How to Use the Toddy® Cold Brew System

How to Use the Toddy® Cold Brew System
Photographed By: Ketut Subiyanto
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How to Use the Toddy® Cold Brew System

Are you tired of the same old bitter coffee? Looking for a way to enjoy a smooth and flavorful cup of joe? Look no further than the Toddy® Cold Brew System! This innovative coffee maker takes the traditional brewing process and turns it on its head, delivering a rich and delicious cold brew experience like no other.

In this How to Guide, we will walk you through the simple steps of using the Toddy® Cold Brew System to make the perfect batch of cold brew coffee. From the setup to the brewing process, we've got you covered every step of the way.

Whether you're a coffee connoisseur or a casual caffeine lover, this guide will help you unlock the full potential of your Toddy® Cold Brew System and discover a new world of coffee enjoyment. So grab your favorite beans and let's dive in!

Toddy® Cold Brew System|Image 1
Toddy Cold Brew System - Make Delicious Cold Brew Coffee at Home
Toddy® Cold Brew System
$66.15 $49.00
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About This Product

The Toddy® Cold Brew System is a revolutionary way to enjoy your favorite coffee. With its unique brewing method, this system allows you to extract the rich flavors of coffee without any bitterness or acidity. The patented Toddy Cold Brew System uses a special filter and a cold water steeping process to create a perfectly balanced and smooth cup of coffee every time. Whether you prefer a bold, dark roast or a light, fruity blend, the Toddy Cold Brew System will unlock the true potential of your coffee beans, giving you a delicious and refreshing drink that is perfect for any occasion.

Not only does the Toddy Cold Brew System produce amazing coffee, but it is also incredibly easy to use. Simply add your favorite coffee grounds to the brewing container, pour in cold water, and let it steep overnight. In the morning, you'll have a concentrated coffee extract that can be diluted with water or milk to create your desired strength. The Toddy Cold Brew System is also versatile, allowing you to customize your coffee strength and flavors by adjusting the steeping time and water-to-coffee ratio. Say goodbye to expensive coffee shop visits and hello to barista-quality coffee made in the comfort of your own home with the Toddy Cold Brew System.

Preparing the Cold Brew

The Toddy® Cold Brew System is a simple and efficient way to make smooth and flavorful cold brew coffee at home. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use the Toddy® Cold Brew System to prepare your own cold brew:

  • Start by gathering all the necessary ingredients and equipment. You will need:
  • - 1 pound of coarsely ground coffee
  • - 9 cups of filtered water
  • - Toddy® Cold Brew System, which includes a brewing container with a handle, a glass decanter with lid, a reusable felt filter, a rubber stopper, and a set of instructions.
  • Next, assemble the Toddy® Cold Brew System by inserting the rubber stopper into the hole at the bottom of the brewing container.
  • Place the reusable felt filter inside the brewing container, making sure it covers the entire bottom.
  • Now, add 1 cup of water into the brewing container, followed by 6 ounces of coffee grounds. Pour the coffee grounds in a circular motion, evenly distributing them.
  • Slowly add another 3 cups of water, making sure all the coffee grounds are saturated.
  • After a few minutes, slowly pour the remaining 3 cups of water into the brewing container. Again, make sure all the coffee grounds are fully saturated.
  • Once all the water has been added, gently agitate the mixture by giving it a few stirs with a long utensil, such as a wooden spoon.
  • Cover the brewing container with its lid and let the coffee steep for 12-24 hours at room temperature.
  • Once the steeping time is over, place the brewing container on top of the glass decanter and remove the rubber stopper.

Allow the cold brew to drain into the glass decanter for about 10 minutes, or until all the liquid has passed through the felt filter. During this time, you may notice some grounds settling at the bottom of the container, which is perfectly normal.

Congratulations! You have successfully prepared cold brew coffee using the Toddy® Cold Brew System. Now you can store the cold brew in the refrigerator and enjoy it over ice or dilute it with water or milk as desired. Experiment with different ratios to find your perfect cup of cold brew!

Selecting the Coffee Beans

When it comes to getting the most out of your Toddy® Cold Brew System, choosing the right type of coffee beans is crucial. The right roast level and flavor profile can enhance the final taste of your cold brew, providing a rich and smooth flavor that will leave you craving for more. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you select the perfect coffee beans for your Toddy® Cold Brew System:

1. Consider the Roast Level:

  • Light Roast: This roast level offers a more delicate flavor profile with bright acidity and floral or fruity notes. It is ideal if you prefer a more subtle and vibrant cold brew.
  • Medium Roast: With a balance between acidity and bitterness, medium roast coffee beans provide a well-rounded flavor profile. They can deliver a slightly caramelized and chocolaty taste to your cold brew, making it a popular choice for many.
  • Dark Roast: If you enjoy bolder and more intense flavors, dark roast coffee beans are the way to go. The deep, smoky notes can add complexity to your cold brew, resulting in a bold and robust taste.

2. Explore Flavor Profiles:

  • Fruity: If you fancy a cold brew with pleasant fruit undertones, consider coffee beans with fruity flavor profiles. Look for beans with descriptions like berry, citrus, or tropical fruits to add a refreshing twist to your cold brew.
  • Nutty: For a comforting and balanced flavor, opt for coffee beans with nutty flavor profiles. These beans can offer hints of almonds, hazelnuts, or even chocolate, creating a delicious and soothing cold brew experience.
  • Caramelized: If you enjoy a hint of sweetness in your cold brew, look for coffee beans with caramelized flavor profiles. These beans can offer notes of caramel, toffee, or even cocoa, resulting in a luscious and indulgent beverage.

Remember, the best coffee beans for your Toddy® Cold Brew System ultimately depend on your personal taste preferences. Experiment with different roast levels and flavor profiles to discover the perfect combination that satisfies your cravings. Enjoy the process of exploring the wide variety of coffee beans available and delight in the unique flavors they bring to your cold brew!

Grinding the Coffee

When it comes to using the Toddy® Cold Brew System, the grind size of your coffee beans plays a vital role in achieving the perfect cold brew. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to grind your coffee beans for the Toddy® Cold Brew System:

Step 1: Select the right grind size

The ideal grind size for the Toddy® Cold Brew System is a coarse grind. This means that the coffee beans should be ground to a consistency that resembles coarse sea salt. The reason behind using a coarse grind is that it helps to extract the full-bodied flavor of the coffee without producing any bitterness or sediment.

Step 2: Use a burr grinder

For the best results, it is recommended to use a burr grinder rather than a blade grinder. A burr grinder ensures a consistent grind size, which is crucial for an even extraction during the cold brew process. Blade grinders, on the other hand, can result in an uneven grind, which might compromise the taste and quality of your cold brew.

Step 3: Measure the coffee beans

  • Measure the desired amount of coffee beans based on the volume of cold brew you want to prepare. A general guideline is to use 1 cup (8 ounces) of coffee beans for every 4 cups (32 ounces) of water.

Step 4: Grind the coffee beans

  • Place the measured coffee beans in the burr grinder.
  • Select the coarse grind setting on the grinder.
  • Start the grinder and allow it to grind the coffee beans until you achieve the desired consistency.

Step 5: Store the ground coffee

  • Transfer the ground coffee to an airtight container to preserve its freshness and aroma until you're ready to use it for your cold brew.

With these simple steps, you'll be able to grind coffee beans perfectly for your Toddy® Cold Brew System. Remember, a coarse grind leads to a smooth and rich cold brew experience.

Assembling the Toddy® Cold Brew System

The Toddy® Cold Brew System allows you to make smooth, flavorful cold brew coffee right at home. To make the most of this innovative product, it's essential to properly assemble the Toddy® Cold Brew System. Follow these step-by-step instructions to ensure a successful brewing experience:

Step 1: Gather all the necessary components

  • Start by gathering all the components of the Toddy® Cold Brew System, which include a brewing container with handle, a glass decanter with lid, a Toddy® reusable felt filter, a rubber stopper, and a set of instructions.

Step 2: Insert the stopper

  • Take the brewing container and locate the small hole near the bottom. Insert the rubber stopper into this hole, ensuring a snug fit. This stopper is designed to regulate the flow of coffee during the brewing process.

Step 3: Place the felt filter

  • Open the brewing container and place a Toddy® felt filter inside. Make sure the filter fits evenly on the bottom of the container, covering the entire surface.

Step 4: Secure the brewing container onto the decanter

  • Position the brewing container on top of the glass decanter. Ensure that the rubber stopper is aligned with the hole on the decanter's lid. Gently press down to create a seal between the brewing container and the decanter.

Step 5: Tighten the handle

  • Once the brewing container is securely placed on the decanter, tighten the handle until it feels snug. This step ensures that the system is properly sealed during the brewing process, preventing any leakage.

Step 6: Read the instructions

  • Before starting the brewing process, take a moment to thoroughly read the provided instructions. Familiarize yourself with the recommended coffee-to-water ratio and the brewing time to achieve the best results.

Important Tips and Precautions

  • Always use coarsely ground coffee when brewing with the Toddy® Cold Brew System. Finely ground coffee can clog the felt filter, compromising the brewing process.
  • Ensure that the brewing container sits level on the decanter. An uneven placement might affect the extraction and flow of the coffee.
  • Be cautious when removing the rubber stopper as it may contain residual liquid. It is recommended to place a small container under the stopper to catch any drips.

Brewing the Cold Brew

The Toddy® Cold Brew System is an excellent tool for making smooth and flavorful cold brew at home. To start the brewing process, make sure you have all the necessary equipment: the Toddy® Cold Brew System, coarse ground coffee, water, and a large container to hold the brewed coffee.

Here is a step-by-step guide to brewing the perfect cold brew with the Toddy® Cold Brew System:

  • First, thoroughly clean the Toddy® Cold Brew System to ensure the best flavor and prevent any contamination from previous brews.
  • Next, place the rubber stopper into the bottom of the brewing container, ensuring a tight seal.
  • Add one cup of coarsely ground coffee into the container.
  • Pour four cups of cold, filtered water over the coffee grounds. Make sure all the grounds are fully saturated with water.
  • Using a spoon or paddle, gently stir the mixture, ensuring all the coffee is fully soaked.
  • Place the Toddy® Cold Brew System in a cool, dark place and let it steep for 12 to 24 hours. The longer the steeping time, the stronger the cold brew will be.
  • Once the steeping time is complete, carefully remove the rubber stopper to allow the brewed coffee to flow into the glass decanter or your desired container.
  • If you'd like a stronger concentrate, you can repeat the brewing process with the same coffee grounds, using a fresh batch of water.
  • Once all the coffee has drained into the decanter, you can store it in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.

With the Toddy® Cold Brew System, you can enjoy a delicious cup of cold brew coffee anytime. Its simple design and long steeping time allow for maximum flavor extraction, resulting in a smooth and less acidic beverage. Give it a try and experience the difference!

  • Produces smooth and flavorful cold brew coffee
  • Easy to use and clean
  • Long steeping time for maximum flavor
  • Allows for customization of concentrate strength

Filtering the Cold Brew

Once you have allowed your cold brew to steep for the desired amount of time using the Toddy® Cold Brew System, it's time to filter the brewed coffee. This step is crucial to remove any sediment or particles that may have been extracted during the steeping process, resulting in a smooth and clean cup of cold brew.

Here's how to properly filter your cold brew using the Toddy® Cold Brew System:

  • Start by placing the Toddy® glass decanter with the brewing handle on a stable surface, such as a countertop or table.
  • Retrieve the Toddy® felt filter from the refrigerator. The filter is specifically designed to effectively remove sediment while allowing the coffee's natural flavors to shine through.
  • Insert the Toddy® felt filter into the brewing container, making sure it covers the entire bottom surface.
  • Slowly pour the entire contents of the brewing container into the Toddy® felt filter, allowing the cold brew to drip freely into the decanter. Take your time to avoid any spills or splashes.
  • To ensure a smooth extraction, it is recommended to let the cold brew filter naturally without applying any pressure. This process may take around 20 minutes, so be patient!

Once the cold brew has finished filtering, you are left with a clean, sediment-free concentrate that is ready to enjoy. Keep in mind that the Toddy® Cold Brew System is designed to produce a concentrate, so diluting it with water or milk is necessary to achieve your preferred strength of cold brew. Experiment with different ratios until you find the perfect balance for your taste.

  • Remember to clean the Toddy® felt filter after each use. Rinse it thoroughly with water, squeeze out any excess liquid, and store it in a sealed container in the refrigerator.
  • The Toddy® Cold Brew System is not limited to coffee; you can also use it to make cold brewed tea or infusions. Simply follow the same steps, substituting your preferred tea leaves or botanicals for the ground coffee.

Storing the Cold Brew

After using the Toddy® Cold Brew System to make your delicious cold brew coffee, you'll want to know the best way to store it to maintain its flavor and freshness. Here are some helpful tips on storing your cold brew:

  • Ideal Storage Containers: It is essential to store your cold brew in airtight containers to prevent exposure to air and moisture. Glass containers are highly recommended as they do not absorb any flavors or odors. Mason jars or glass bottles with screw-top lids are excellent choices for storing your cold brew.
  • Shelf Life: Cold brew coffee can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. However, for optimal freshness, it is recommended to consume it within the first week. As time goes on, the flavor may become less vibrant, so it's best to enjoy it while it's at its peak.
  • Serving Suggestions: Cold brew can be served over ice, diluted with water or milk, or even used as a base for delicious coffee cocktails. Experiment with different ratios and flavors to find your preferred serving method. Feel free to add a splash of flavored syrup or a sprinkle of cinnamon for an extra kick.
  • Storage Tips: Here are a few additional tips for storing your cold brew:
  • Store the cold brew in the back of the refrigerator where it is colder and less likely to be exposed to temperature fluctuations.
  • Always label your containers with the date of brewing to keep track of freshness.
  • For convenience, you can pre-portion your cold brew into single-serve bottles or jars. This way, you can easily grab one when you're on the go.

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Serving the Cold Brew

Once you have successfully brewed your coffee using the Toddy® Cold Brew System, it's time to serve and enjoy your delicious cold brew. Here are some best practices for serving the cold brew:


When it comes to diluting your cold brew, it's essential to find the right balance to suit your taste preferences. The Toddy® Cold Brew System produces a concentrated coffee extract, so it's recommended to dilute it with water or any other liquid of your choice.

  • Start by diluting the cold brew concentrate with an equal amount of water. For example, if you have one cup of concentrate, add one cup of water.
  • Adjust the dilution according to your personal taste. If you prefer a stronger flavor, reduce the water ratio, and if you prefer a milder taste, increase the amount of water.
  • Experiment with different dilution ratios until you find the perfect strength that suits your preferences.


Ice is an essential element when serving cold brew, as it helps to chill the beverage and maintain its refreshing qualities. Here's how to properly use ice when serving your cold brew:

  • Fill a glass with ice cubes before adding the diluted cold brew concentrate.
  • Add the cold brew concentrate slowly over the ice, allowing it to chill and blend with the ice cubes.
  • Stir gently to ensure the cold brew is evenly mixed with the ice.


Customizing the sweetness of your cold brew can enhance your overall drinking experience. Whether you prefer it unsweetened or like to add a little sweetness, here are some options to consider:

  • Simple syrup: Prepare a simple syrup by dissolving equal parts of sugar and hot water. Add the desired amount to your cold brew, adjusting to your taste preferences.
  • Flavored syrups: Experiment with different flavored syrups, such as caramel, vanilla, or hazelnut, to add a hint of sweetness and flavor to your cold brew.

Garnishing Options

Adding garnishments to your cold brew not only enhances its visual appeal but can also introduce new flavors and aromas. Here are some garnishing options to consider:

  • Citrus zest: Add a twist of citrus zest from lemon, lime, or orange to bring a refreshing and citrusy note to your cold brew.
  • Whipped cream: Top your cold brew with a dollop of whipped cream to add a creamy and indulgent touch.
  • Cocoa powder: Dust some cocoa powder on top of your cold brew for a hint of chocolatey goodness.
  • Cinnamon or nutmeg: Sprinkle a dash of cinnamon or nutmeg to impart a warm and comforting flavor.
  • Remember, serving cold brew is an opportunity to get creative and tailor the flavors to your liking. Experiment with different dilution levels, ice ratios, sweeteners, and garnishments to find your perfect cup of cold brew!

Cleaning and Maintenance

The Toddy® Cold Brew System is a great way to enjoy smooth and flavorful cold brew coffee at home. To ensure that your Toddy® Cold Brew System continues to make delicious coffee and lasts for years to come, it's important to clean and maintain it regularly. Here are some detailed instructions on how to clean and maintain your Toddy® Cold Brew System:


  • After each use, remove the rubber stopper from the bottom of the brewing container and drain the coffee concentrate into a separate container or pitcher.
  • Rinse the brewing container and the rubber stopper with cool water to remove any leftover coffee grounds or residue.
  • Prepare a cleaning solution by mixing warm water with a small amount of mild dish soap.
  • Use a soft sponge or cloth to clean the brewing container and the rubber stopper with the cleaning solution. Pay attention to any stains or buildup, and make sure to clean those areas thoroughly.
  • Rinse the brewing container and the rubber stopper again with cool water to remove any soap residue.
  • Place the brewing container and the rubber stopper in a well-ventilated area to air dry.


  • To keep your Toddy® Cold Brew System in top condition, it's important to perform regular maintenance tasks:
  • Regularly check the rubber stopper for any signs of wear or damage. If the rubber stopper becomes cracked or worn out, it may need to be replaced to ensure a proper seal.
  • Inspect the reusable felt filters for any tears or holes. If there are any damages, replace the filters to maintain the quality of your cold brew coffee.
  • Occasionally, descale the Toddy® Cold Brew System to remove any mineral buildup. To do this, mix equal parts of white vinegar and water, and soak the brewing container and rubber stopper in the solution for about an hour. Rinse thoroughly with cool water afterward.
  • Store your Toddy® Cold Brew System in a clean and dry place when not in use to prevent any contamination or damage.

By following these cleaning and maintenance instructions, you can ensure that your Toddy® Cold Brew System remains in excellent condition and continues to produce delicious cold brew coffee for years to come.

  • Regularly clean the filter and brewing container to prevent any buildup or residue.
  • Replace the rubber stopper and felt filters as needed to maintain the quality of your cold brew coffee.
  • Descale the Toddy® Cold Brew System occasionally to remove mineral buildup and improve its performance.
  • Properly store the Toddy® Cold Brew System when not in use to prolong its lifespan.


While the Toddy® Cold Brew System is a fantastic product for brewing smooth and flavorful cold brew coffee, you may encounter some common issues along the way. Here are some troubleshooting tips to help you navigate and overcome these challenges:

  • Problem: Slow Drip
  • If you notice that the coffee is dripping very slowly or not at all, there are a few potential causes and solutions:

    • Make sure the rubber stopper and the paper filter are properly in place and not obstructing the flow of the coffee.
    • Check that the Toddy® Cold Brew System is placed on a level surface to ensure proper drainage.
    • Inspect the coffee grounds for any clogging. If necessary, stir the coffee grounds gently to loosen any compacted areas.
    • Adjust the grind size of the coffee beans. Finer grounds can slow down the drip process, so try a coarser grind.
  • Problem: Weak Flavor
  • If your cold brew coffee lacks the desired strength, consider the following solutions:

    • Check the coffee-to-water ratio used. Adjust the amount of coffee grounds to water to achieve the desired strength. A good starting point is 1 pound of coffee to 9 cups of water.
    • Ensure the brewing time is sufficient. Cold brew coffee generally requires a longer brewing time than traditional hot brewing methods. Allow the coffee to steep in the Toddy® Cold Brew System for at least 12-24 hours.
    • Check the freshness of the coffee beans. Stale or low-quality beans can result in a weaker flavor. Opt for freshly roasted beans for the best taste.
    • If you prefer a stronger flavor, try steeping the coffee for a longer period or using more coffee grounds in the brewing process.

Why We Chose This Product

So why did we choose the Toddy® Cold Brew System as our recommended product? Well, let us tell you! The Toddy® Cold Brew System offers a unique and convenient way to make delicious cold brew coffee at home. With its simple yet innovative design, this system allows you to extract the rich flavors of your favorite beans without any of the bitterness or acidity that traditional brewing methods can sometimes produce. Plus, it's super easy to use and clean, making it perfect for coffee lovers of all skill levels.

Here are a few reasons why we think the Toddy® Cold Brew System is worth considering:

  • High-quality brewing: The Toddy® Cold Brew System uses the time-tested method of cold brewing, which results in a smooth and flavorful cup of coffee every time.
  • Cost-effective: By making your own cold brew at home, you can save money compared to buying it at a coffee shop.
  • Customizable: With the Toddy® Cold Brew System, you have full control over the brewing time and coffee-to-water ratio, allowing you to tailor your cold brew to your personal taste preferences.
Toddy® Cold Brew System|Image 1
Toddy Cold Brew System - Make Delicious Cold Brew Coffee at Home
Toddy® Cold Brew System
$66.15 $49.00
Buy on Amazon

As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

About This Product

The Toddy® Cold Brew System is a revolutionary way to enjoy your favorite coffee. With its unique brewing method, this system allows you to extract the rich flavors of coffee without any bitterness or acidity. The patented Toddy Cold Brew System uses a special filter and a cold water steeping process to create a perfectly balanced and smooth cup of coffee every time. Whether you prefer a bold, dark roast or a light, fruity blend, the Toddy Cold Brew System will unlock the true potential of your coffee beans, giving you a delicious and refreshing drink that is perfect for any occasion.

Not only does the Toddy Cold Brew System produce amazing coffee, but it is also incredibly easy to use. Simply add your favorite coffee grounds to the brewing container, pour in cold water, and let it steep overnight. In the morning, you'll have a concentrated coffee extract that can be diluted with water or milk to create your desired strength. The Toddy Cold Brew System is also versatile, allowing you to customize your coffee strength and flavors by adjusting the steeping time and water-to-coffee ratio. Say goodbye to expensive coffee shop visits and hello to barista-quality coffee made in the comfort of your own home with the Toddy Cold Brew System.

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