew when you're ready to consume it.
  • Before serving, give your stored cold brew coffee a gentle stir as the coffee grounds may settle at the bottom over time.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your cold brew coffee stays fresh and delicious for an extended period, allowing you to enjoy the smooth and rich taste of your homemade cold brew whenever you desire. With the Toddy® Cold Brew System, you can easily brew and store your favorite cold brew coffee without any hassle, making it a must-have for all coffee enthusiasts.

Cleaning the Brew Container

To ensure the longevity of your Toddy® Cold Brew System and maintain the quality of your cold brew coffee, it is essential to properly clean and sanitize the brew container after each use. This will prevent the buildup of coffee residue and help to maintain the flavor and cleanliness of future brews. Follow these steps to keep your brew container in pristine condition:

  • Start by removing the Toddy® Cold Brew System's silicone stopper from the bottom of the brew container. This stopper helps seal the container during the brewing process but needs to be removed for cleaning. Make sure to set it aside in a safe place during the cleaning process.
  • Next, empty any remaining coffee grounds or concentrate from the brew container into your preferred disposal container or compost. Rinse the container with warm water to remove any loose particles.
  • Once rinsed, add a small amount of mild dish soap or a cleaning solution specifically designed for coffee equipment to the brew container. Use a non-abrasive sponge or brush to scrub the inside surfaces thoroughly. Pay extra attention to the sides and bottom of the container where coffee residues tend to accumulate.
  • After scrubbing, rinse the brew container with warm water to remove any remaining soap or cleaning solution.
  • To sanitize the brew container, prepare a sanitizing solution following the instructions provided by the sanitizer manufacturer. Alternatively, you can create a simple sanitizing solution by mixing one tablespoon of bleach with one gallon of water. Make sure to thoroughly rinse the container before using any bleach solution, as bleach residues can affect the taste of your future brews.
  • Submerge the brew container in the sanitizing solution, making sure it is completely covered. Let it soak for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • After the designated soaking time, remove the brew container from the sanitizing solution and rinse it thoroughly with warm water to ensure all traces of the solution are removed.
  • Allow the brew container to air dry completely before reassembling the Toddy® Cold Brew System for your next use.

By following these steps to clean and sanitize your Toddy® Cold Brew System's brew container after each use, you can enjoy consistently delicious cold brew coffee while prolonging the lifespan of your brewing equipment. Remember that a clean container helps to maintain the rich, smooth flavors that cold brew is known for!

Cleaning the Filter

Ensuring the cleanliness and proper maintenance of the Toddy® Cold Brew System filter is essential to guarantee the best results for your cold brew. With regular cleaning, you can prevent the build-up of coffee residue and maintain the quality of your brew. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to clean and maintain the reusable Toddy® filter:

  • After each use, remove the filter from the brewing container.
  • Dispose of the coffee grounds into a compost bin or trash can.
  • Rinse the filter thoroughly under cold water to remove any remaining coffee residue.
  • Fill a sink or basin with warm water and add a small amount of liquid dish soap.
  • Gently scrub the filter using a soft-bristled brush, making sure to clean all the surfaces thoroughly.
  • Once the filter is clean, rinse it again under cold water to remove any soap residue.
  • Allow the filter to air dry completely before storing or using it again.

It's important to note that the Toddy® filter should not be put in the dishwasher, as it may lead to damage or reduce its lifespan. Regular cleaning will help ensure that your Toddy® Cold Brew System filter remains in good condition for future use, producing delicious and smooth cold brew coffee every time.

  • Inspect the filter regularly for signs of wear or damage, such as holes or tears.
  • If you notice any damage, it's recommended to replace the filter to maintain the best brewing results.

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Descale the System

To ensure optimal performance of your Toddy® Cold Brew System and remove any mineral deposits that may have accumulated over time, it is important to descale the system regularly. Descaling helps to maintain the quality and taste of your cold brew, as well as extend the lifespan of your brewing equipment. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to descale your Toddy® Cold Brew System:

  • Prepare a descaling solution by mixing equal parts of water and food-grade citric acid or a commercial descaling product recommended for coffee brewing equipment.
  • Disconnect the brewer from its power source and remove the Toddy® Cold Brew System's stopper.
  • Pour the descaling solution into the brewer's brewing container.
  • Reinsert the stopper and give the brewing container a gentle swirl to ensure the solution reaches all the surfaces.
  • Allow the descaling solution to sit in the brewing container for at least one hour or as directed by the descaling product's instructions.
  • While the solution is sitting, take this opportunity to clean other removable parts of the Toddy® Cold Brew System.
  • After the appropriate amount of time has passed, carefully remove the stopper and discard the descaling solution into a sink or drain.
  • Rinse the brewing container thoroughly with water until any remaining descaling solution is completely removed.
  • Fill the brewing container with clean water and let it sit for a few minutes to rinse any remaining descaling solution from the system.
  • Drain the water from the brewing container and repeat the rinsing process once more to ensure all traces of the solution are eliminated.
  • Reassemble the Toddy® Cold Brew System, making sure all parts are securely in place.
  • Once the system is reassembled, run a test brew to ensure there are no residual flavors from the descaling solution.
  • Your Toddy® Cold Brew System is now descaled and ready to brew delicious cold brew coffee again!

Regular descaling is an essential maintenance task that will keep your Toddy® Cold Brew System in prime condition. By following these instructions, you can ensure optimal performance and enjoy the full flavor of your cold brew for years to come.


While the Toddy® Cold Brew System is designed to provide delicious cold brew coffee with ease, users may occasionally encounter some issues. Here are some common problems and troubleshooting tips to help you resolve them:

  • The coffee is weak or has a bitter taste:
  • This can happen if the coffee grounds are too coarse or if the brew time is too short. To resolve this issue, try the following:

    • Grind the coffee beans to a finer consistency. This will allow for better extraction of flavor.
    • Increase the steeping time. Let the coffee steep in water for a longer period to achieve a stronger brew.
    • Ensure that the water is at the optimal temperature of around 38°F to 48°F (3°C to 9°C) for the best extraction.
  • The coffee is cloudy or has sediment:
  • If you notice that your brewed coffee has a cloudy appearance or contains sediment, it may be due to the following reasons:

    • Use a coarser grind. Finer grounds can result in sediment in the final brew.
    • Double strain the coffee. After brewing, pour the coffee through a fine-mesh sieve or a coffee filter to remove any remaining sediment.
    • Adjust the brew time. If the coffee is steeped for too long, it can result in a cloudy appearance. Experiment with shorter brew times to achieve better clarity.

Remember, troubleshooting the Toddy® Cold Brew System can help you resolve common issues and ensure that you continue to enjoy smooth and flavorful cold brew coffee. If you encounter any other problems, consult the product manual or reach out to Toddy Customer Support for further assistance.

Accessories and Replacement Parts

The Toddy® Cold Brew System offers a range of accessories and replacement parts to enhance your cold brew experience and ensure the longevity of your brewing system. Here are some of the available options:

  • Toddy Cold Brew Felt Filters: These reusable felt filters are an essential accessory for your Toddy Cold Brew System. Made from high-quality material, they effectively strain out sediment and oils, resulting in a smooth and clean cold brew. With proper care, each filter can last up to three months, providing you with multiple uses and savings on disposable filters.
  • Toddy Cold Brew Replacement Glass Carafe: If your original carafe becomes damaged or you simply want a spare, the Toddy Cold Brew Replacement Glass Carafe is the perfect solution. Made from durable glass, this carafe allows you to continue enjoying your cold brew without interruption. It fits seamlessly with the Toddy Cold Brew System and can hold up to 56 ounces of your delicious concentrated cold brew.
  • Toddy Cold Brew Rubber Stoppers: The Toddy Cold Brew Rubber Stoppers are essential replacement parts for the Toddy Cold Brew System. Over time, the rubber stoppers may become worn or lost, compromising the functionality of your brewer. With these replacement stoppers, you can ensure a secure seal, allowing the cold brew process to work effectively.
  • Toddy Cold Brew Paper Filters: While the Toddy Cold Brew Felt Filters are reusable, some users may prefer the convenience of disposable paper filters. The Toddy Cold Brew Paper Filters are available for purchase in packs of 20 and provide another option for straining out sediment and oils, resulting in a cleaner, more refined cold brew.

When purchasing accessories and replacement parts for your Toddy Cold Brew System, it is important to ensure that you are purchasing genuine Toddy products. Counterfeit or generic accessories may not fit properly or provide the same level of quality and performance. To ensure authenticity, it is recommended to purchase directly from authorized retailers or the Toddy website.

  • Toddy Cold Brew Stirring Wand: The Toddy Cold Brew Stirring Wand is a versatile accessory that can be used for multiple purposes in your cold brew process. Its long handle allows for easy stirring, ensuring thorough extraction of flavor. Additionally, it can be used to press down the coffee grounds in the filter, maximizing the yield of your cold brew concentrate.
  • Toddy Cold Brew Brew-in-Style Decanter: The Toddy Cold Brew Brew-in-Style Decanter is a stylish alternative to the glass carafe. Made from durable material, it features a convenient pouring handle and airtight lid. It can hold up to 56 ounces of cold brew concentrate and fits seamlessly with the Toddy Cold Brew System.

Why We Chose This Product

The choice for the Toddy® Cold Brew System as our recommended product for cleaning and maintaining your cold brew coffee setup was an easy one. Not only does it offer exceptional performance and ease of use, but it also provides a superior level of convenience and durability. With its innovative design and high-quality materials, the Toddy® Cold Brew System ensures that you can enjoy delicious and refreshing cold brew coffee for years to come.

  • Efficiency: The Toddy® Cold Brew System allows for effortless and efficient cleaning, thanks to its simple yet effective components. From its reusable filters to its durable brewing container, this system is designed to simplify the maintenance process without compromising on performance.
  • Quality: We chose the Toddy® Cold Brew System for its commitment to excellence in coffee extraction. Its unique brewing method extracts the full flavor and aromas from the coffee grounds, resulting in a smooth and rich cold brew that is unmatched in quality.
  • Longevity: Investing in a reliable and durable cold brew system is essential for enjoying your favorite beverage for years to come. The Toddy® Cold Brew System is made with high-quality materials that are built to last, ensuring that you can continue to indulge in delicious cold brew coffee throughout the seasons.
Toddy® Cold Brew System|Image 1
Toddy Cold Brew System - Make Delicious Cold Brew Coffee at Home
Toddy® Cold Brew System
$66.15 $49.00
Buy on Amazon

As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

About This Product

The Toddy® Cold Brew System is the perfect tool for coffee enthusiasts who want to enjoy a rich and smooth cup of cold brew coffee. This innovative system uses a unique cold brewing process that extracts the delicious flavors of the coffee beans without any of the bitter acidity. The Toddy® Cold Brew System is easy to use - simply add your favorite coffee grounds and water, let it steep for 12-24 hours, and then filter the brewed coffee into the glass decanter. The result is a concentrate that can be mixed with water or milk to create a refreshing and flavorful cup of cold brew coffee anytime, anywhere. With its sleek design and high-quality construction, the Toddy® Cold Brew System is a must-have for any coffee lover.

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