How to Select and Prepare Fruits and Vegetables for Breville Juice Fountain Elite Juicer

How to Select and Prepare Fruits and Vegetables for Breville Juice Fountain Elite Juicer
Photographed By: Timur Weber
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How to Select and Prepare Fruits and Vegetables for Breville Juice Fountain Elite Juicer

Are you ready to embark on a health journey, revitalize your body, and indulge in the delicious flavors of freshly squeezed juices? Look no further than the Breville Juice Fountain Elite Juicer, the ultimate companion for all your juicing needs.

In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process of selecting and preparing the perfect fruits and vegetables to extract the maximum nutrition and taste from your Breville Juice Fountain Elite Juicer. Get ready to discover the secrets of creating mouthwatering juices that will leave you feeling energized and refreshed.

Whether you are a seasoned juice connoisseur or a beginner looking to explore the world of juicing, this guide is designed to provide you with all the information and tips you need to make the most out of your juicing experience. Get ready to unlock the full potential of your Breville Juice Fountain Elite Juicer and elevate your daily dose of fruits and vegetables to a whole new level.

Breville Juice Fountain Elite Juicer, Brushed Stainless Steel, 800JEXL|Image 1
Breville Juice Fountain Elite Brushed Stainless Steel Juicer
Breville Juice Fountain Elite Juicer, Brushed Stainless Steel, 800JEXL
$404.93 $299.95
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About This Product

The Breville Juice Fountain Elite Juicer is a must-have appliance for health-conscious individuals who crave fresh, delicious juice every day. With its sleek brushed stainless steel design, this juicer adds a touch of elegance to any kitchen countertop. Equipped with an 800-watt motor, this juicer effortlessly extracts juice from both hard and soft produce, ensuring maximum efficiency and a higher juice yield. Its unique, patented extraction system operates at a powerful 13,000 RPM, ensuring a quick and efficient juicing process. Whether you're in the mood for a refreshing glass of orange juice or a nutrient-rich green smoothie, this juicer can handle it all with ease.

Selecting Fresh Produce

When using the Breville Juice Fountain Elite Juicer, it is important to select and prepare fresh fruits and vegetables to get the most flavorful and nutritious juice possible. Here are some tips on choosing ripe and high-quality produce:

  • Check for freshness: Look for fruits and vegetables that are firm, plump, and free from bruises or blemishes. Avoid produce that has a mushy or wrinkled texture.
  • Examine the color: Vibrant and vivid colors indicate that the fruits and vegetables are at their peak of ripeness. For example, select deep red tomatoes, bright orange carrots, and vibrant green spinach.
  • Consider the texture: Different fruits and vegetables have different textures when ripe. For instance, ripe fruits like peaches and mangoes should be slightly soft to the touch, while vegetables such as cucumbers and bell peppers should be crisp and firm.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure that the fruits and vegetables you select for juicing with the Breville Juice Fountain Elite Juicer are fresh, tasty, and packed with nutrients.

  • Smell the produce: A pleasant and fragrant aroma indicates that the fruit or vegetable is ripe and flavorful.
  • Avoid produce with mold or signs of spoilage like brown spots or discoloration.
  • For leafy greens, choose those with crisp and vibrant leaves that are not wilted or yellowing.

Remember, selecting top-quality produce is the first step to creating delicious and healthy juices with your Breville Juice Fountain Elite Juicer. Happy juicing!

Washing and Cleaning

Before you start juicing with your Breville Juice Fountain Elite Juicer, it is essential to properly wash and clean all the fruits and vegetables that you will be using. This ensures that you remove any dirt, pesticides, and contaminants that may be present, allowing you to enjoy a clean and healthy juice. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to wash and clean your produce:

1. Start with fresh produce

Always begin with fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid using produce that is overripe, bruised, or damaged as these may contain harmful bacteria that can affect the quality of your juice. Select vibrant and firm produce to ensure optimum taste and nutrition.

2. Rinse with cold water

Begin by rinsing your fruits and vegetables under cold running water. This helps remove any visible dirt or debris on the surface. Gently rub the produce with your hands to ensure thorough cleaning.

3. Remove tough outer layers

For certain fruits and vegetables such as carrots, beets, or apples, you may need to remove the tough outer layers. Use a vegetable brush to scrub away any dirt or residue that may be clinging to the surface. This step is especially important if you're using non-organic produce, as it helps remove pesticide residues.

4. Soak in a vinegar solution

Prepare a solution of 1 part white vinegar to 3 parts water in a bowl or basin. Soak your produce in this solution for about 10 minutes to help remove any remaining dirt, pesticides, or contaminants. The acidity of the vinegar helps break down these substances, leaving you with cleaner produce.

5. Rinse thoroughly

After soaking, give your fruits and vegetables a final rinse under cold running water. Ensure that all traces of vinegar and any loose particles are washed away. Thoroughly pat dry with a clean towel before juicing.

  • Consider using a produce wash: In addition to water and vinegar, you can also use a natural produce wash to enhance the cleaning process. These washes are specifically designed to remove impurities, pesticides, and waxes from the surface of your fruits and vegetables.
  • Remove wax on produce: Some fruits and vegetables may have a natural wax coating, while others are waxed to enhance their appearance. If your produce has a wax coating, it is recommended to peel off the wax before juicing for a cleaner and healthier juice.
  • Peel or not to peel: When it comes to citrus fruits, you have the option to peel them or leave the peel on. The peel adds flavor and nutrients to the juice but may also introduce bitterness. Experiment to find your preference.
  • Consider organic produce: Organic produce is grown without the use of synthetic pesticides, making it a healthier choice. If possible, opt for organic fruits and vegetables to minimize exposure to harmful chemicals.

By following these steps, you can ensure that the fruits and vegetables you use for your Breville Juice Fountain Elite Juicer are properly washed, cleaned, and ready for juicing. Now you can enjoy a refreshing and nutritious glass of juice with peace of mind.

Peeling and Trimming

When it comes to using the Breville Juice Fountain Elite Juicer, selecting and preparing the right fruits and vegetables is key to achieving a delicious and nutritious juice. Peeling and trimming your produce appropriately ensures that you remove any unwanted parts or tough skins, resulting in a smooth and flavorful juice. Here's how you can peel and trim different types of fruits and vegetables for the best juicing experience:


  • Apples: Wash the apples thoroughly to remove any dirt or residue. Use a sharp knife or a peeler to remove the skin, making sure to remove any blemishes or bruises. Cut the apples into smaller pieces before juicing.
  • Oranges: Start by washing the oranges under running water. Use a knife to cut off the top and bottom of the orange. With the orange sitting on one of its cut ends, slice off the remaining peel and pith in a downward motion, following the contour of the fruit. Be careful not to remove too much flesh. Once peeled, separate the orange into smaller sections for juicing.
  • Pineapple: First, cut off both ends of the pineapple. Stand the pineapple upright and carefully slice off the skin, following the natural curve of the fruit. Remove any remaining eyes or tough spots with a small paring knife. Cut the pineapple into chunks or wedges before juicing.


  • Carrots: Scrub the carrots under running water, using a vegetable brush to remove any dirt. Cut off both ends of the carrot. If the skin is thick or has any blemishes, use a vegetable peeler to remove it. Slice the carrots into smaller, manageable pieces before adding them to the juicer.
  • Cucumbers: Rinse the cucumber thoroughly and remove both ends. If the cucumber has a relatively thick skin, you can use a peeler to remove it. However, if the skin is thin and tender, you can leave it on for added nutrients. Cut the cucumber into smaller pieces, making it easier to feed into the juicer's chute.
  • Ginger: Start by peeling the ginger using a vegetable peeler or the edge of a spoon to remove the thin skin. Once peeled, cut the ginger into smaller chunks or slices for easier juicing.

By properly peeling and trimming your fruits and vegetables before juicing, you ensure that your juice is free from unwanted parts, and you enhance the overall taste and texture of your juice. Remember to always wash your produce thoroughly before peeling or trimming to remove any dirt or contaminants. Now you're ready to create fresh and delicious juices with your Breville Juice Fountain Elite Juicer!

  • Ensure you wash your produce thoroughly before peeling or trimming to remove any dirt or contaminants.
  • Invest in a good quality vegetable brush to help with the cleaning process.
  • Experiment with different combinations of fruits and vegetables to create unique flavors.

Slicing and Dicing

To ensure that your fruits and vegetables fit smoothly into the juicer chute of the Breville Juice Fountain Elite Juicer, it's important to slice and dice them into smaller pieces. This not only helps with the juicing process but also ensures optimal juice extraction. Follow these simple steps to prepare your produce for juicing:

  • Select high-quality, fresh fruits and vegetables for juicing. Choose ripe fruits and vegetables that are free from any blemishes or bruises. Look for vibrant colors and firm textures.
  • Wash your produce thoroughly under cold running water to remove any dirt, pesticides, or residue. Use a vegetable brush if necessary to scrub away any stubborn dirt.
  • Remove any stems, leaves, or skins that are not suitable for juicing. For example, peel citrus fruits and remove the skin from pineapples and melons. If using vegetables with tougher skin like cucumbers or carrots, you can choose to leave the skin intact as long as they are thoroughly washed.
  • For fruits and vegetables that are larger in size, use a sharp knife and cutting board to slice them into smaller, manageable pieces. Remember to remove any seeds or pits.
  • For leafy greens like spinach or kale, roll them into tight bundles and chop them into smaller pieces. This helps with the juicing process and prevents clogging in the juicer chute.
  • Ensure uniformity in the size of the sliced and diced fruits and vegetables. This will allow for consistent juice extraction and ensure efficient operation of your Breville Juice Fountain Elite Juicer.

By following these simple steps, you can easily prepare your fruits and vegetables for juicing with the Breville Juice Fountain Elite Juicer. Enjoy the delicious and nutritious juices that this powerful juicer can create!

Seed Removal

Properly selecting and preparing your fruits and vegetables is essential to ensure a delicious and enjoyable juicing experience with the Breville Juice Fountain Elite Juicer. When it comes to juicing, the presence of seeds can contribute to bitterness or unwanted flavors in your juice. To avoid this, it is important to follow specific techniques for different types of produce to effectively remove the seeds:

For Fruits:

  • Apples: Cut the apple into quarters and remove the core, including the seeds.
  • Oranges and Citrus Fruits: Slice off the top and bottom of the fruit, then use a sharp knife to remove the peel, making sure to remove as much of the white pith as possible. Once peeled, carefully separate the segments and remove any visible seeds.
  • Pineapple: Cut off the top and bottom of the pineapple, then carefully slice off the skin. Slice the pineapple into smaller chunks, and use a knife to remove the tough center core. The remaining flesh can be juiced without any seeds.
  • Watermelon: Cut the watermelon into smaller pieces, discarding the rind. Remove any visible seeds before juicing.

For Vegetables:

  • Cucumbers and Zucchinis: Wash the vegetables thoroughly, then slice them lengthwise. Use a spoon to scrape out the seeds from the center before juicing.
  • Bell Peppers: Cut off the top and bottom of the pepper, and remove the seeds and white pith from the center. The remaining flesh can be juiced without any seeds.
  • Tomatoes: Cut the tomato into smaller pieces and remove the stem. Squeeze the tomato gently to remove the seeds before juicing.

By following these methods of seed removal, you can ensure a smooth and flavorful juice preparation with your Breville Juice Fountain Elite Juicer. Enjoy the natural sweetness of fruits and the refreshing taste of vegetables without the unwanted bitterness from seeds.

Juicing Greens

When it comes to juicing greens with the Breville Juice Fountain Elite Juicer, there are a few techniques that can help you extract the maximum amount of juice while minimizing clogging. Whether you are using kale, spinach, or any other leafy greens, follow these instructions for effective juicing.

First and foremost, it is important to properly pack the greens into the juicer chute. This ensures that the greens are processed efficiently and that you can extract as much juice as possible. Here's how you can do it:

  • Cut the greens into small pieces - This helps the juicer handle the greens better and prevents clogging.
  • Roll the greens tightly - Before feeding the greens into the juicer chute, roll them tightly. This way, you create a denser green bundle which allows for better extraction.
  • Alternate greens with other fruits or vegetables - To prevent clogging, it is beneficial to alternate the greens with other fruits or vegetables. This helps to keep the juicing process smooth and uninterrupted.

In addition to proper packing, it is also important to be mindful of how you feed the greens into the juicer. Follow these techniques to ensure optimal juicing:

  • Slow and steady - Feed the greens into the juicer at a steady pace. Avoid rushing or forcing the greens through as this can lead to clogging and affect the overall juicing process.
  • Use the pusher - The Breville Juice Fountain Elite Juicer comes with a pusher tool. Make sure to use it to gently push the greens down the chute, ensuring they are all processed.
  • Place a small amount of greens at a time - Overloading the juicer chute with too many greens can cause clogging. It is better to juice smaller quantities at a time and add more as needed.

By following these techniques, you can effectively juice leafy greens with the Breville Juice Fountain Elite Juicer. Remember to pack the greens tightly, feed them into the juicer at a steady pace, and make use of the pusher tool. Happy juicing!

Juicing Citrus Fruits

When it comes to juicing citrus fruits with the Breville Juice Fountain Elite Juicer, there are a few simple steps you can follow to ensure you get the most out of your fruits and minimize any bitterness. Here is a guide on how to select and prepare citrus fruits for juicing:

1. Selecting Citrus Fruits:

  • Choose ripe fruits that are slightly firm to the touch. Avoid any citrus fruits that are too soft or have blemishes.
  • Look for fruits that are heavy for their size, as this indicates juiciness.
  • Opt for organic citrus fruits when possible to avoid consuming pesticides.

2. Preparing Citrus Fruits:

  • Wash the citrus fruits thoroughly under running water to remove any dirt or impurities.
  • If desired, you can peel the citrus fruits before juicing. However, it is worth noting that the peels contain valuable nutrients and can add flavor to your juice.
  • Cut the citrus fruits into halves or quarters, depending on their size and the size of the juicer's feed chute. Remove any seeds if necessary.
  • If you prefer pulp-free juice, strain the juice using a fine-mesh sieve or cheesecloth after juicing. Alternatively, if you enjoy pulp, simply skip this step.

3. Juicing Citrus Fruits:

  • Turn on your Breville Juice Fountain Elite Juicer and select the appropriate speed setting for citrus fruits.
  • Place the cut citrus fruits into the juicer's feed chute, ensuring they are fully pressed against the juicer's cutting disc.
  • Use the juicer's pusher to gently guide the fruits down into the chute for efficient extraction.
  • Continue juicing the citrus fruits until you have extracted all the desired juice.

By following these steps, you can enjoy fresh citrus juice with optimal taste and nutrition using the Breville Juice Fountain Elite Juicer. Experiment with different citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruits to create refreshing and healthy juice combinations!

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Understanding Pulp Control

The Breville Juice Fountain Elite Juicer, Brushed Stainless Steel, 800JEXL offers different pulp control settings that allow you to customize the consistency of your juice. Understanding how these settings work and their effects on the juicing process will help you achieve the desired results when preparing various fruits and vegetables. Here is a breakdown of the pulp control settings and recommendations for different produce:

Pulp Control Settings:

  • Setting 1: This setting is ideal for those who prefer pulp-free juice. It extracts most of the pulp, resulting in a smoother and clearer juice consistency.
  • Setting 2: With this setting, you'll get a moderate amount of pulp in your juice. It strikes a balance between pulp-free and pulp-rich juice, providing a slightly thicker texture.
  • Setting 3: This setting allows more pulp to pass through, giving your juice a pulpier and thicker consistency. It offers a more substantial mouthfeel and can be great for those who enjoy more texture in their juice.
  • Setting 4: If you prefer maximum pulp in your juice, setting 4 is the way to go. It leaves most of the pulp in your juice, resulting in a thicker and more fiber-rich beverage.

Recommendations for Different Produce:

While the pulp control settings are adjustable based on personal preference, certain fruits and vegetables may pair better with specific settings. Here are some recommendations to consider:

  • Leafy Greens (e.g., spinach, kale): Use setting 1 or 2 to achieve a smoother juice without the fibrous texture.
  • Soft Fruits (e.g., berries, peaches): Setting 2 or 3 can work well, as it retains some pulp for added flavor and texture.
  • Hard Fruits and Vegetables (e.g., apples, carrots): Setting 3 or 4 may be preferable, as these ingredients can handle the higher pulp content and still provide a refreshing juice.
  • Citrus Fruits: For a traditional pulp-free citrus juice, opt for setting 1. However, if you prefer a more textured juice with a hint of pulp, setting 2 can work too.

Experimenting with different pulp control settings and produce combinations will allow you to discover the perfect juice consistency tailored to your taste. Enjoy the versatility the Breville Juice Fountain Elite Juicer offers and savor the freshest flavors from your fruits and vegetables!

Juice Storage and Shelf Life

Properly storing your freshly extracted juice is essential to maintain its freshness and maximize its shelf life. Here are some tips on how to store the juice from your Breville Juice Fountain Elite Juicer:

Storing in Airtight Containers

Using airtight containers is a great way to preserve the flavor and freshness of your juice. Here's how:

  • Choose glass containers with tight-fitting lids to ensure an airtight seal.
  • Fill the container to the brim to minimize the amount of air in contact with the juice.
  • If there is excess juice, transfer it to a smaller container to eliminate any empty space.
  • Label each container with the date of extraction to keep track of the juice's freshness.
  • Store the containers upright in the refrigerator to prevent leakage.


Refrigerating your freshly extracted juice is crucial for extending its shelf life. Follow these guidelines for optimal refrigeration:

  • Place the airtight containers of juice in the refrigerator as soon as possible after extraction.
  • Set the refrigerator to a temperature between 35°F (1.7°C) and 40°F (4.4°C) for maximum freshness.
  • Ensure that the refrigerator is clean and odor-free to prevent any unwanted flavors from transferring to the juice.
  • Keep the juice away from strong-smelling foods, as it can absorb their odors.
  • Consume the refrigerated juice within 24-48 hours to maintain its nutritional value and flavor.

Cleaning and Maintenance

Keeping your Breville Juice Fountain Elite Juicer clean is essential to ensure its optimal performance and longevity. Regular maintenance will not only extend the life of your juicer but also guarantee that you are consuming fresh and healthy juices every time. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to clean and maintain your Breville Juice Fountain Elite Juicer:

Dismantling the Juicer

  1. Switch off the juicer and unplug it from the power source.
  2. Remove the pulp container and set it aside.
  3. Unlock the safety locking arm and remove the juicer cover.
  4. Take out the stainless steel micro-mesh filter basket and the Nutri Disc.
  5. Carefully dismantle the food pusher and the feed chute cover.

Washing the Parts

  1. Rinse all the parts under running water to remove any leftover juice or pulp.
  2. Use a soft brush or sponge to clean the stainless steel micro-mesh filter basket, Nutri Disc, food pusher, and feed chute cover.
  3. For stubborn residue, soak the parts in warm, soapy water for a few minutes before cleaning.
  4. Ensure that there is no pulp or residue left in the corners or crevices of the parts as it may affect the juicer's performance.
  5. Thoroughly rinse all the parts to remove any soap residue.

Removing Stuck Residue

  1. If you notice any stuck residue on the filter basket or Nutri Disc, gently scrub it with a soft brush or sponge.
  2. For tougher stains or residue, you can use a mixture of warm water and lemon juice to dissolve the buildup.
  3. Do not use abrasive cleaners or scouring pads, as they can damage the juicer's surfaces.
  • Ensure that all the parts are completely dry before reassembling the juicer.
  • Once dry, reassemble the juicer by following the steps in reverse order.
  • Make sure all the parts are securely locked in place.
  • Store the juicer in a clean and dry place when not in use.

Why We Chose This Product

After researching and testing various juicers on the market, we have chosen the Breville Juice Fountain Elite Juicer, Brushed Stainless Steel, 800JEXL as our top pick for selecting and preparing fruits and vegetables. This juicer stands out in terms of its powerful performance, durable construction, and user-friendly features.

Here's why we believe the Breville Juice Fountain Elite Juicer is the perfect choice:

  • Impressive Performance: The 1000-watt motor of this juicer ensures that fruits and vegetables are efficiently extracted, resulting in high-quality juice with maximum nutrients. It has two speed settings that can accommodate both soft and hard produce, making it versatile for a variety of ingredients.
  • Durability and Quality: The brushed stainless steel construction not only gives the juicer a sleek and modern look but also ensures its durability. It is designed to withstand regular use and comes with a 1-year warranty.
  • User-Friendly Features: The large and wide feed chute reduces the need for precutting, saving you time and effort in the kitchen. The juicer is also equipped with a safety locking arm to prevent any accidents during operation.
  • Easy to Clean: Cleaning up after juicing can be a hassle, but the Breville Juice Fountain Elite Juicer simplifies the process. The removable parts are dishwasher safe, and the included cleaning brush helps to remove any residual pulp or fiber.
Breville Juice Fountain Elite Juicer, Brushed Stainless Steel, 800JEXL|Image 1
Breville Juice Fountain Elite Brushed Stainless Steel Juicer
Breville Juice Fountain Elite Juicer, Brushed Stainless Steel, 800JEXL
$404.93 $299.95
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About This Product

The Breville Juice Fountain Elite Juicer is a must-have appliance for health-conscious individuals who crave fresh, delicious juice every day. With its sleek brushed stainless steel design, this juicer adds a touch of elegance to any kitchen countertop. Equipped with an 800-watt motor, this juicer effortlessly extracts juice from both hard and soft produce, ensuring maximum efficiency and a higher juice yield. Its unique, patented extraction system operates at a powerful 13,000 RPM, ensuring a quick and efficient juicing process. Whether you're in the mood for a refreshing glass of orange juice or a nutrient-rich green smoothie, this juicer can handle it all with ease.

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